In my expert opinion this new incarnation of Yuji Sakai is by far the worst yet...

In my expert opinion this new incarnation of Yuji Sakai is by far the worst yet. Whoever is using this nametag please resign it immediately.

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>Yuji Sakai

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stfu bitch

we are all Yuji Sakai :^)

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I agree, hes just a boring normal poster that put on the name
doesnt do anything Yuji Sakai like

stfu bitch

It's New Namefig X-5000, he admitted it yesterday when i called him out for it

what a loser!

pls redirect all rewd thoughts to


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lol you've never had sex

In my expert opinion this new incarnation of Anonymous is by far the worst yet. Whoever is using this nametag please resign it immediately.

you're right i haven't
will you help me?

I like the new Yuji

Attached: 4110AB76-FA04-445A-8E02-8218887108CB.jpg (1334x750, 64K)

the bad anime

fuggin ace detective over here *eyes roll*

did you figure it out too or are you just being a baby


stfu bitch