What's your favorite movie?

what's your favorite movie?

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I'm of the belief that the movies you like best are not the ones you watch over and over, but the ones you avoid watching because they're so special to you that you don't want to wear them out. You watch them maybe once every ten years, and it's a big deal every time you do.
My opinion only.

Favorite movie: Blade Runner (Directer's Cut)
I feel like it's a fucking masterpiece.

The Grifter

I watch mine a couple times a year

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one of my favorites

The new one is better

The Iron Giant

(a) " Trainspotting" (Danny Boyle - 1996) ; or
(b) " Pulp Fiction " (Quentin Tarantino - 1994) ;

..... but, to be honest I actually have favourite films for each distinct genre
and those that I nominate above are not necessarily acceptable for cartoon / anime ; family entertainment ; horror ; sci-fi ; or a whole host of other genres that I have favourites for.

True romance

You mean the Final Cut or 2049? I thought the Directors cut (which wasn't done by the director) was better than the Final Cut. Final cut cleaned up some glitches most people wouldn't notice on their own but washed out the color and made the "meeting his maker" scene less effective.

do you know where i can find it? been searching for years

Daisies Destruction

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You can find it in my trash can ( amongst others).

id like to form my own opinion on the matter

Pulp fiction or falling down

Das Boot
13 Assasins

>a quentin tarantino movie is his favorite
Imagine being this pleb

Drive and No country for old men

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no country for old men has the most accurate depiction of a real life pyscho than any other movie

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also these

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Funny thing about that image and movie is: Professional killer, doesn't know how to trigger finger properly.

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in what scene?

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Jurassic park the first one



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Why? To me, it is just an average "above average movie". Could you explain why it touched you?

Badass movie
Also badass
Pic related is mine

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French Whores in Heat III

Must have watched it about 10 times

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3 weddings and a funeral.

Notting hill

The sound of music

Paradise alley


The Bourne identity

Toy story


Dumb and Dumber and for kids movies I'd have to say Rango, the only kids movie that I really liked.


Oldboy fucked me up when i first saw it, i think i was like 14 or something but it really amazed me especially cuz i was a bit younger

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I hate to be that guy, but it really is this one for me. I usually dont like movies this long, but almost every second of this movie is gold

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this is what I just leaked

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A pretty Village a pretty flame
Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
Fight Club
Primal Fear

scared the shit out of me as a kid

This one is by far my favorite. I have seen way better movies but there is something special about Stand by me. I can watch it over and over and over, it never gets tired.

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Not in any particular order, just some of my favorites

Apocalypse Now
Christopher Robin
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Waltz with Bashir
Walk Hard
Rogue One
Afghan Luke
Fury Road
Fear and Loathing

I also really liked Leon, but I am often hesitant to mention it because of certain connotations stupid people believe exist about that movie.

I actually loved 2049.

Fuck, I forgot Pulp Fiction

It was recommended to me by someone cause I said I liked some of the earlier guy Ritchie movies, and it just didnt do it for me.

Not sure really, music was a huge part, a dark humour in a stunning city during an atmospheric part of the year aswell and it was nice to see a film that just didn't just feel like a tick box kinda film, I don't know many films like it

I'm not sure why that person suggested it after a guy Richie it's totally different I love GLs stuff but I'd never suggest in bruges for one it's just too different, give it a chance some other time it's a proper moody film

Oldboy: 2003, I hope.
Das Boot: the complete version, 309 minutes
13 Assassins: have to see the japanese version yet.

me too. I remember people complained about it being too slow paced but I loved that. It set the perfect atmosphere for me.

Me too. I think a lot of younger people couldn't get past the mismatch between Bladerunner & IRL timelines to fully appreciate this movie I honestly hope they don't make another Bladerunner because the chance of fucking up a masterpiece is too great.

wtf is this #metoo on here lol

I agree. In my opinion the only wasted scene was the fight at the orphanage which seemed tacked on just to have another action scene.

The shawshank redemption

Strange Brew

I heard that complaint as well. Those people are morons.

They don't know what atmosphere ks, ignore the fact that the original wasnt exactly fast paced, and also ignore the fact that that is what helps define the tech-noir genre.

Das Boot is awesome but only in the proper atmosphere. Need complete darkness and quite viewers to really get the effect


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the directors cut? it's on piratebay, or what are you talking about

Anyone ever seen this gem? If not, do it. You'll be in a happier mood after finishing it

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That one with the french hitman who takes this 12yo girl under his wing and fucks up a bunch of cops.

