Bruce Lee vs. 1985 Mike Tyson

Bruce Lee vs. 1985 Mike Tyson

Who wins?

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Chuck Norris

Bruce would destroy Mike it wouldn't have been pretty.

dont photoshop bruce lees eyebrows to look like a cuck faggot CIA cuck OP

The joos

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Gtfo. Tyson would break him in half.

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What the fuck kind of question is that. Mike Tyson the professional athlete would absolutely destroy the actor Bruce Lee.


Bruce 100%...

Boxing rules: Tyson with 1 punch. Street fight: Bruce with 1 nut-shot

They have weight classes for a reason. Mike Tyson obviously

Tyson in a fucken heat beat

anyone who thinks OP was asking a genuine question is retarded

Universe breaks

If in a ring then the heaviest one

>gets knocked out
>gets handjob


Bruce lee was borderline anorexic

Tyson. Bruce was good, no doubt, and extremely strong for his size. But Tyson was a god damned monster and had like more than 100lbs on Bruce. Tyson would probably kill him. But I bet he'd lose an Eye in the process.

different weight classes

what type of fight are we talking?
plain ol street fight bruce would win. snap the ear biters knee back or just kick him in the throat.

mma and boxing tyson would probably win.

knife fight bruce
gun fight tyson
pillow fight everybody wins

>doesn't know what a cuck is
>still uses the word

because he isn't a lard ass?
you don't know what the fuck you're typing about you pudgy kid

how would tyson win in a fight against bruce?
first he would have to dig up the grave...

>nobody suggesting that Bruce could just deliver a Dim mak maneuver within a fraction of a second

Bruce Lee would win.
Tyson would not even land a punch.
”How can you hit something you cannot see?”

Mike Tyson hands down. Overpower the absolute shit out of him

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Tyson would kill Bruce in all but MAYBE a knife fight. In that instance, Bruce's speed would actually be more important that Tyson's fucking devastating punches.

Bruce Lee's kick was more powerful than Tyson's punch. One Dragon Kick and Tyson hits the mat.

Bruce Lee understood martial arts, their inherent strengths and weakness. Which is one of the reasons why he was scared shitless of Tyson. Seriously Bruce Lee knew he would be fucked in that fight cause Tyson was bigger, stronger and had much better punching technique. Hell even Lees supposed speed advantage would not be a significant advantage cause Tyson was legit terrifyingly fast back then. What would happen is Lee would throw some fakes, some jabs and front leg kicks trying to get a gauge of Tysons reactions but Tyson would hit him and that would be that. Lee was a legit martial artist but this godhood is pure Hollywood fantasy.

Bruce was actually taking roids without knowing it. He was taking it back injury which is why his punches were so strong. He could make a traditional sandbag hit the ceiling with his punches he's broken a ton of sandbags in his life.
He also had way better control over his body and speed over Tyson if you take a look at testimonials of people that tried fighting him, heck they had to ask him to slow down on film or slow the footage down so it didn't look like a blurry mess.

In boxing Mike's size would crush the small Bruce in a free fight Bruce is an obvious winner

He couldn't even lay a hand on him
(but if he did, you are right)

Seriously I could easily take both of them in a fight.
I am 6'4 and 210lbs, I lift weights and train martial arts. None of them could stand against me. They literally have no advantage, why would they win?
Beating Bruce Lee would be too easy. I admit it, I wouldn't even want to do it. He's so little, it would be like 20 years old guy beating a 10 year old. I would feel bad about it.
Mike Tyson would be a little harder because he's pretty skilled, but he's only 5'10. My superior reach and height would be too much for his skill to compensate. I know this is sad, but not all men are born equal. Genetics are far more important than any training and skill.

Take your meds and see

that guy gave him head after the hand job once everyone left

Mike would fuck Bruce until he loved him, faggot.

6’ 4” but only 210lbs. Ok skinny soyboy, keep dreaming.

