Lets have a debate, discussion, just voice your thoughts on what you believe. And let the shitstorm begin...

Lets have a debate, discussion, just voice your thoughts on what you believe. And let the shitstorm begin, because its good, lets take back Yea Forums bit by bit by bit,,used to see threads that made me think, not just hard... I believe that i dont know whats out there or what the fuck this is at all, I view all religions as arrogant for thinking that they even have a glimpse into what this fucking is. Call me an atheist, sure, idk...I just accept that I dont know what this is, which I think is the hardest thing for people to do, which creates all these ideologies.. Obviously we are all confused if not scared about death and need to make , or at least try and convince ourselves that we have an idea of it all...either bash me,,or give ur 2 cents on what u belive..doesnt matter..just genuinely interested..thanks

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>no welfare is not socialist
>welfare is only possible in state capitalism
>sweden and norway are state capitalists

>no, socialism is not having state run buisnesses
>socialism is giving workers the control over the means of production
>Does venezuela do that?
>Does china do that?
>Did the USSR do that?
>Do democrats do that?
>Did Hillary propose that?
>Does Bernie sanders propose that?
>Does sweden do that?
>The clear answer is no
>No control over the means of production=not socialist
>sorry but thats the truth, you cant blame it for the failure of "socialist" countries neither for the welfare state
>Its not that socialism only works when we think that is socialism,, socialim is workers control over the means of production, either by banning private property or making new laws for it to happen, neither of those have been done or proposed by the countries and polititians I mentioned

>No marxism isnt the same as Leninism and socialism isnt the same as communism, neither marx or lenin were socialists.

>want proof it can work at a big scale well open google and see how mondragon corporation is doing, open another tab and look for the spanish revolutionary movement and how they managed to make a prosperous socialist state with good healthcare and education
>want to know the reason socialism isnt still a thing?
>blame globalists, blame the united states,blame the CIA for exterminaing these movements with violence and replacing it with US backed dictatorships and/or state run capitalism
>want to know whats really dangerous for democracies?
>guess what the US is doing about it... you almost guessed it, nothing as long as those regimes are beneficient for them, is socialism beneficient for their empire? you guessed it again no

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ok then

I don't believe in anything and I wish I did, my life is so empty and boring without something to dedicate my life to. I want to be a devout religious person but I'm hardwired to be anything BUT a devout religious person. Does God just not want me near Him or something?

nice fundamental misunderstanding of socialism and communism you got there little fella. Communism is the community (or the workers) owning the means of production. Socialism is based around taxes and social programs such as welfare and healthcare. The world is run by wealth and power, capitalism creates wealth but socialism and communism create power. No economic system is perfect but if you pull up your bootstraps and stop complaining about how unfair life is then maybe you'll enjoy the fruits of capitalism and not pray for a socialist revolution every night before bed.

I hear ya man, We share a similar boat..Only difference as I can see is I genuinely dont want to be a devout religious person, I spent 13 years in a catholic school, no qualms against it, if anything it helped my personal clarity blah blah blah,, It takes time man to see what you are or want..if your saying you wish u were devout religous then idk. maybe u just havnt delved into the right one..keep exploring...you might find something that really grabs you...and if so awesomeman, just dont let it consume your life, let it guide you subtly,.and if you keep not finding anything then just try and get used to the idea of not knowing and try and be content with that...soooo much easier said than done..its a constant cyclical battle..but keep on going man..dont get caught up and hung up on those kind of questions like does god not want me near him..god, whatever that is to u, helps those that help themselves...just keep on

Why the FUCK would you want to work for a living

dog religion is just to keep humans sane. why would the empty, vast universe mean anything, why would existance be anything without religion or spirituality.

because I believe in personal responsibility. I know a lot of neets don't agree with me but being dependent on yourself is, in my opinion, the right way to live.

i agree with you on that man...not trying to be all nietzsche and shit, but i find myself there all the time..the nietzshe cloud comes sometimes and it hovers and passes and sometimes its a hurricane bro,,,a longgggg one

fuck yea

Regarding religion i am "ietsist" and somewhat agnostic. I don't exactly believe in the "god" other religions have.

