ill explain my plans for the economy and stuff later after you elect me
and you HAVE to elect me because remember DoNaLD TRUMP IS A RACIST, A PATHOLOGICAL LIE-UHH AND A PHONY
Ill explain my plans for the economy and stuff later after you elect me
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Is that socialist running again? Won't he take the fucking hint?
i was just listening to clips from the "debate" last night and he literally said what op said
he is a fucking joke, like the rest of the dems running
How dump is this fucker?
A socialist president could never win. Except when one did and served for four terms.
To be fair, in my opinion, the main reason that he didn't do better is because of the meddling of the Democratic Party.
whoooo fucking caaaares. American politics is fucking joke now. I really can't take it seriously anymore. such a shitshow.
Hes running but when the primaries are just about over the DNC will boot him out just like they did last time and choose whoever they want to actually run against Trump. Theres really no need for these debates as far as the DNC is concerned.
>How dump is this fucker?
>How dump is
>How dump
Not nearly as dumb as you.
Love how everything is being framed as the left getting too crazy, when the republican president unironically espouses conspiracy theories, impulsively announces policies without informing anyone beforehand, and often doubles down on shit even when his own people tell him its a stupid idea.
>cared enough to post in this thread
I'm watching this right now. Bernie and Harris detract so hard from the questions it's annoying that they get so much speaking time. They're even making Biden look good.
Obama did all the same shit. Trump didnt invent the executive order snowflake.
also Trump's policies are actually helping the country
>Obama did all the same shit
No he didn't.
>rump's policies are actually helping the country
There's not a single economist in the world that supports spamming trade wars and protectionism. The entire global economy is worried about slowing because some old douchebag can't look past at negative trade deficits.
And was the best president we ever had.
Imagine being part of the working class and actually believing that the rich deserve and need the ridiculous amounts of money that they did not earn.
As if giving everything away for free is such a better economic policy.
like corporate welfare?
You should go look up how many times Obama used the executive order to pass his policies through even though his own advisors told him not to. Once Barr gets going with his own witchhunt of the democrats you will learn just how dirty Obama actually was,
Kill yourself
Who bailed out the banks and auto industry who then turned around and used the corporate welfare to give themselves raises???? Which President was that?
Not to mention he makes a crisis and then either stops being retarded or makes it worse. Taxpayers are paying $750 per day to keep kids in cages. IDGAF if Obama did it or bush or anyone else, if you don't think that wasteful you're fucking stupid. That a months rent in some places I've lived. It's be cheaper to fix up the abandoned houses and let them love there (because remember dumbasses, we have more abandoned houses than homeless families in amerikka). Oh yeah, and go to pol with this shit, we're not on b for that.
Which of these statements do you believe isn't true?
>Who bailed out the banks and auto industry who then turned around and used the corporate welfare to give themselves raises???? Which President was that?
And who prevented an economic of the US by doing so?
Well he tried to give the illegals to the "sanctuary cities" that had no problem with taking in illegals until they actually had the opportunity to take in illegals and you saw how that turned out. He should just turn them around at the border and send them back to wherever they came from.
Hello, 12 year old. I know watching CNN and NBC doesn't help in seeing the facts, but almost all of corporate welfare is a policy of "big government" politicians, which usually flock to the Democratic Party.
Additionally, despite the pandering of being "anit-wall street", please consider the ACTUAL FACT that all of the bulge bracket banks backed Hillary, and if that wasn't enough, they actively opposed a Trump presidency, and actually fired several people for donating to Trump.
NBC and CNN won't tell you this, but history and documented facts do...
>And who prevented an economic of the US by doing so?
What are you trying to say retard?
>>But but Creepy Joe is a hugger!!! Motherfuckers... your guy goes around groping women... sleeping with skanky porn stars and paying them off... we have actual nude photos of our first lady...
>>but but michele obama's arms are showing
Yeah, but the don espouses their crazy ideas and theories, so they are just fine with it.
>rigged the election
>still lost
So she rigged the election to lose?
Focusing on the word you know he left out instead of the point being made much?
>ill explain my plans for the economy and stuff later after you elect me
Actually he has explained his plans in quite a bit of detail. You're just making shit up, then raging at your own fantasy.
Remember before the election when Trump said he had a "secret plan" to end the wars in the Middle East? Yeah, almost three years in and he still hasn't shown them.
Remember when Trump said he had a secret plan to fix health care? I'm not holding my breath on that one, either.
Your dough boy is floundering. THAT'S the guy you should be raging at.
still waiting to hear the details of the republican healthcare plan that is so much better than Obamacare...
Kennedy did all that too and everyone on the left loved him.
thanks Obama
He'll release it closer to the election and use it as a campaign platform just like all the other presidents do when they need that extra push to get ahead.