Did you read what I wrote? I am 6'4 and 210lbs. Bruce Lee was 5'7. No matter how much he roided, he could never take someone who's half a foot taller than him. I would throw him around the ring like a doll. Weight classes exist for a reason.
On Mike Tyson weight wouldn't be a big advantage because he's pretty heavy himself, but my height and reach would make it impossible for him to do any real damage on me. Plus I have much bigger potential to be muscular than he does. He can be naturally 190lbs max while being fairly lean while I can be 225+ and be ripped.

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obviously a kick is more powerful than a punch, but mike tyson could just block it

Mike Tyson was really goddamn fast too, so the speed advantage probably isn't as significant as you think.

A chimpanzee is strong and fast. A bear is stronger but a little slower, still fast though. Do you think a chimp would dominate a bear?

Bruce Lee = possibly the best pound-for-pound fighter who ever lived ;
but put him in a MMA ring against Mike Tyson and Lee wouldn't have a cat in hell's chance of winning.

JKD mixed martial artist

It's like trying to match a mongoose against a Grizzly Bear.


Agreed. Bruce Lee was just super fast and he knew every part on a persons body which if hit would cause massive amounts of pain.

Mike can’t hit him.
Gets tired.
Bruce wins.... fatality

Are you a fucking clown? Mike Tyson was born in 1966 and was 7 when Bruce Lee died in 1973.

Young Mike Tyson had great stamina and was crazy fast.

So, a 6'2" girl could take any 5'7" man? Cool.

I'll fuck that homo Bruce in the ass

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Bad bait

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They were both badass but I'd bet Tyson could tank a strike from Bruce better than vice versa, so I'd say 60/40 in favour of Tyson.

>Tyson was dropped many times in his career

Yeah no shit but that doesn't mean he couldn't take a hit at all.

I can't even with this

Ding ding ding, bruce would look at you like a madman if you tried to get him to put a pair of gloves on

Luckily they also killed bruce and beat/bloodied Mike

I've sparred with a 6'3 265 pound chick in the gym when i was about 165 and i punched her once in the shoulder tearing her rotator cuff. hahaha little does she know i was pulling punches because i felt bad.

The white one. So, Chuck Norris wins.

Lee was way faster speed + a martial art that allows kicks. On record destroying 500 pound bags

You do realize that bruce lee is just a stage name for the famous "comedian" jackie chan, right? Basically the chinook version of eddie murphy.
That bitch couldn't stand a chance vs Mike Tyson.

holy shit shill shut your ass up

>actor vs world class boxer
>has to ask

An average talented MMA fighter would make minced meat out of both. Science wins.

the edgy-I'm-so-realistic-and-totally-red-pilled-beyond-hollywood-kike-shills answer is Tyson, but the right answer is Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee would win in a no-holds-barred contest.

You're retarded

>a cuck faggot CIA cuck
/pol/cel pls go

Jackie Chan was the stage name of Bruce Lee.
however I agree with this faggot: Just because you idiots are in Yea Forums doesn't mean that you should support Jackie CHAN.
Besides, the faggot is already too old.

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Tyson was a boxer, Lee was a fighter. So, there you have it. Lee would destroy Tyson, sorry.

>muh mma
And a good Filipino knife fighter would kill them all

Trips of truth.

this guy actually gets it.


old school butthurt

If you've ever seen any of Bruce's films you'd know he's no actor.

He's a martial artist and an athlete who just happened to be in movies.

>shit shill shut
say that real fast 100 times, then spin around on your chair and do again. Post results.

Wouldn't even be a contest. Tyson would destroy Lee.

Find me a video of Bruce Lee actually fighting. You can't do it. He never fought publicly. Never won any competitions. The only people who ever supposedly saw him fight were his students, and their stories often conflict with each others, which suggests that they're just passed down stories from Lee himself. He was a glorified boxing coach, and a really good actor. That's all.

Mike was scary fast at his prime, and his power is ridiculous. Just watch the videos of him working a heavy bag at his prime. No human could keep up with that. Plus, he was damn near impossible to knock out.

The correct answer is- it depends on the scenario.

Pathetic. Yea, a guy with and ATGM would win. I hope your inner 6 year old is happy.

Naturally, depending on the rules. I was assuming formal combat.

If there are no rules, then an MMA fighter with background in Krav Maga would be sufficient.

