Question for the average Yea Forums user

Question for the average Yea Forums user

Do you care if whites become a minority in their own countries and homeland? Would you care if they went extinct?

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\dkujHhf

Because those countries will turn to shit. The world doesn't need any more Congo's or Somalias.

Simple as that.

Lol who gives a fuck. Fuck this planet

Would not care a single bit.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:

- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)

Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.

Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


I'm going to be totally candid here.

I've met a lot of people who use Yea Forums irl. Most of the people who use Yea Forums aren't actually racist, but think the memes are funny. People that actually take the racism seriously typically end up on /pol/. The reality is that there are so many factors determining SES, education, and criminality beyond race such that, even if we could illustrate blacks are more violent than whites under laboratory conditions, it wouldn't leave us with immediate answers on what we as a species should do with that information. Moreover, I highly doubt that we even have the tools as a planet to have the required mature political discourse that would be required to draw meaningful conclusions from this data.

The "hate" is largely reactionary due to the fact that it's socially acceptable to racist against whites in educational or workplace settings. Namely, because it's presented as fact. For example, I can't even count how many times in the last two years people have assumed that I've grown up "wealthy" with tons of "privilege" because I'm white, and I have been forced to sit through tons of classes and meetings at work where this information is presented as fact. For the record, I was born into a house with extreme domestic violence where my single mom was making less than 18k a year in a school that was in the bottom 96% of all schools in my state. I would later go off to college (with no scholarships) and later enter the workforce, only to have middle class black women from loving families talk down to me about how I didn't earn my small apartment because of my privilege. [1/2]

When you say “their own countries”, do you specifically mean the USA which was originally brown, then foreigners invaded it and brought a load of black slaves to that country?

Unless we finally make a breakthrough with cybernetics/genetic engineering you won't be alive for it to truly matter. I doubt you've sired any children, so why does it matter?


So how does any of this pertain to your question?

Because, at the end of the day, humans as a species are psychologically equipped to completely distort their perceptions of reality in order to defend their egos. Even in light of objective fact, people will distort their realities even more under social pressure. Consider the Solomon Asch studies on conformity, where people would actually LIE ABOUT THE SIZE OF A LINE IN FRONT OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY WERE AFRAID THEY WOULD BE JUDGED.

This being said, the notion that whites bring something inherently unique or valuable to the equation of the human species doesn't communicate much about it, nor does it inherently illustrate that it's worth saving. That is to say, if whites were eliminated, other races would find other ways to scapegoat their problems on other people. Even if we eventually repeated this to the point where there was only one race, there would be some other trivial characteristic people would bellyache about. I don't think the world would look much different. To be blunt, I'm not even convinced this species is going to survive.

Most caucasian people where I live seem to hate anyone that isn't white. So I wouldn't give one fuck.

Yeah, I bet those mastodon wish those fucking asains would have stayed home.

You think we go outside.

That's funny.

That's pretty specific.

White privilege isn't that you a get a bonus roll to your starting stats and a buff on all saving checks, but everyone else gets a negative.

It's maybe a bad name, but it just started as an academic term, not a political movement with chapters in each state...

Just World Fallacy, that we think good things happen to good people, and bad things happen to bad people.

So if niggers end up in jail or arrested more or have more domestic volience, this must mean they're bad.

This why when bad stuff happens to someone you thought was good, to avoid the cognitive dissonance you (or someone like you) would come up with an excuse to make them the exception for the rule.

Most people only escape this after befalling a massive personal trauma and reflect that life is just like, random. Man.

Op here. That's all pretty interesting, but I should have been more specific; The problem is the erasing of white history and culture. Also that what white culture is being replaced by (by the will of rich whites themselves) is Islam.

An Islamic majority in England, the white homeland? Disgusting. The worst part of all this is that it's completely preventable. It is being forced, by us.

Yes, our own countries. The countries that we control, i.e. are white by majority.

Why not

>White privilege isn't that you a get a bonus roll to your starting stats and a buff on all saving checks, but everyone else gets a negative.

That's a pretty autistic (and downright inaccurate) comparison my man.

And yes, I know what white privilege is supposed to be. I went to college and used to believe it was a thing. That is, until I joined the work force and got surrounded by people who couldn't perform basic functions required for their jobs but never got fired because they were diversity hires.

