I'm drunk as fuck and will asnwer every single post. (With Siri since I'm too lazy to type, go fuck yourself)..
I'm drunk as fuck and will asnwer every single post. (With Siri since I'm too lazy to type, go fuck yourself)
What you drink?
I only had three beers in a little bit of wine with some bubbly lemon drink or something. That's my dad's birthday and I couldn't stand hanging around with my relatives about being drunk
you are a hideous orangutan
I can't drink worth shit. I don't ever drink, only if I need to act normal in social situations fortunate but Lee not going to not snap watched nicht left
Speak for yourself, I'm a fucking supermodel Victoria supers type shit Armanni stupid faggot
Op is not a liar, he is drunk using voice text
Great, you are able to read the original post or something I don't fucking know tell me about something
You're a cheap date, nothin wrong with that
Cheap date? I don't even know what the fuck that means because I'm German. Is that a saying or something? By the way, I'm one of those soi boys that were posted everywhere, look at the bottom on the right
Drunk from 3 beers and a little wine. Go to bed child, before I come over there and slap the shit outta you.
Please do daddy. Give me some attention but I desperately lead. By the way. It is poor show if you have to get drunk with more than four beers. I don't ever drink so therefore I can get drunk very cheaply you stupid fucking bread and milk.
I don't know why I said bread and milk. It doesn't even make sense. Goddamnit I don't want to go to sleep because that means I wake up with a fucking aching stomach I fucking hate alcohol got fucking dammit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Because you get drunk with few drinks, it would cost less to get you drunk if someone were to pay for your drinks. Hence, cheap date/partner
Drink milk before nappy
Why is Angela Merkel destroying your country with shit skins
I see, it's cool man. I don't ever drink or whatever I sometimes drink white wine when I'm at a restaurant
Does that help with hangovers? Right now I have about two hours until I get tired I try to flush my body with just regular water to get some of the bullshit out
Someone's got to do it.
Helps big time for me. Down a liter before hitting the sack and you won't feel like ass the next day. A little sluggish still, but nothing a few cups of coffee won't fix.
I really hope you're not trolling me because I'm too not able to fact check but fuck it I will still try. Thanks in advance if it Works