I liked Kung Pow.


>I'm clinically retarded
k den

Bruce Lee was already dead in 1985.

in a real fight bruce lee easy. 85-92 times out of a hundred. Tyson was an animal, a brute, and a good boxer - but there is a lot more to martial arts - and tyson is not smart or well versed in other forms of combat - Bruce Lee was a God.

Any given sunday, mah man. Neither one is ultimately superior, although Tyson did have more practical experience in real fights. Also that brain disorder that makes him basically the black Mountain.

why would you think he would even have a chance to land the kick?

>shit I dream about happening
k den

becauz he fast as all fuck you infinite moron

>i don agree wid u
>so i cal u mendaly redarded

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Are you stupid?
like easy

Why do you think Tyson is not faster you fucker of your mother's dead ancestors?

street strip ring anywhere you like Mike Tyson of 1985 knocks anybody in history into the cornfield

You idiots don't know what real fighting is. You've watched too many movies where the little guy heroically karate chops the slow bad guy with his magical martial arts. If it helps you inbred cucks, you should think of boxing as a martial art. Mike Tyson was one of the most skilled, physically gifted, and vicious fighters who ever lived. The weight difference between them means that he would have literally killed Lee if he landed a couple real ones. No disrespect to Lee, I think he was a real fighter and one of the forefathers of MMA. But he couldn't have touched Iron Mike.
And if that makes you sad, I don't even want to tell you what Roy Jones Jr. would have done to Brucey. But you probably don't even know who that is you wall-licking, un-vaccinated, cousin-fuckers.

There's also a difference between practicing martial arts and actually fighting. MMA fighters will agree. You can be an expert in the forms, like Lee, but only getting in the ring will actually teach you how to handle an opponent. And Lee never really had any real fights. His students claim they've seen some, but their stories conflict with each other, so it seems like Lee just told them stories, and couldn't keep it straight between pupils.

>I get mad when people call me shit on 4chænz
lol k

he isnt.

becuz bruz li wuz fastest u incalculable fuckwaffle


your argumentation is flawless you cowdicks

Bruce Lee said himself that he would get destroyed by Tyson.


>you probably don't even know who that is you wall-licking, un-vaccinated, cousin-fuckers
You upset. You ok? Want cookie?
Kek. Riiiiiiiight.

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thnx brah breh bruh bræh much obliques

You are literally retarded
Either that or you're being purposefully stupid


I feel like Tyson could have taken Jones too, honestly. Just depends on who's on their game in the fight.

Jones didn't have great defense, and if Mike got him in a corner, and just wailed on him, it would be over for him.

Dude, if a BJJ blackbelt, not that there are a few of those, would take MT to the ground, he would have no idea what to do and would have his arms broken away from his torso.

I hate to do this, but since the civility of this discussion has reached rock bottom, I have to add that you are a grandfather ashes snorting cuck weasel.

I got my money on the dog
I think the monkey wouldn't survive the bite

i know who roy jones jr is faggot
I love his cheeseburgers

I'm okay. Thank you for asking. Is the cookie thing a sincere offer?

actually Tyson said in 1926 that Bruce Lee was the greatest DJ he ever heard play.

No shit, but that's not what's being discussed you elephant fucking faggot.

EX made me cum twice

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You idiot, he was talking about Abe Lincoln.

woah.. powerful

watch early UF and learn some shit.

Tyson 5'11 220 pounds vs Lee 5'7 127 pounds
I don't care how fast Lee is its physics, he just don't have the mass. Its why a semi will plow through cars. Tyson fought the best in the world and won.
Lee has no fight record, not a pro fighter, there is nothing to support that Lee would win against even a pro fighter his size.

actually... yeah, you're right. I stand corrected.