To clarify, white privilege is when sociologists look at the amount of rich people being white and the high rates of Blacks / Latinos and declare there must be racism afoot since they assume equality of opportunity would only be present if there was equality of outcome. Therefore, whites must be "privileged" to frequently end up running companies and making more money than their minority counterparts. This is a patently unscientific and frankly poor way to evaluate that information, particularly considering that whites are the largest population of any race on welfare in the US.

I don't understand how my post relates to the Just World Fallacy.

I don't think it's a bad (or good) thing, nor do I think it really matters, and I certainly don't think it's easily preventable. I think keyboard warriors eventually graduate into going on shooting rampages in the name of this religion known as white nationalism because they fundamentally lack success in other areas of their lives and only surround themselves with information that reinforces what they believe in.

It seems easily preventable to me, since the main threat is the massive influx of immigrants and refugees, which can be stopped. They say the reasoning for this is stagnant birth rates. So what? What about muh overpopulation?

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White privilege isn't a thing, nobody that understands it thinks it's a thing. It's a concept. Like I said it's the lack of a negative, that's the shadow of a thing. It's a purely abstract concept, with no actual tangible basis in reality.

It's the lack of discrimination. It's not even true 100% of the time, but it's a thing that statistics have to be explained with, like if you talk about the top 90th percentile earnings of white to black.

There's no simple explanation for this, so the use of 'white privilege' is more of a placeholder for a much deeper explanation.

You can be mad at students for being too experienced and young to understand this, but that's just about true of almost everyone.


This is psychology is regarded as a pseudo-science as well. Science is the study of the REAL and natural world. Statistics is a sample of a population, and doesn't actually reflect reality, but a small sample of the population. IT's useful in finding and identifying issues, but in itself is not really a particularly useful source of information.

I don't really care, either way, I just like to know things....

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I don't care because it doesn't matter.

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Overpopulation is on the decline. You never learned about the S curves of populations? They all mellow out and humanity as a whole is regarded as nearing the zenith when reach as a planet a 1:1 replacement with kids to repopulate.

It correlates with human rights and technology. This is known, but not really useful if you want to sell people on some political idea like fascism or marxism.

The population leveling off sounds right to me. Still though, why are we taking in so many refugees? Is it the stagnant population? If so, why would that matter to anyone other than the 1%?

>Because, at the end of the day, humans as a species are psychologically equipped to completely distort their perceptions of reality in order to defend their egos.

Is what I was addressing. You didn't seem to have a name for it. The white people have been the ruling power of the US since it was formed, and Just World Fallacy means they must be good people, if good things are happening to them, the opposite of blacks.

The twisting of reality part??

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It's actually part of international law that US helped ratify.

Or part of the jewish conspiracy to destroy freedom so they can molest babies in peace... depending on who you believe.

I don't want to seem bias.

You mean we are obligated to take refugees by the UN?

i thought under international law you had to apply for asylum in the first country you enter... mexico sucks but claiming it's anywhere near as bad as what they're running from such that they shouldn't be requesting asylum there... no

but then again, the unrest in central america is largely the US's fault because of interference over political and drug war bullshit, so if we made their countries violent hell holes...

I guess easy is relative. I'm from the US, just moved in with a (white) woman, but we don't plan on having many children. In my country, most educated couples have few to no children. Moreover, whites here aren't at all unified politically on how to solve these problems.

So this is partially accurate. One of my degrees actually is in psychology and another is in criminology. What I'm telling you is that white privilege is presented as tangible factual to students. What's more, it's presented as tangible and factual by the media.

And yes, it is easily explained -- even with your chart, it's just not politically correct. Blacks in America are more inclined to be incarcerated and less inclined to go to college. Going to jail and not going to college correlates with making less money than those of us who didn't get arrested and did go to college. Do you know how I know this? Because groups like Teach for America have been sending Ivy League educated teachers and handing out scholarships like candy to these populations and the numbers haven't changed. Descriptive statistics are a fundamental part of the scientific method, because they apply data to samples in order to draw inferences about populations. Get a vaccination lately? Take medicine recently? Thank statistics. They do clinical trials on a small population, control for extraneous variables, and then draw inferences about the population -- and it can be done with relative certainty.