So there's an amazing plan that the public can't see until it's politically expedient for Trump and the GOP to unveil it? All while regular people continue to forgo seeking health care for fear of the cost, or face bankruptcy for having a life threatening condition? Fan-fucking-tastic "leadership" right there.
No comprende...
>regular people continue to forgo seeking health care
They could go get a job and use their employers health plan. I hear employment is doing really well thanks to Trump.
I hear employment is only increasing for positions that offer limited pay and no benefits, and this has been the case since Obama instated his policies.
>They could go get a job and use their employers health plan.
Assuming their employer has a heath plan or they simply aren't too sick to work.
Why do Trumpfaggots think Bernie wants to win? He's being paid to steal Democrat votes.
I have a great job in the defense IT sector, with what passes as a decent healthcare plan, and I still have a $5k deductible I have to hit each year before the plan covers anything, and if I had a condition that exceeded the plans max coverage I'd be facing financial ruin. Fuck out of here with your implication that peoples legit complaints boil down to being too lazy to get a job.
He's a joke just like the man in the white house
Sure, I mean if your only education is African American gender studies
That isn't the norm though.
How would public healthcare change that?
Ideally what I already pay in premiums and deductible I would pay in taxes for healthcare. With the added benefit that I wouldn't have any of these lifetime coverage maxes and wouldn't have to worry that I was a single medical crisis from bankruptcy. But that's just my take.
How old are you and do you hold one of these well paying jobs? Legit question. Because if you've been around a bit, you'd know shit has gone down hill considerably as far as health plans even with large companies is concerned.
And don't thank Trump for low unemployment. You know that shit was already on the upward climb when Obama left. -not that he or any president should claim sole victory for the current state of economy.
Not him. But public healthcare is only a part of the puzzle. For profit medical insurance needs to be done away with. We are the only nation which does this.
That whole show was a mess.
>Once Barr gets going with his own witchhunt
While he's formidable, the collective retardation and sycophancy of the rest of administration will undermine his work.
But really, when have Republicans ever been great at investigations?
Decades of hounding Hillary, when you probably could have caught her with something, and yet not one indictment.
>do you hold one of these well paying jobs?
Yes and I've been at it for 20 years. Things are only getting better. The rest of your post is fake news. Obama was a disaster for the economy.
>Well he tried to give the illegals to the "sanctuary cities"
Which he had no plan for or any clear legal backing to do so
>"anit-wall street", please consider the ACTUAL FACT that all of the bulge bracket banks backed Hillary,
>implying I didn't only vote for Hillary because of Trump being a massive tard and conman
>The rest of your post is fake news. Obama was a disaster for the economy.
Fucks sake, you call his post fake news and try to claim Obama was a disaster for the economy? Obama, who corrected the sinking ship left to him by the previous GOP admin? Obama, who left office with an economy that was on the same trajectory as what Trump has been coasting on for 2+ years? Send me some of what you've been smoking for the past 20 years if you're really that delusional.
What's your evidence?
He just doesn’t care. Obama was black.
He needs another house
Why don't you provide proof that any of them are true, you inbred faggot.
I know, that's likely the sad truth, but I can't let blatant bullshit like he was spewing without correcting the record.
GoOgLe iT, i WoNt sPoOn FeEd YoU
>ill explain my plans for the economy and stuff later after you elect me
is this not verbatim what donald trump said about his plans to fix the economy and the world?
Just fucking kill yourself faggot. Stupid tool.
>I'm too big brained to source shit
>thanks to Trump.
Oh I know, that’s why I’m including that. I know you know, I’m just making sure the truth to trumpfags babyrage is posted as well. How dare that nigger be a good president.
>it’s right there on google, just search it
she was head of the DNC, not head of the US. The only thing I thank trump for is preventing that.
Thanks Yea Forumsro, keep doing Gods work.
>posts google search that shows nothing of the sort
>GoOgLe Is FoR cHiLdErEn
"Senator Sanders what would you do about the border crisis"
"We life in a country where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer"
"Senator sanders, would you go to war with Iran."
"The poor in this country are working paycheck to pay check while the top 1% get richer."
"Senator Sanders,are we a more racist county now then we were three years ago."
"Medicare for all, the top 1%"
god damn you’re an idiot
>Yes and I've been at it for 20 years. Things are only getting better. The rest of your post is fake news. Obama was a disaster for the economy.
Yes, the economy was not great. We can agree on that.... but... you know the economy doesn't turn around the day someone takes office right? I mean... you get that, right?
And if you insurance is better than it was 20 years ago... that's the result of you having a better job than you did 20 years ago. Insurance has gotten worse and worse in general.
looks like it fell at the end of bushes presidency, and is simply rising at the same rate is it always had been prior to the drop.
proves obama was just as useful as trump was and GW bush may or may not have sucked.