Bruce Lee would love Mike Tyson.

performed repetitions of two-finger push-ups (using the thumb and the index finger of one hand) with feet at approximately shoulder-width apart. In the same Long Beach event he also performed the "One inch punch."[50] Lee stood upright, his right foot forward with knees bent slightly, in front of a standing, stationary partner. Lee's right arm was partly extended and his right fist approximately one inch (2.5 cm) away from the partner's chest. Without retracting his right arm, Lee then forcibly delivered the punch to volunteer Bob Baker while largely maintaining his posture, sending Baker backwards and falling into a chair said to be placed behind Baker to prevent injury, though Baker's momentum soon caused him to fall to the floor. Baker recalled, "I told Bruce not to do this type of demonstration again. When he punched me that last time, I had to stay home from work because the pain in my chest was unbearable"

elephanz r hawt

Yeah, you uncle-guzzling slut, but he'd have to get Mike to the ground first. Not gonna happen.

Yeah, the OP should have specified the rules. If it's no rules, then yeah, Mike only had one discipline. Any MMA fighter with a pedigree in grappling could mess him up. But if it was specifically a standing only, or striking only fight, it's a different story.

Good argument.

Well Bruce Lee couldn't. But a heavyweight BJJ master definitely could.

were talking in their primes.

i think one kick to counter tysons punch would be all it would take

he places a piece of KFC on the mat, there-done-next.

tyson never knocked a guy out with a gut shot like Jones did though. not that i care bruce Lee could take them both

Yes user. Here. Have cookie.

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Sir, your point is valid and is taken.

Also, to connect my rendition to the current debate, it all depends on the rules. In a ring, where there is no place to move, MT would win. On the street, BL after having his training in the US would win.

Also you are a sidewalk nigger hemoroid licking banana waffle.

Abe Lincoln in his prime was the greatest DJ ever.

Thanks, not like I had to try real hard though, the guy I was replying to is clearly out of touch with reality

I think you're overestimating how much power a small guy can generate. It's not like it's nothing, but the size difference means Tyson could probably block it with little difficulty.

abe lincoln goy shot

Under what rules??? Sure in a boxing match, Tyson wins but if it's an MMA/street fight style match, Bruce wins. It's the same logic behind Floyd vs McGregor. Boxers will always win under boxing rules, martial artists will always win under MMA rules

He could take their order at the chinese restaurant. That's about all he could take

I'll fuckin kick his little chink ass now, I'm not scared, even though he is super spooky these days


Weight classes are a thing for a reason.

sluts for Yea Forums thank me later

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nah man

lee had like double the muscles tyson had
while being leaner


how does this even work wtf

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>I had to stay home from work because the pain in my chest was unbearable
Typical soy boy.

The guys who were good in early UF couldn't touch the best fighters now you ignorant cunt. And most of the early guys couldn't have touched Mike in his prime either. He was one in a billion physically. They couldn't have gotten close enough to take him to the mat without getting a concussion for trying.
You just want your ninja movies to be real.

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check what i just leaked from memories

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I agree.

Okay, we're cool now.

I was making fun of you you parentless sack of shit.

Bruce Lee - 130
Mike Tyson - 218

> more than a 100lbs

yall aint got no friends

your shits finished

that kid to

>double the muscles

That's just silly.

Also, watch this and tell me mike isn't scary fast

shut up nigger shill

no ones watching that shit

see Bruce Lee VS Muhammad Ali

that's in the hundreds collumn
in other words


So simple

Is that the best you could come up with?

>more than a 100lbs
...said the soy boy who can't even lift.

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tyson would have a better shot against slow ass cassius

Too scared? That's okay. I understand. After all, you are an




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Isn’t mike tyson like 4 weight classes above bruce lee?

why do all WWE guys have micropenis and tiny balls? Is steroids that bad?

That’s 88 pounds you retard his point is made

...said Dr. Chromosome who can't even math.

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Oh it wouldn't even be a contest. Ali just had an unusual style for the time. By the time Tyson was in the ring, half of that shit was standard practice. But even if it wasn't, Tyson would wreck him. He was just an absolute unit.

I got my math degree online. See?

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he would spare his old ass I think a bit

Oh I meant prime for prime. kek now I'm picturing Tyson pulling shaky old Ali out of the wheelchair and kicking his ass

They retract into their bodies and are the source of their power. During sexy time they bloom out into a majestic horse-virility megalophalus penis, aching for testosterone-charged orgasms and unloading exactly 3.5 gallons of pearly white man juice.