I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm more or less trying to clear up some misconceptions you have. To be blunt, I don't consider myself racist. I also consider race to be a pretty trivial thing to fight about. What I am concerned about is how it ends up manifesting itself in society and resulting in how people vote.

Honestly I want all ethnicities and nativistic cultures to be erased by mixing everyone together and creating one internet meme culture.

Send all boomers and early millennials to reeducation camps with nothing but access to social media sites and Yea Forums/reddit, until they have forgotten their native languages and cultures.
Then outlaw same race marriage until everyone is a mutt.

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>but then again, the unrest in central america is largely the US's fault because of interference over political and drug war bullshit, so if we made their countries violent hell holes...

I really don't have a lot of patience for this kind of thinking. All countries actively interfere with the affairs of other countries -- even if it happens as a result of legislation directly within one's own region. The US decided they don't want heroin to be legal doesn't mean it's America's fault poor drug dealers from mexico try to set up shop and sell drugs here. The idea that the American public is now is morally responsible for something that a select few lawmakers share debatable causal responsibility over is asinine. That's like saying the stock brokers and janitors who died in the 9/11 attacks deserved it because American politicians pushed for military action in the middle east (which is the reason Bin Laden gave).

At a certain point, you've got to own up to the fact that the people who are in favor of a lot of this stuff are the people who are insulated from it. The which white liberal doesn't live in the border towns where illegals are undercutting their job market. Nor does the college professor voting to allow refugees have free access in the US likely live in the neighborhoods where these populations are likely to victimize.

By your earlier logic, we should go arresting professors.

the biggest problem is that on almost every metric they point to that they claim shows white privilege, asians are beating whites at, and whatever policies they claim are white supremacy asians are more favored by it say nothing of counting jewish people as white, a group that massively skews the data because they're so disproportionately 'privileged' compared to non-jewish whites; the only inference i can draw is that the sjws think that white supremecists think both jews and asians are white, when that's not at all what they think

ultra-sjw here who's getting sued for anti-white in how he's running the schools, actually justified his blatant anti-asian racist policies by saying asians have white privilege too. the classes he makes all the teachers take teach that 'objectivity' and 'merit' and 'reason' are white supremacist values.

As the rest of the free world is. It is understandably morally difficult dilemma, and by no means is taken lightly. They are the most heavily vetted people to be able to enter the US, more than legal immigrants, or even undocumented ones. They are statistically the most people and least violent even compared to natural born citizens, probably because natural borns citizens don't have to be scrutinized by like 7 different agencies.

Don't think the UN is anything more than a pawn for the USA that has executive veto on issue they do not want to participate in or even allow to pass.

They can deny a motion simply by willing it.

So, NO SUCH OBLIGATION EXISTS, but the main objectives of the act were to create a new definition of refugee based on the one created at the UN Convention and Protocol on the Status of Refugees.

That's asylum seekers, that's similar but like you said you enter the country first. If your case is approved they can't send you home, but they can't let you in. You can apply for refugee status then, but it's difficult. The courts decide your life is in danger because of POLITICAL reasons, you get to stay.

Anything else, and you're done.

well, no, most countries don't directly give huge financial and military support to insurgent and paramilitary groups over the decades and directly instigate coups.
that's a fucking absurd argument. no other country did that at 1/1000th of the scale.

and no, the US wanting to ban heroin does *not* give it the excuse to use military force to attack the entire planet over it.

regarding the 9/11 attacks, and iraq, i do think residents of those countries would have a valid reason to claim asylum in the US because we destroyed their entire country going after a narrow goal. that has nothing to do with thinking the victims of 9/11 deserved to die (an event in which i lost family in)

people in Iraq and Afghanistan now have democratic elections

That was pretty much the whole point of these wars, the terrorism and shit was just an excuse to sell war to the normies. Its also good for jobs and military industrial complex, as well as global domination. But the main premise was ideological.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:

- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)

Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.

Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


and when their countries stabilize the valid reason to seek asylum will go away

also all the reasons you mentioned are the political purposes i was referring to and absolutely unacceptable reasons to destabilize a country

No, skin pigmentation is irrelevant, it's ridiculously overemphasized by sentimental people. It's the culture, morals and competence that matter.

