There's nothing wrong with bisexuality

there's nothing wrong with bisexuality

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except that you're gay

there's nothing wrong with being non-exclusively heterosexual

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Ok faggot

The bible thumpers of Yea Forums will tell you otherwise

I agree
>gays/bis/trannys don't reproduce
>no fag genes left after a few generations
>everybody wins


I agree.

Pika pika?

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there's nothing wrong with being exclusively heterosexual

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I didn't say there was

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Tell that to Freddy Mercury, mah bifocal nibba

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There was nothing wrong with him being bisexual.

Being a certain sexual orientation is fine. It was his mistake as a person to be as reckless as he was.

There is something wrong with not knowing the kind if food you want while others are waiting in line.

Homoshit has destroyed Yea Forums and I guess, also society. Be as gay as you like, just don't rape kids or indoctrinate them in to your sex cult.

Sexual identity shit like this comes from confused sexual experiences as a child. It's psychological and you can in fact be, less gay

i love being butt fucked while my gf sucks my cock

Pick a side.

I pick being bisexual, because I am.

grow up, faggot

Sexuality is binary.


Am I bi if I really like girls and I like dicks but I can't ever imagine myself fucking a dude that looks like a dude? Even tried watching gay porn, dude bodies just don't turn me on, but dicks do....

>Sexuality is binary.
Sex/gender might be binary, but sexual orientation isn't.

I wish I could be bi. It'd open up a lot of doors. Wieners are about as no bueno as it gets for me tho. I've got one, that's enough for one lifetime

>Am I bi if I really like girls and I like dicks

Doesn't matter at all that I like the dick a lot less if it's attached to something like looks like a dude?

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97% of the population is monosexual. You guys are literal freaks.

>trusting surveys

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I guess we're all freaks, since we're all bisexual.

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>since we're all bisexual.
I'm one of the outliers then. I want nothing to do with dick. I could care less about what you do with yours, that's your business, but for me, wieners are no bueno


Enjoy burning in hell

in know right. its like people are shaming str8 people into getting em to fuck a gay man or woman

Imaginary locations aren't real.
You should re-read what you replied to.

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