Ok, so you have an IQ of 50. That's ok Bobby, I'm sure mommy and daddy love you just the way you are.

don't tell the secret user

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all niggers gooks & spics are pretty good for nothing

tyson is easily the best all around fighter of all time. If you think otherwise you have no clue what you are talking about and have never fought a day in your life

tyson wouldnt even lay a hand on bruce lets be serious. a one inch punch to the chest of mike tyson and his heart stops. how is this even a contest

no way especially nowadays

he had a short streak of wins

doesnt make him the best

Anime isn't real user

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> short streak

He had 50 wins?


come back when youre in the 100+ club

Your E-Sports league doesn't count, bro.

HUGE FAN of MIKE.. Mean HUGE.. At his prime before all the crap.. FREAK AWESOME.

But he wouldn't make it out of the 1st round with Bruce. From what I have seen and heard of bruce on vids.. Lots of myths about the man but he wouldn't come close to landing much and Bruce would get his neck done in a sec and then mid chest and nose uppercut and then even for good measure a hit to ear and send out for the count..

You are hoomsexual and gay.


Ever seen Daniel Cormier whoop the shit out of literally everyone?

you do know he was weighing in at 216 lbs. and he regularly wrecked larger guys.


if a chimp is fast enough to avoid swipes from the bear they could easily tear the bear's ears and face off with terrifying speed

I am not a fan of the little fast guy vs the big strong guy arguments because the big guy usually wins in these fights, but chimps are ungodly strong for their size and they climb trees all the time and are pretty damn durable too.

Nah, a bears face isn't built like a chimps/humans. As soon as the chimp got close enough to grab something, the bear would rip it apart. I've seen a bear split a gigantic moose's ribcage open in the blink of an eye. It's fucking terrifying.

the whole thing is a rogue vs warrior type argument

the rogue has the speed and agility advantage and a higher critical strike chance

the warrior has much more hp, armor, and strength

the only way rogues can beat warriors is with guerrilla tactics, hit and run over and over. if the warrior gets his hands on the rogue, its over very quickly

the real question is whether or not bruce was fast and agile enough to consistently evade tyson while landing enough strikes to chip away at his energy.

Mike was a high speed aggressive early round boxer, longer fights are where he was not as strong as certain other opponents he faced.

The only way Bruce could realistically beat him is to wear him down and stay clean himself. A tough challenge but definitely not impossible for someone who trained as much as he did

Well put sir,

As much as I want to hype Bruce Lee, he did actually say that boxing is the hardest discipline for him to defend against. His entire philosophy toward fighting was to attack the incoming limb, Jeet Kun Do literally means "way of the intercepting fist" and boxing is no-frills straightforward fast and direct attacks. Tyson is also has an absurd amount of power behind those attacks. That said, Tyson isn't used to having to deal with people kicking his ankles. I think Bruce could take him, but it wouldn't be guaranteed.

This thread is delicious

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Mike tyson would win because he fought ip man in ip man 3 and it was a draw but because ip man is bruce lees master he would naturally be better

That's a movie you fucking retard. Don't compare that s*yboy Donny to Bruce

If I had to wager a bet, I would bet on Lee subduing Tyson, but the risks are high.

Bruce lee, I could see lee evading Tyson untill he is worn out and take him out

Jackie Chan

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You fucking morons saying Bruce Lee was never in a real fight need to go do some research. He grew up in street gangs. Fighting is what he did for fun. The reason he quit Kung Fu was because he didn't want to be restricted to a martial arts style. He could incapacitate someone in seconds. He was the real deal.

Bruce Lee would win if he was as mighty and mythic as we perceive him to be. He's not though. I think Lee would have a hard time just beating a big guy that was in good shape up. Mike Tyson was in top shape, big, strong as a horse and fast. So Mike Tyson would win. But the spirit of Bruce Lee will always beat Tyson's spirit

Haha no. He was Hollywood propaganda to sell more tickets to his movies. He was no more physically capable than any other small asian man.

>he thinks fighting weight is resting weight
wanna know how i know you've never done a combat sport or competed in anything with weight classes?