Its absolutely acceptable to destabilize dictatorial shitholes and make them become liberal democracies that will play nicely with the west.

Its better to be a war casualty than to live in isolation and oppression.

You can't say it was presented this way. There's no way to claim that. It was always a concept, that people mistook as real.

It's not like 'white genocide' which was a dog whistle concept meant to help push nazi and white supremacist concepts from it's very inception. THAT YOU CAN CLAIM. You cannot tell me you know how every teacher in every school on every campus presented an idea.

As for the second part, yes. Now you understand that access to education is more what the white privilege is talking about. This might seem like a non-factor for your white privilege, and maybe it's not, but it's more based on the historical fact that whites have had an easier time in the US then colored people. Even courts have tried to fix these issues with giving more money to black schools and that didn't fix this problem, because it's not even an access to education or just incarceration.

Most intelligence correlates with social-economical factors. Black people are poor, because black people WERE poor. It's not a problem of access or race or culture, but just money. This is the best reason I can find. I'd invite you to find something better. I come on here and hash it out with /pol/ and REALLY stick it to them and press them for facts, so honestly. The only real example I have is poor people are dumb.

Some of them even incorporate it into their culture. Like to have wealth and money is bad, and sell out, and dishonest. Sort of like marxist. You know, guilt that you have so much and you grew up poor. So they give away there money and become back at a level of wealth they find 'palatable'. I've actually done this.

You take something like President Donald J Trump and he stay rich because he's an elitist entirety snob. He's rich because he comes from money. MOST PEOPLE DON'T EARN THEIR MONEY.


The only fact is the statistics indicate on many levels the race wage gap is more real than the gender wage gap, is all.

White people won't go extinct because throughout time every race had their time of dominance. I.e. middle easterns, italians, japanese, etc. Race comes and goes and comes back in again. White will eventually become a minority and then later on will become the majority again. You also got to remember that complaining about being white, asian, black, etc. and that you're suffering is bullshit because the human race adapts and it's most likely when one race becomes a bigger majority families will skew more so to that race until that race becomes a minority and will adapt to be the majority again

I fucking love asians for this point. Ever graph that shows how dumb niggers are and smart white people are is actually a better indication that Asian Supremacist should be fucking cutting a swath through America.


Even including Jews as white, Asians are still smarter. but as a people, Jews are one of the smartest ethnicities.

Asians are a large demograph too, tho, but the limited amount of jews really kicks the average up....

We're kind of doing that already. Honestly, national borders is becoming very ancient of a concept since the moment we're going to be part of a global internet connection and interplanetary species because of Elon Musk just makes whatever country you're a part of just seem so much fucking smaller and dumber.

It's like having to go through security checks just to goto another city (which you do if you fly there) nobody wants this, but the fear of a single person killing someone is enough to justify this (unless it's with a gun, the guns have their right to be free, you have to limit how much shampoo you can carry tho)

no, it's fucking not, unless they're a direct threat to the US.

a limited action against specifically al-qaeda is the only thing that is remotely legitimate.

>Its better to be a war casualty than to live in isolation and oppression.

we have no right to decide that for people and carry out the executions.

Tons of free nudes inside:\invite\dkujHhf


asians are smarter than jews+whites but not jews alone; on iq i think it's what, 102 for jews+whites, 106 for asians, 118 for jews?
on representation in the oligarch class it's a blowout, like 20:1 jews vs whites

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Im not even american, Im russian. So I have more of an expertise on these maters than some leftist dove who had a good luck to be born in a western liberal democracy.

I dont even give a shit at this point. If my gov cuts off all traffic to western internet a la north korea, I just want to see it all fucking burn, every fucking dictatorial shithole. I will probably commit suicide anyway, because internet and western entertainment is the only thing that kept me from ending my life.

3rd world shitholes don't pose a direct threat to russia anyway

do you like coming at us through proxy wars?

It's more about them having a smaller average.

do you reading comprehension?

I have absolute disdain for 3rd world dictatorial shitholes because I have to live my whole crappy life in one. I also have actual sense of justice and some semblance of morals unlike people like you.

