places in asia too cheap to lose out on bottle deposits will pour bottles of coke into ziplock bags and say here you go enjoy your drink that you can never put down
Bentley Kelly
Wtf is up with the garage
Juan Thompson
They literally have a dog but not a Scandinavian girl. This shit is wild.
I used to like coming on Yea Forums ylyl threads. It seems like it got more and more shit after the years. Who's supposed to laugh at these? 40 yr old retarded men? This is embarrassing.
I don't understand why anyone would do this. You can't get that flesh back...
Juan Edwards
Zachary Brooks
It's that chick in the back showing her full rack?
Asher Murphy
She looks like Flo from Progressive auto and home insurance commercials
Elijah Bell
Hi what happened her? i saw this last week so can't be still soon Thx
Lincoln Hughes
That's a dude my dude
Jaxon Smith
Are they just concerned about other things or are we literally witnessing the Missing Link? I just dont know. For real. I dont know
Christopher Nguyen
That dick looks like it was imagined by the artist behind Adventure time.
Noah Parker
Found the newfag
Asher Thompson
The disagreement was about them wanting to stay holed up at their mom's while wasting money on sex toys, programs to enhance porn, and them fucking people without even knowing their last name. They've used my address to order sex toys to hide from their mom without my permission. I've put up with their shit for too long.
Blake Robinson
That dick should be shoved down your throat so you don't make anymore stupid comments, summerfag
Ayden Stewart
Aiden Ross
At least a year. I’m no expert but building a 360km of train tracks over a road seems like it might take a while.
Camden Gutierrez
This is how people shit at gas stations
Connor Hill
Jordan Evans
Chain all these roasties up in my basement, go down and fuck one whenever I'm bored, Chain the midget to my coffee table, and use her as a blowjob machine when I'm playing Vidya, let the kid stay with me cause he's probably cool and autistic too and let him have a go at the girls whenever he wants
If noone said nothing, doesn't that mean everyone said something?
Ian Cruz
What is this from?
Ethan Myers
He's always had a huge catalogue of pics. They're old as fuck.
Henry Jones
lost hard
Dominic Thompson
When you slice a sausage long ways to cook faster under the grill
Jose Miller
>I don't understand why anyone would do this
That's because you're not mentally ill, and cannot relate.
You should feel good about that.
Jose Lee
I unironicly like this one.
Julian Wood
Are you allowed not to wear a hijab in the house?
Levi Wilson
John Cruz
Is the goal of these to make Yea Forumstards hate mudslimes? Because that's what it's doing.
Alexander Bennett
How do you transgender faggots feel about this thing still being more of a woman than you'll ever be?
Jackson Diaz
Moohamud was a child fucking pedophile
Benjamin Kelly
>beavers can swim well >niggers still die in rafts
Kayden Howard
This ylyl fucking sucks
also sage
Luis Taylor
wtf is this from? like where the fuck were these retards
Ian Collins
an old show called whitest whites or some shit like that
Luis Sullivan
nobody asked ur opinion, fagget
Levi Price
Except for there of them I love all those brands/companies and their products. And on top they kill muslems?
Jace Reed
did you just announce your sage?
Elijah Jones
Nice strawman right there, but it's not our problem we live and LOVE this capitalistic economy (USA, you're god damn right). What are we supposed to do, grow our own food and live out in the wild for the rest of our lives?
is it not strange to see a middle aged adult still complexed by the loss of his parents 2 decades ago?? when was still a youngling??
Isaiah Cox
what in the fuck is that?
Aaron Kelly
Mutated piglet from Chernobyl
Michael Williams
Enjoin inside
Parker Harris
Asian boy only one who gives two arms. Very devoted Buddhist.
John Bennett
funny how most people on these skits are white we all know they arent white
Ian Williams
Buddhist again only one who shares flying star, devotion is high in Buddhism it seems
John Richardson
Connor Perez
Its time to hit the road
Samuel Ortiz
Wow, dont cut yourself on that edge
Leo Baker
This is low key a really healthy mindset to have
Kayden Green
I suppose you don't consider Egypt african
Cooper Johnson
No one took my flashlight
Grayson Edwards
( ._.)
Blake Edwards
nice get
Ethan Green
Nice false equivalence faggot
Adam Jones
Did she drop it before throwing it? I can't see what's going on
Isaac Rogers
bowie was good friends with iggy and did that song just so iggy could get some royalty money while he was in a bad drug slump. I am too old to be here tbh.
Henry Wright
Yes hes at a bank looks like varrock bank
Alexander Cruz
You're right.
the loaded bullet would only kill one person.
Adam Reed
Fuck I lost. Reminds me of that one spongebob episode.
Josiah White
just like your life
Leo Evans
And what's the percentage of muslims that are terrorists? And what is gained in a game of Russian roulette? All around retarded analogy
Lincoln Garcia
Colton Baker
What in fucks name is that
Mason Jenkins
checked and keked
Dylan Gutierrez
Trains dont travel on roads, dumb cunt
William Jackson
Well done, Sir
Sebastian Turner
more than whites per capita russian roulette can be fun/suspenseful and is played voluntarily while replacement migration is undesirable and forced upon us by politicians who do not represent the people, who in almost if not every european country want less immigration
Jayden Fisher
Isn't it one in ten thousand? Knowing for a fact that they arrive by millions, it makes a lot
Evan Cooper
how would anal sex kill that girl?
Aaron Taylor
When she says she doesn't care about size but asks if you're wide
Hunter Rogers
dubs of wisdom
Blake Sanchez
fuckin good
Ethan Baker
damn lost
Chase Rivera
I always wondered where my ps1 and n64 ran off to
Caleb Lee
Looks pretty British to me.
Kevin Wilson
she probably let go too late and threw it right at her feet
Adrian Mitchell
Is that JUDY?
Parker Anderson
>train >road ok
Adrian Cook
lol fag
Nathaniel Jenkins
he is an engineer and its most acting
Anthony Scott
enema will do that lol
Luis Watson
Camden Diaz
Ethan Peterson
Leo Martin
Truckload of newly graduated students just drove by blaring 'Boten Anna'