He has already explained his plan
>OP is a NPC
>god damn you’re an idiot
You don't seem to understand how statistics do. The jobs that have increased in employment are those that only people with useless or no degrees should have. This means there are a lot of people with useful degrees stuck in dead end jobs.
I love when trailer trash think Bernie is "rich"... and that's out there driving around in an Audi R8. Fuckin Bernie lives in a shitty 300k ranch in a very standard neighborhood and drives a fucking Chevy Aveo.
True but a large part of the problem with insurance is big pharma being for profit, and randomly jacking up prices.
>The jobs that have increased in employment are those that only people with useless or no degrees should have
Those are the first to get taken over by automation.
Every president ever elected said the same shit. "I have a plan to fix XYZ" and then wont give any level of credible ways to meet the goal
I'm ok with pharma being for profit, but shit needs to be broken up so they compete. As is... they get to monopolize way too much. Health insurance needs to be non-profit like every other nation.
He was white too.
And he has a net worth of $2.5 million. Not a 1%er but still quite well off.
right, so our growth has been pointless
Bernie has 3 fucking houses, dude. If you think that makes him poor, you're fucking insane.
As long as big pharma is for profit, then there is nothing to prevent public healthcare causing taxes to go beyond 100% in order to cover the costs.
Can we all get along and admit Bernie's economic principles are infinitely more sustainable than unchecked crony capitalism? I'm tired of seeing articles about how a majority of US households are living paycheck to paycheck, our largest employer fires everybody who talks about forming a union, and all this other depressing bullshit. Then I hop on Yea Forums and some zoomer/boomer fucktard who thinks lacking empathy is a superpower.
Just shut up and take the healthcare. Other countries think we're retarded and it's time to whip out the Nordic model.
That's the stupid post I've seen all thread, and this is a very stupid thread
Pointless only for those min wage jobs. There has been growth in other sectors.
Free unlimited healthcare for criminal aliens -- which Ol Bern supported last night -- would not be sustainable (let alone moral).
Do you think you need to be rich to have three homes? Senators get six figure incomes, it's more than possible to get damn good credit for mortgages.
ITT bigly
sure but the rate of growth has gone down, not up.
Ahhh, the classic "stfu faggot" routine. By all means, don't format your response in any way that reflects your education. You're a big boy and everybody respects your words at face value because you're Daddy's special little dipshit. I think I smell a diaper accident. Did Daddy's little dipshit make boom boom in his diaper? Aww, what a big boy you're gonna be someday.
I think treating preventable illnesses in the wealthiest country on earth is a pretty low bar to clear. What, did somebody tell you the future is just supposed to have sick people dying in the streets? You must not think very highly of my home country.
Dump your brains out in your bath tub so mommy doesn't have to scrub the carpets
>I think treating preventable illnesses in the wealthiest country on earth is a pretty low bar to clear.
How would you pay for that? You realize it's not actually free, right?
Why is it when our tax money goes to neverending wars there's never a fuss about "how we pay for it". The military is a socialist institution that never gets any shit from the bean counters and right wing scolds. It's almost like they enable socialism in the wrong ways. Like spending my fucking tax dollars on blowing the 3rd world apart instead of helping me get preventative medical care.
Best detention I've seen.
On topic, Part of me wants to just let Bernie have his way with the US economy and let the chips fall where they may.
The fundamental flaw in his plan is that people don't like to pay other people's bills. You can't put enough lipstick on that pig.
Great, so instead of healthy farm hands and construction workers you want any old sick person to wander in unchecked and be given medical treatment?
"Send us your weak and decrepit" - (you)
>You realize it's not actually free, right?
Neither are all the subsidies and tax loopholes we hand out to corporations like candy. You're paying for Wall Street's shenanigans.
Agreed, this is why Gabbard is the only winner of the debates imo. She's the only Dem that offered to limit spending.
He has a shitty house here in Burlington, and had a house in DC for work. The third house he recently bought was because his wife inherited a house in Maine which they sold, and they bought a
Imagine being this mad at the concept of sick people not crawling into ditches and dying alone. Man, you're the beez knees at parties, aren't you?
"So then I told him, fuck those dead old beaners! They get to go to the place from Coco, fuckin' spicks! Wish I'd corps'ed em myself, day of the rope when!"
You know now that I think about it mass incarceration isn't cheap on tax payers at all. Maybe we should shut down a prison or two and convert them into hospitals. People tend to stay at hospitals for shorter visits on average.
So you're only solution to that is to spend even more money?
I own three houses I've never even seen, and never will. Worthy investment.
To clarify, I think he's suggesting we spend money on different things than cocaine, yachts, and fancy-boy gambling.
the dem debates almost never mentioned trump at all. wut
By growing a spine and getting the 1% to pay their dues, yes.