You dont care about war victims. Just like you dont care about global oppressed and global poor. So pls stop pretending that you do. You are anti war just to get those sweet wingcuck points.

russia isn't that great a place but you have no clue what it's like living in an islamic shithole or banana republic that the US is bombing or starting civil wars in

and what little i'm able to care is a lot more than you, who seems to want to kill as many as possible in the name of, what again? because you think your home country of russia sucks? fuck dude.

sure is jewish in here

fuck all banana republics, destabilize them all until every country is a liberal democracy and the world government is created, led and controlled by the US

Im also so fucking glad Im not a north korean.

Do you also hate north korean people and wish perpetual isolation upon them?

I second this. I want one big omnipotent world government led by most capable jews and goys. So that extremist regimes never emerge again.

The fuck you say about BEST KOREA?

no, but that doesn't mean thinking it's the US's job to bomb the shit out of them until the people are even worse off and elect an even worse leader.

you know, the usual outcome of us "liberating" a country

you're out of your fucking mind if you think any central american or iraq/afghinistan even approaches 'liberal democracy' just because the people now vote in their islamic fascists


>vote in
>not a democracy

pick one faggot.

idk lol

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'us' as in my country

not all democracies are liberal democracies. where they've gotten the vote in muslism countries, they've elected extreme conservative muslim leaders
in central america, well the chaos speaks for itself, you can't possibly argue they're better off here either

Lose the best part of humanity , fuck yeah id care


then do nothing, elect a complete isolationists, disband nato, close off all bases, withdraw all forces and just do your domestic policy shit

in 10 years everyone will be speaking chinese and russian, but mostly chinese

the world is a very shitty place whole of people who want to subjugate and dominate and spread their shitty world views and retarded illiberal cultures

tribalism was a mistake

Whites seems to not care about other people so why would I care for them?
Every race is getting mixed not just the white race but some of them are so egocentric that believe this is some kind of planned extermination.

Average b here. I’m trying to think of what a btard who is not average would imply. How would they know the difference? Perhaps I am not average after all, perhaps I am extremely a Yea Forums user.

I look forward to the coming biological attack on the US purging it of its most hated race. The africans still live in their slave culture and so will make fine slaves again, and native murricans are really just Asians anyway so they get to join the New Kingdom. Whites and Spics and Jews though, all gone in the extermination.

That’s what you get for being bad at making friends.

they are actually secular

you cant go from literal fascism to a european type democracy

perfect is an enemy of good

go take your pills schizo

Same. 99.9999% of them are pure shit who’ve had longer than most people to develop a functioning philosophy in the world and yet haven’t made a lick of progress since 325BCE. The only thing they’re good for is filling the factories, manning their workstations, buying the shit we tell them to, and drinking themselves into complacency, just as they were bred for since the industrial revolution. They’re human cattle. And now that automation is about to put the worker drones out of a purpose in life, they can finally be eliminated.

get informed, fool

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People keep saying this, but this was before any country was civilized. It's been how many decades and every country has made its leaps and bounds while the nigger countries continue to crawl. Most of the world is civilized now and has been for several decades, but not longer than before whites went to America. Whites bought culture and science to america and prospered greatly. But let's forget about whites and America for a second. Is there any nigger country that is prosperous? Any place that is majority black and not in economic deprive?
Youe argument is invalid for two reasons.
One - everyone from that age is gone and dead. Their deeds don't directly affect ours.
Two - despite being generations past this, niggers still live in shitholes. We have given them chances and they throw it away. Look at Zimbabwe. Gone to shit since the whites left.

no i wouldn't care.. then we would see the reality of diversity and rise up.

>China disperses biological weapon on US
>infecting everyone but being switched off by certain Asian genes
>niggers not a threat to Chinese superiority
>natives assimilated against their will like all China’s neighbors

Seems pretty logical.

Can confirm anecdotally. White as fuck, decided in my 20s I would not put a kid through the pointless misery of white working class existence. They’re better off where they are now, not existing.

>before any country was civilized

And there is the fly in your ointment. When you come to grips with what two things we mean when we say “civilized”, you realize how none of the rest of your typical 1800s ideology is accurate nor sensible. You’re not espousing new ideas no ones ever heard of before. You’re where everyone starts out thinking about this shit, before actually studying history.