I believe there is a higher entity controlling and watching over this world. But a human mind can't comprehend the existance of a higher entity.

Life is just a naturally occuring process and our brains have naturally evolved over time to be intelligent and try to make sense of things. But there's no making anymore sense of life than what is already in front of us. We like to think there is more to it but that's because we're more complex than an ant which lives and dies in a short space of time without caring about existential questions. Essentially life is what we want it to be, we as humans have that beautiful gift bestowed on us by nature, not God.

>because I believe in personal responsibility

You believe in being a slave

I believe we're all part of an interconnected world. Everything we're made of, everything we think and do, is a product of the world-system, which we're part of. This is deeply consoling, because it means that while our consciousness doesn't literally continue after we die, and our bodies disintegrate into the ground and turns into other matter, everything we value about ourselves, our experiences, and our loved ones continues on in a sense, because it's all just different facets of this world-system, just like us, ourselves. This isn't even an ontological claim, so much as it is a perspective. The zen description of this is to say that we're like waves on an ocean - the waves appear individual, but that's an illusion because they're just an aspect of the ocean.

While this is a zen perspective, it's confusing because it means I literally don't know whether to call myself an atheist, a pantheist, or a panentheist. The reason panentheism might be appropriate is because if the idea of "God" is just everything in this world-system, then if everything in the world ended, another world that fit in the same system-rules would still be possible. But then, this is all purely naturalistic, without any supernatural claims.

I also believe it's important to see things as clearly and truthfully as possible; deluding yourself with comforting lies only leads to destructive actions. This is also a very Buddhist concept.

Obviously I've been very influenced by Zen Buddhism, specifically the Soto sect. However, I'm American and I'm very happy to have a western perspective, and a lot about Soto Zen is characteristically Japanese. I don't really have any patience for the traditional rituals. I also find that Quaker communities conduct themselves in better ways (for me) than Buddhist ones. For one thing, I believe very much in living in the world, not secluding one's self. For another, there are parts of Buddhist tradition I find really distasteful...(1/2)

(2/2)...like the Karmic assumption some Buddhists have that misfortune is deserved from misdeeds in past lives - I don't believe in literal reincarnation, and I only accept the concept of karma in a sort of Kantian sense. I also like Quakerism's political involvement. That said, I also don't see any value in the Bible, and I'm not sure there are any Quakers who are far removed enough from Christianity for me.

So I don't know if I'm a Zen Quaker, or a Zen-influenced atheist with a fondness for Quakers, or what.

>So I don't know if I'm a Zen Quaker, or a Zen-influenced atheist with a fondness for Quakers, or what

You are a proto-faggot

...so I'm not yet a faggot?
That sounds good, I guess

Really, though, I think I've just thought myself into a mess

>says socialism is welfare
>no evidence whatsoever

So religion I'm pretty sure was just a method of preying on the human emotion and has always resulted in wealthy religious factions. When I was on a school trip to Rome and found out about the cult of Mithros which was a beginning of a religion that sacrificed the body and bled the neck of bulls, there was a funny similarity to the root of Mithros and the name of the ritualistic hat of the pope. The hat of the pope is called a mitre in addition to the resemblance was time periods. According to Roman history Jesus was born around 3-5 AD and the cult was thought to be private local and frowned upon because one place they found was inside a basement of a house from 50 AD. I like to speculate that Christianity is wrong about deity.
I don't believe in anything other than eternity. People wonder what death will be like or what comes after. If you have ever been to a funeral there's your answer, the answer is in your face. I hope more people realise burying themselves in cushioned boxes is useless and your death shouldn't be worshipped. I was so afraid of death as a kid but now I wait as I do many things and often miss out on chances but fuck it.any religions preach about life after death, that's true. As long as life on the earth continues there is life after death. When you die and all matter of your body gets eaten, disolved, absorbed, anything that happens to your body will get recycled and you might eventually become the last cell required for conscious inside of a human mind, but most likey your organic matter will decay and sustain another life transferring your atoms with theirs. Ye I don't care just be a human and whatever that entails except worshipping a religion that had cut bull throats while upside down and putting scorpions on its ballsack

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