Bruce Lee would have kick Mike right in the jaw before Mike could start his famous taunting. It would have been
So fast they wouldn't have been able to film it. Unless you mean he gets a weapon because Mike used weighed gloves. Bostaff or chucks would be way easier.

Seeing a lot crazy shit in this thread lemme try and tackle it all.

1.) Lee was the real deal, literally grew up fighting and kept improving as much as he possibly could, the only reason he went to Hollywood was because he was so impressive they wanted to make movies where he could do his own stunts. There are videos of Lee and his terrifyingly real strength and speed. Despite his size he regularly sought out fights with opponents of varying weight classes.

2.) Mike Tyson was a fucking monster. His speed and strength were off the charts insane. He was a demon in the ring, with incredibly powerful punches that could break bones when connected and cut skin with a graze.

3.) This fight wouldn't be as one sided as anyone says, you severely underestimate Lee, yes Tyson was the best version of the style Lee had most trouble with, but it wouldn't be impossible to deal with. Tyson would also get fucked up by the crazy amount of styles Lee could throw out and string together. If Lee were to beat Tyson he'd have to stick and move, as well as counter. It wouldn't be a walk in the park for Tyson either, Lee was no slouch and could keep getting back up.
4.) Wrestler's dicks aren't small and they aren't on the roids no more, look up Seth Rollins' nudes.

Mike wins. Mike has the reach over Lee. 220lb behind a punch to Lee would kill him. So Lee would have to not take a punch why trying to dance around Mike to get a hit.

same as muhammad ali, looked like a flailing fool on the ring, tyson is brute force. no strategic manoeuvre can dominate that

none of them fight brazilian jiu jitsu, so they are both bitches. lol

Tyson would give Lee an ass whooping, and THATS a fact.
Tyson is a fucking black wall and Lee would not be able to get close with his fancy pants technique.
Tyson would only need one punch to destroy Lee

yes, that's why I had "LIKE" more than 100lbs. What are you an autist?

Idk bro the bear is heavy but the gorilla might win with it's use of tools and strenght

Bruce if weight and technique were adjusted. This is a pretty redundant question tbh

Is this a real question? Mike tyson

Bruce Lee. Mike got beat by old guys and bums

Not in his prime.

Buster douglas was in his prime and evander holyfield was older than him.

They were not bums or old men.

So Danny Williams and Kevin McBride were world class fighters?

Rocky Marciano hit harder than tyson and would win

People who pick Bruce Lee fall into one of two categories:
>nerdy hermits who think martial arts movies are real
People who say Tyson would win also fall into one of two categories:
>people who are right, but also wasting their time trying to explain real life to shut-ins who experience life through a series of screens
>people who also want to keep the trolling going
At the end of the day you're all fags and I'm better tha you. Come at me.

Im theory Tyson being a heavyweight could destroy a guy like Bruce. Im an actual fight Tyson could never match good boxers always lost to anyone who knew how to fight and without his old Coach around didn't even remember to throw anything but wild swings. Lee knew a variety of martial arts techniques and could end the fight multiple ways striking or grappling

Boxing is the art of wearing gloves and scoring points in a limited competition. Its like saying Olympic Tae Kwon Do was awesome when all your doing is kicking for points. The style you described was Wing Chun which Bruce abandoned for Jeet Kun Do which was a prototype for MMA ie use what actually works

Learn to spell.

>people ITT thinking Lee might actually win
Lol no you fucking nerds. Tyson actually has proof he has experience as a fighter; not just some stories his ex-wife and a narrator said in a documentary or two.
Also Tyson's probably had asprin at some point in his life and he's still live, which means he beats your oriental midget by default.

>I don't like what he said, but I also know he's right, so I'll home in on the only spelling mistakes he made, instead.
Okay miss, calm down. It's not like you can't watch Fist of Fury anymore.

Same Here his Prime One Mean Bad Ass MF'er...Bruce was so far beyond the realm of anyone it was unreal...I chose Bruce

A couple of good kicks to the knee and boom he is done.Thats all that asian guy that fough ali needed and he gave him permanent damage.don't understaminate the power of the kick son.