Do I get to be openly racist and abuse the system if I'm a minority?

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sounds good to me.

won't turn out as bad as you think. bombing shitholes isn't the only way the US keeps russia and china in check.

who is?

The average Yea Forums user is a fat southern white confederate loser with hilarious domination fantasies of exerting power over women and minorities who don’t value him.

Snapchat really messed the new update up

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Yankee reporting, poking holes in your theory

>rise up
>bc life is a marvel comic
No you won’t, you’ll stay there where you are now, in your place, there in the dirt.

Whites seem to be on average a balanced race between savage africans, arabs, indians (call them asian all you want, if you have the shit shade you gotta stay away), and the intelligence of the Japanese and Koreans, and begrudgingly I'll say the Chinese. We are right in the middle. Intelligent, capable, and we can be even more savage than niggers when we have to be. These shit skins may awaken something in us if we cannot have right wing politicians get into power.

not if you're 30+

Nope, you are above average.

Above... Average... bc southerners... average... geographically... get it lol omg I outclevered myself. Time to get up and make breakfast

Sounds like you live in the best place.

There is a reason the first world is almost exclusively white. Whites are the ones who built modern civilization. If we become a smaller and smaller portion of our own country, civilization will end. This is how the ideology that everyone is equal will end up destroying us all.

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\dkujHhf


Same, but it’s practically everywhere I’ve lived. White suburbanites love themselves. Show them any difference and it’s a fucking problem.

Open a history book.

in 1945 whites are approx 1/3 of world population
Now it's 'bout 1/6

Without whites this world will either become a wasteland with tribes killing each other over the last scraps of food and technology or China will just conquer everything. But either way, jews will rule supreme...

You have them in power now, and all you’ve done is turn us into the most hated race of obnoxious idiots in the world. Go ahead and awaken what’s in you so you can get your big head blown off, please.

This is not limited to race. Go to a different church, I dunno, pretty fucking suspect. An entirely different denomination, holy fuck no. Different religion entirely, evil and unacceptable. Choose a different school than them to send your kids to, Jesus fucking Christ you’ve just attacked their righteousness. Talk to people they disapprove of for [whatever their many personal problems], you must be excommunicated from speaking to anyone else they know.

Considering that in the century that some Europeans sailed to America and fucking ruined everywhere they landed, they were also primarily living in mud huts attacking each other and raping their cousins, the current US cutlture that worships the self righteous individual as infallible who hates everyone else proportionately to how different they are to him, is more easily understood.

Sure they do. For example, by pulling out of TPP, which was designed to fuck china in the ass and sue the shit out of its gvrmnt when they have no choice but to join. And the sanctions do nothing but radicalize population against the west due to propaganda from gvrmnt.

Destabilization and fueling revolutions and outright bombing are the only sure things to work.

Oh you mean Trump? In my opinion he isn't harsh enough. If I were theoretically president, I would have given orders to open fire at the border. The people would come to understand that storming our borders would be a death sentence. Also if you ask me Trump shouldn't support Israel. You're likely white yourself and some faggot college student who instead of using their mommy and daddy's trust fund money to help the so called impoverished and systematically oppressed minorities, you virtue signal online. That or you're a shitskin and your opinion isn't worth anything.

Why wait?

I don't characterise myself as white, i think of myself as Greek and i don't want any foreigners in my country be that niggers, Muslims, chin chan chons, or white niggers(Albanians)

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TPP was ridiculously over-draconian on IP issues that effect the internet, on that basis alone i'm glad we got out. i can count the number of things darth cheeto has done right on one hand and that's one of them.

and they work against shithole countries but they don't do shit against russia or china. economic methods are more effective, the current idiots trade war not being one of the effective tactics, but still

Are Japanese welcome?

Oooo ghengis khan sooo good at raping and pillaging! No I'm talking about modern society. Most non whites are incapable of building a modern society in their own countries despite having access to the same markets and resources. They are incapable because of their inferior cultures and intellect.

you are a sociopath

good thing donnie will get blacked by kamala in the general elections and your white power fantasies will come to an end

I don't give a single fuck because I have a mind of my own and don't blindly believe everything my dumbass parents taught me

Latin here. I care.

