Won 5k gambling, it's my ticket out of this cock roach infested hell hole of an apartment and ghetto ass city

Won 5k gambling, it's my ticket out of this cock roach infested hell hole of an apartment and ghetto ass city.

There are no niggers, spices, or jews where I'm moving to.

AMA, give suggestions on what to buy

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>no niggers, spices, or jews where I'm moving to.

no spices

why even live

Well maybe a security system to start. Or a decent camera to set least have a chance to catch anyone who fucks with you.

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You sound like one of those niggers or spics, asking what to do with the 5k..
Save the money for rent the next 5 months, get a job and spend that money as you like

Gambling isn't healthy. Invest most of it and don't gamble anymore.

>No spices

Jesus, why would you want that?

I live on disability, 5k is the max I can earn from the lotto in a year, although I could go to the casino and get cash payouts (gambled online today, so I have to wait like a week to get my cash.

I'm expecting to get another 5-10k from a small claims court thing in the next couple of months too.

I left 500 in my gambling account for next year too.

I live on like 15000k a year, but this year I am going to make double, so its extra really

2500 powerball tickets

Any suggestions? I have a degree in computer science so I want to go in high technology

kek,trips of truth

my suggestion is you completely fucking wasted your degree just like me.
enjoy poverty faggot.

you should have already had plenty of time to go to job fairs, resume workshops and meet recruiters. i don't know how you can actually a real CS degree without all that. what exactly is your "computer science degree"? do you have beginner-intermediate in at least 5 languages? i have about 15 now on my resume and i'm only 2/3 done getting the degree.

you should know better by now.

Youre a piece of shit then. You get government money for being "disabled" and spend your time at the casino.
My advice to you has changed. Step, roll, or crawl yourself in front of a train

I've worked at ibm and on bay street(canadas wall street) before my schizophrenia caused me to loose my job. I have a really high iq and my aptitude is even greater in skills associated with computer science.

It doesnt matter how many languages you know, you should be able to pick them up easily.

When I was at ibm 90-95 percent were u of t students. U of t ranks like 3rd in the world up there with harvard and Stanford.

My university is shit though, it not the best degree

Part of being disabled on schizophrenia is spending money on useless things because I have a mood disorder too. Fuck you for not being understanding. You're a peice of shit pf the highest caliber.

checked and cashed!

Attached: checked.jpg (1200x797, 99K)

lol 5grand

It was at a rate of 12375 per hour at one point, no a bad pay rate for anyone. Fuck how much does Bill Gates make?

Nm he makes about 100 times that amount, that's sickening

"disabled on schizophrenia" dont they have meds for that? take them. ive seen how hard live can be for schizos who dont take their meds.
sorry for telling you to kill yourself. it was just my immediate reaction to someone gambling and on gov money

I'm on my meds, I'm finally stabaliaing after 2 years since I was hospitalized and put on medication for it, I had been asking for that meds from doctors for like a year before that but they didn't believe I was schizophrenic.

I'm in my 30s now so suicide isnt as likely to happen to me, I'm ok.

Get treatment fucking leech scum sucking dog

I actually clear on average about 1k from gambling a year added to my 15k, that's averaged over 5 years or so, but I get paid like every year. I'm lucky at gambling, I walk out with ka all the time, but I agree I need to stop, I'm going to stay ahead on this one

Good luck to you sir. How about you spend that 5k going bowling with friends.
also have you seen this schizo chick?
shes totally off meds and homeless because of it

I am on treatment, stable, and "recovered". I just cant work because of interpersonal relationships that will break down. It happened to me when I had a job, and even though I am "recovered" I still am hindered this way

Because they are paying off my loans and because my meds cost like 1.5k a month, I will be losing money at a minimum wage job.

I've talked to a bunch of people and everyone complains that it's really shitty they dont allow you to keep your cash, it means a lot of people not working, it's bad for the economy, even if it's a tard army lol

Its shitty for your mental health to not have a job, it gives you some meaning and purpose in life, I almost want to work somewhere for like free like at Walmart or some shit, just to add structure to my life

Like I need money to smoke, everyone that has schizophrenia smokes because of the side effects of avolition and akathesia. It's hard to say what is and what isnt absolutely needed when it comes to mental health and those severely affected by it


We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

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Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?


You’re human garbage Kek. What an ungrateful leech.

>I fuck the system and gamble with my NEET bux but I deserve to live in a nice neighborhood away from all these “other” people

You’re a loser who belongs in the ghetto. I pay good money to live away from people like you Kek. Also, you’re stupid as fuck, 5k isn’t gonna get you far for an apartment that you can’t even afford dumbass. Do plan on just getting evicted after a few months when you can’t afford the rent?

You were right the first time, he has the ability of self reflection and knowing right from wrong.

I bet you're fun at parties

Hah a classic loser, but your disability is some bullshit anxiety or something.

You're a weak coward, you don't deserve to move out of that shithole. $100 says those niggers and spics you hate so much contribute more to the economy than you ever hoped you could.

don't buy invest
move out and get a job that can support a new appartment
don't blow 5k on some shit and have to move back