But... what about my private jet?
>shitty houseS
>walls, floor, roof, land
Already have 2 shitty house, but why not a 3rd?
His only saving grace is if that 3rd, Third, as in 3times as many as one can use, house was a like kind exchange to skip out on the capital gains like a true american.
Hell, you'll probably be able to keep. You just won't be rewarded for hiding your cash in panama, then paying tax to yourself to transfer it back mainland.
It would be cheaper to machine gun the shitskins as they try to cross, and better for the country too.
You are fucking stupid, no we are not the only country with for profit medical insurance.
I'd vote for him because he's the only one with plans to bring America up to basic bitch standards. Get people that need money the least to pay their fare share and help the people that need it most, leaving them able to help the economy. Win / Win , so naturally not gonna happen because America's owned by retarded losers.
People willing to risk their life to get here are way more ambitious than any of you candyasses bitching about muh brown people.
Too bad they're not ambitious enough to fix their home country.
Are they criminals or sick people?
I'm an advocate for people not making a thousand mile journey for free healthcare.
Ive got a brand new idea,
neva been done befo,
I'm just a tard on b so bear with me here.
We send a crack team of medical professionals south.
Still working on a name, perhaps
Doctors. Without. Borders.
Kinda hard to do when the government is incompetent and there's cartels big enough to be on the Fortune 500
True, capital gains probably had a lot to do with it. I'm like him, I don't mind giving more to my fellow man. But if these are the rules, I'm going to keep playing by them. I'm worth 3 times as much as rich old Bernie.
Oh look... just as I'm typing that. I'm a small business owner employing roughly 35 people. Donated over 50k last year to local charities in my area. But hey... memes.. right?
You've got a fair point. It would be the most chill thing ever if sick people worldwide had easy access to medical care. Too bad we had to destabilize Central America in the 1980's by installing dictators who used death squads. The things you do to keep the rubber plantations going, am I right?
They could organize and rebel since they're willing to risk their lives anyway. Or, maybe come here legally at least.
>Donated over 50k
You funneled tax money into a non profit instead.
Thanks. That's the right thing to do with taxes.
But the virtue signaling of companies 'donating' is just sad.
>They could organize and rebel
Howso? Where would they get the equipment and ability to organize?
Fuck. Ok you got me there. =)
Why isn't legal migration an option?
Much more than rubber as that was mainly switched to synthetic during ww2.
But I see now, let's just have the cia install another regime. Let's give bernie his own country and see what happens. (Just not ours for obvious reasons)
So you just pulled that idea out of your ass.
The waiting list for just normal people in mexico can get up to 20 years, and costs a ton of money.
Or are you one of those retards that think immigration to the US is too easy?
We could just use the Nordic model here. I think everybody would happily trade our problems for Norway's problems. Wouldn't it be nice to have collective bargaining? Unions? Healthcare where the leeches from the insurance companies aren't trying to put you in years of debt because you broke a bone or wanted a checkup?
Implying socialism is always Castro's hinging an entire economy on a market as volatile as fossil fuels simply isn't painting a complete picture.
Again thanks for funneling your taxes into groups you believe in vs the us military.
The part that pisses me off the most is only one 'side' is going to say you didn't pay your 'fair share' of taxes.
If they're too impatient then they should go somewhere else.
>wait for years while your homeland is marred by corruption and gang violence
Won the popular vote
>and make babies all day while waiting
I've read the politico article this is based on. The journalist immediately makes clear he's biased. This picture is filled with so much misleading shit, it boggles the mind. For example, he and his ex lived on the property during the summer, but spent most of their time traveling together. After they divorced, she bought the property from him. Doesn't sound like she was miserable there. He has also been very present in his son's life. But I'm guessing you like Donald Trump, so the truth doesn't mean anything to you. Just "winning." I won't be voting for Sanders, but I am always impressed with how far from truth you'll stray. This is all from a middle school level hit piece. Fake news only lazy idiots like you believe.
A socialist healthcare system will only have a chance of working if you make the medical / pharmaceutical / insurance industry in its entirety a not-for-profit government system. If not is essentially a government subsidy program. Every government subsidy program ever created does nothing more than cause more harm than good because it raises costs and provides more corporate welfare than anything else. Bernie's plans aren't socialism, they're government subsidy. No politician is going to make a stand against their masters.
Good video
The fact that shills are making these threads that Bernie is posing a threat, that's a good thing. Also, This
Take your own advice. Please.
But like
He has openly explained his policies for decades now.
You aren't gonna talk sense into the propaganda consuming, programmed shills that populate this place
He just has Alzheimer's.
Gotta love that bUt oBaMa StArTeD It trump defense