Like I literally think the only race worth being extinct is the jews and niggers.
Niggers were born to be slaves and since it's illegal and they dont want to be it, they are worth shit, not a single use for them, they just ask for things they haven't earn and shit, same as jews.

Ofc not all niggers are like that, but it's a huge majority. Same as us latins, but at least us are good for hard work. I admit it, I like working on large fields, it's refreshing even tho I currently work in an office.

Osea te vas a la mierda, la unica raza minoria es la blanca.

The only minority here is the white race, not even 15% of the world is white, and the jews are brainwashing them so they can remain stupid, same as they did to blacks.

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literally who gives a shit about some ip laws when google would be able to sue the shit out of ccp for potential loses

everyone who uses the internet should you dimwit.

Sure, some people call japs workaholic but everyone respects them, some people may even talk to you about animé

>Considering that in the century that some Europeans sailed to America and fucking ruined everywhere they landed, they were also primarily living in mud huts attacking each other and raping their cousins,

You’re not supposed to look at what a shithole Europe actually was for the people living in it. You’re supposed to just look at the big impressive castles, and imagine that everyone lived highly ordered, efficient, modern german lives of perfection, and then in a flurry of do-goodery, fled en masse to come to pristine barren wastelands where you imagine there was nothing but total and constant savagery and war for the entire 37,000 years people were there, even though they somehow created massive civilizations and territorial and ideological alliances and opponents and enormously time consuming representative political systems which Jefferson et al assimilated into our own, bc Europe was still trudging along with shitty kings embroiled in centuries of constant raiding and war with each other.

Get it right next time.

We don't need more third world retards running around this Earth.

>that pic
>the beneficiaries of good fortune often do nothing to earn it

Holy shit, now I see it. How could Ive been so blind. The key to the good fortune is doing nothing!

>fucking idiot

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Of course i am talking about them making a visit because i don't want a big foreign community to form

No I'm not Japanese it was just a theoretical question. I mean, if you had to choose between an average Japanese man and an average Somali man, I know who I would choose.

muh piracy

all those ip laws were designed to fuck china over over their conduct regarding stealing technology

I'd love to see them going extinct. Women don't find them attractive anymore

>greek ethnocentrist
>lol already
Greece was overrun by Turks for 600 years. You’re all displaced Turks anyway.

>I think of myself as Greek


that's just the opinion of a forever alone virgin creep. i don't care, because i won't leave a legacy. i do wonder how people of the future would talk about the extinct whites.

let's say the germans are going to be replaced by turks, syrians and niggers. will they think of themselves as legitimate descendants of todays germans? will they have patriotic feelings about the country and it's history, will they be called nazis? or would they make a complete break.

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There is no way you’re over 14.

The Japanese are 10 times better than negroes, i wouldn't want a sizeable foreign community of any kind to form within our borders because i believe in the ethnostate, however i belie we can have good relations with Japanese people and also conduct trade and tourism

That’s this entire board though.

Too bad science doesn't agree with you

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Seriously, you could sum up /b as a place for sheltered white American suburbanites to express their shock and terror that the world doesn’t resemble or give a fuck about them.

you are a sociopath though

also, I really like capitalism and support its ideas such as open borders, free trade, deregulated markets and boosting economy by giving money to the poor

Nice generalization tho. Everyone is either a tankie or a fascist.

and yes, i do post from an iPad

and white supremacy isnt real

Too bad you don’t know how to read science.

>I gotta be honest, as a white man, you're a pretty based moisture backed citizen. You could enter the country if I were prime minister.

Cheers lad. I ve been into the USA before for business. Felt in love with it. Kinda angry the youth have it way too easy and they do not appreciate it.

Yes my country is a shithole place in earth, but I won't illegally migrate because I aint sitting my ass all day long. I love this land, the government is a shit but the land I was born I also love it. I am working on this land as much as I can, I aint going for the easy live, just living the one I was born with.

I seriously hope the white race wakes up before it's too late. The good values are going missing, and I miss that.

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White Supremacy isn't real but you're still a white guy complaining about white guys on a site mostly full of white guys.