Fuck, i can't remember the name of it...you know the one

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>quiet viewers

I need quiet viewers period. I can't stand watching movies in a group, and everyone is cracking jokes and yammering through the whole thing. Unless the movie really sucks, then it's fine.


shit dude I just got the urge to watch it again. Do you know some similar movies maybe? I feel like Ive already watched every damn one man

maybe Im a nostalgic faggot but I really liked the harry potter movies.

maybe 2001: A space odyssey but it's always exhausting to watch, maybe i try to interpret it too much but then again maybe that's what a great movie does

just a good lighthearted movie but still with some things to think about is "Seven Psychopaths" give it a go if you're just hanging around bored, drinking some beer and are bored, i really liked it

Fucking Fido was so good

Random order:

3 Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri

Lucky number slevin

Pulp Fiction

The Equalizer

Skrek 2

>what's your favorite movie?

Apocalyse Now
Clockwork Orange
Dr. Strangelove
...and My Cousin Vinny(cracks me up every time I watch it.)

the dark knight

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Right? It's such a happy movie

>what's your favorite movie?

Get Out
Malcolm X
Black Panther
Do the Right Thing

i really liked it too, great atmosphere and there's something about "creating life and playing gods" and also the concept (or the exaggeration) of different classes in a society that really speaks to me. Just the scene where Jared Leto resembling Jesus has ambitions as far as one can reach, watching with his menacing flying eyes leaving nothing unseen although he was by mere morgal laws condemed to be blind. He beat nature and what comes of it? Is it really good to know and want so much? That's where our "heroes" jump in, and then.. blah blah it continues, i don't have the word, especially not in english but goddamn i love that movie

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...ahhh, I just don't have it in me today. Good b8

shut the fuck up ahahaha

Since you like Kubrick, Barry lyndon is also great, maybe not as ambitious but still great but i suppose you've watched it already anyways

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Oh C'mon! Where's the fun in that.

Well, at least you recognized it for what it was...unlike the retard just below you.

what is it?

The African queen
Key largo
The Maltese falcon
Soylent green
The omega man
Logan’s run
Westworld(the 70s one)
History of the world pt 1
Blazing saddles
Young Frankenstein
Death race 2000
7 samurai
Graveyard of honor(the 70s one)

Actually it's the only one I haven't seen. Watched all the others. Guess I should add Paths Of Glory to my list as well. (Great movie by the way if you haven't seen it. Stars a young Kurt Douglass and it's set during WW1)

Catgoddes 2 - Electric Jewgaloo

really weird combinations but the ones i know i like too

I've been on here like 5 hours at this point, trolling the democratic debate threads. Haven't even had any tendies. I'm all tuckered out. lol

>Logan’s run.
My nigga

Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Blade runner directors cut
Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark
Back to the future
Empire strikes back (fuck jj abrams)


We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:

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Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


That's every single movie for me, once i've watched it I can't watch it again because I remember every little bit of it so there's no point.

The grey

i don't believe you at all. I can understand the "sacrity" of not wanting to watch a movie again, but each time you watch a good movie, you've grown a bit, are in a different mood and so on, so you'd find other things, other perspectives to when viewing it. If one movie is perfect just combined with the moment you watched it and you'd like to keep that memory then more power to you as far as i am concerned


Scarcity? Sanctity?

This fucking movie

>"I'm scared of the dark"

First movie that ever made me cry. Still does.

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You are a FAG

>what's your favorite movie?

Rick and Morty Destroy the Universe

It's not out yet...probably hasn't even been thought of yet, but I'm predicting 5 Oscar nominations and it wins two. (save this thread)


Your Friend From The Future

Apparently I need to watch it again, because I butchered that quote. Oh well. Still a great movie.

You are so gay you might just belong here

Good choice, classic. Mines probably The Thing

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a guilty pleasure of mine

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Yes 3 billboards is so underrated

2001 put me to sleep better than any sleeping pill could what a shit movie

noun for sacred whatever that is in your language

The dentist did it

Okay, so sanctity

yeah, thanks i even googled it and didn't find anything, but maybe i'm just too drunk

Angel Heart

Rush, good modern car movie not like the shit tier furiousfast movies



I don't remember the name of the movie but it started nastya naryzhnaya

Such A Sequence

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Cold pursuit, best movie this year so far

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Dark knight tril
King Kong (2005)
The nice guys

There are many more but they have already been said/I can't think of them rn

am i missing something

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Wow a movie thread without capeshit i'm very suprised


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Need more good giant monster movies not this godzilla shit

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Snapchat latest update goofed

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I am surprised this actually worked

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leon the professional.

most say its a pedophile movie but i just like the early 90s new york style. kind of an adventure movie too

Overrated shit loved by fake goth bitches

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
Best movie that very few have seen.

Yeah, I'm kinda all over the map


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Fallen Angels
Chungking Express

is the order I seen these movies in.
I also seen ashes of time still worth seeing imo.
I really loved the first two "love"
movies and it felt real .I dunno I thought y'all might like them

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Also I want to see the third one?
I dont really know but I love em.
Reminds me of Guillermo del Toro. In away like the color and how the camera moves I can watch them when ever

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Pic related

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>The Thing
same, and based