Everyone needs to stop giving a shit about race and start worrying about eliminating stupid people. We need a license to drive, practice certain careers, build things etc. Yet we don't need a license to have a child and create a whole new consciousness. It should be that if you are under 85 IQ you are sterilized in the hospital. The world would be a better place if everyone was smarter, regardless of race.

In this graph we can see that Greek DNA is nowere near close to Turkic


make that 90

How are you supposed to figure out someones IQ before they're old enough to accurately measure it?

Not really. If you have time to care about this you need shit to do. There's nothing you can do, your opinions and world view doesn't decide the outcome, and its still weird to me people feel a sense of ownership over where they fell out of a vagina.

Blacks brought the black slaves. Fucking retard. They would love if you forgot that tiny little part tho

>feel a sense of ownership over where they fell out of a vagina.
it's right the country belongs to those who paid taxes.

>we don't need a license to create a whole new consciousness.

This, so much very much this.

It's interesting to see the whole world turn into 3rd world shithole.

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im a slav. are slavs white?

The human race is ultimately doomed no mater what race takes over the world. Eventually our world will be the relics and archeology of some future evolved beings.

so you wanna kill africans and black people to favour asians and whites?
that's not kosher

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slavs are whiter than Jews and if Jews proclaim they are white, slavs are whites.

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eugenics? Singapore reproduction policies is the closest to eugenics.

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What does that have to do with ethnicity?

That means giving adults the snip snip.

Da wytes and their ancestors paid taxes and built da infrastructure so it be reasonable dat country done belong to dem who put da cash money as investment for da future generayshun.

Gentrification is not confined to Singapore.

Not kill. Sterilize.

yea i misthought that. still sterilizing said groups is not kosher

There will still be outliers in those groups that have above average IQs. Trust me that there are plenty of white people who are very stupid too. The race proportions will even out later when smarter minorities are the only ones that can add to the gene pool.

may be you are right. maybe. interesting what would happen if people voted for such proposition

My only fear would be people rigging the testing system. It's an idealistic idea which is pretty much impossible to feasibly apply. Still fun to think about.

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\dkujHhf


It's good for jews.

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why would I care if humanity never turns into a type 1 civ? I will be dead long before thst, and without whites, it will never happen.

aren't you just nihilistic with no value system and therefore no meaning? What do you mean whites don't bring anything unique with themselves? it must be so un-unique that the whole world migrates to our countries like flies to shit. Who ever invented as much and wonderful things as we did? Sub-saharan africans hadn't invented WRITTEN LANGUAGE before they were discovered, they haven't built a two-story house when we were roaming the sea with great wooden ships and mistaken for gods by the indians. Have you read any european philosophers, the Story of Aristoteles, the cold distant view at the world of Kant or the fierce fire of Nietzsche's Life affirming, Meaning-giving Philosophy? Have you studied a little the tunes of mozart, Bach, Wagner and the results of their life's work, hell, listen to some irish folk music if you like. Europe was full to the top with ambition and we, noone else pulled ourselves up from the dirt, from Nothing! there were romans, celts, germanic tribes, there was Napoleon who conquered nearly the whole continent, Fredericus Rex who held his Prussia free against 4 of the mightiest countries and all that still smiling, does that just not interest you? Is that nothing? Life's beautiful mate, Europe blossomed with culture in every corner there so much ambition and curiosity to be satisfied, you grey people want to turn the world as grey as yourselves, everyones the same, nothing is holy and everything is unspectacular HAVE SOME PASSION WAKE UP

FUCK YES it's a bad thing, that our beautiful, whatever it is we managed to create in this world is slowly fading away by self righteous stupid uncultured primitives who are complaining when they can't rob us enough, it's sad and anyone with half open eyes and a heart still pumping thinks it's sad, no way around that.

Pretty much this.
One quick addition to this. If you think you can be a white minority in the world and somehow everyone else is going to treat you good and fair, you are grossly naive. Also if you are suffering from sort of white guilt ? You’re a stupid waste of oxygen.

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I don't want browners in my country, not because racist. but, for aesthetic reasons.
>blacks are unsightly
>sand people smell bad, and sound worse
>chongs are just plain odd