What are your thoughts on latina girls b?
What are your thoughts on latina girls b?
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I married one. Great decision.
Saved, will be showing her later. It's totally true too btw.
gf of 18 years is Mexican
I'll probably die alone if anything were to happen lol
Why no ring?
The spice of life
Neither of us believe in marriage.
We both believe it's a scam.
We'll get legally married if/when it becomes convenient.
Thats a good decision. My latina's mom wants to see her married but id rather save money and possibly travel.
Not great.
Ehh I suppose if you're both ok. Any kids?
>We both believe it's a scam.
It's usually mostly the married couples (...politicians making the rules and voters confirming them) scamming the singles and unmarried couples, really.
she has a nice ass, but she will still fart in bed like everyone else. stop putting the pussy on a pedestal
>she will still fart in bed like everyone else.
This is true.
No kids. Wanted to focus on our careers when we were younger and never really got around having the conversation again.
We talked about having a kid recently because she's getting to the age where it's not long before it becomes a now or never kind of thing.
If you don't want them don't have them. It's a big decision. Me and my lady talked about kids before we even got married.
Thicker, maybe. My girlfriend fucking sucks at cleaning.
She's hella whitewashed though.
That sucks, my wife's pretty white washed as well but she's still very good housewife. Yeah the thickness meme is true.
some are pretty nice.
This thread lacks latina thiccness
There's a really cute Puerto Rican girl who comes into my job. She knows I'm tryna get her number but apparently she "doesn't give her number out to strangers." Fair enough, but I talk to her every chance I get.
Latinas are top tier, second only to black women.
t. Inner city negro
Wife is Puerto Rican. Very passionate and a booty that could blow your mind.
Greedy, selfish, cheating, fat, overemotional, undereducated putas.
Thanks for asking.
used to think black women were generally less unattractive than white women but that was because i rarely saw objectively hot black women
my mind has changed very much since this revelation, as has my bicep size
Get yourself a horny and loyal Latina like my Dominican. You’ll fuck every day, she’ll clean and cook. You’ll be happy. But you’ll have to make her cum a lot to breed loyalty in her. Pic related
Forgot pic
I speak pretty good spanish for a white guy. Thinkin about going to colombia to visit a sexy camgirl I talk with a lot :0
Absolute qt. Nice milkers.
Who dis?
Thanks she’s got a fat ass too
Shes dominican?
Of course she does, she's a latina. That's expected haha. How long together?
gf is colombian/pr, love her to bits
take the latina pill boys, you will not be disappointed
Been married to one for six years now, never regretted it.
Im married to one, she was hot as hell when we got together back in 09 now shes fat. Sex is still fire though i never want another white girl again.
Spicfag here, ironically I've dated every race except my own, literally 80% of all the Latinas I've been interested in either got married or had a kid straight out of highschool. The one cool one I found and really liked wound up dating a white dude and got engaged. Never bothered me before but lately the idea of settling with my own just feels right
>now shes fat.
Exercise with her. It's how I keep mine thicc
I’ve been dating her for a week kek made her cum a lot and now she’s in love
Where can u meet a nonwhitewashed latina in the USA?
Theyre gross. They look good at 20 and turn into goblins after kid 1.
They don't understand sarcasm. Deal breaker.
Ugly af
>lately the idea of settling with my own just feels right
As a card carrying racist I 100% agree with you. Good luck in your endeavors.
Disc - / FzFRq9
My girlfriend is half white half latina. We've been together for 2 years now and I'm considering marrying her.
>made her cum a lot and now she’s in love
This guy fucks. Congrats btw.
East coast(I’m from nj) is full of them. Either for vacation, au pair or living here illegally
God it god deleted from the thread discordDOTggSLASHDcrfGh4
Id have better luck learning spanish than her getting off her ass and exercising.
Ok I live near DC and have trouble finding non white washed hot ones
Aww congrats user
Just get her to walk with you to the park, start slow build up to it. Compliment her as she starts to loose weight.
Yeah man I don’t think she expected a gringo to make her cum so much. But now she’s obsessed.
Probably not much in DC. Au pairs love going to nyc so you’ll find a lot of au pairs in north jersey who go there on the weekends. Many are Brazilian, Mexican, colombian etc I fucked a few Brazilians.
How are brazilians?
Once they get a white dick in them they never go back. Your girls got a good ass. Could loose a bit of weight but if your happy your happy
Gf is Brazilian. Very passionate, typically pretty family oriented. They WILL push for marriage though.
They’re great. They have fat asses but they think it’s small because I guess it is compared to what they consider big. Here’s one of the Brazilians I fucked
Sorry gringo, I'm only just now breaking the joos spell on me, many a white girl has already been my personal cum receptical.
My God dude.
Nice, whered you find her? I've been thinking of chasing Dominicans myself, I figure the more 3rd world they are the more desperate they are.
>I'm only just now breaking the joos spell on me
We all wake up at different times.
That is one awesome ass. Thank the heavens for latinas.
This is actually good advice, Latinos are greedy lovers especially if we were raised old school, we essentially see women as breeding sows and nothing more. When they meet a guy who actually tries to make her cum they get loyal fast.
AreE there more of her?
only after cooking you a nice, mexican dinner
Ok so this is 100% true. My wife is/was constantly blown away by how caring and attentive to her needs I am in bed and out.
When they're hot, they're super hot. The finest ones are mind bogglingly beautiful. And they're often really cool socially, if a bit crazy.
I want to date one
She definitely needs to lose a few pounds. She claimed she gained 10 lbs when she visited the US. But she’s back on a diet. I’ll bring her to the gym.
Found her on tinder. Fucked her the night before she went back to DR. But we keep in contact and she loves doing video chat with me. She’s been in her bed naked all night.
Damnit it's too big for here
Ay mami
can we see it
Exercise with her and make it fun. Compliment her as she sheds the pounds.
They are really sexy and have high libidos.
They are also crazy and have loads of daddy issues.
I live in Florida so there are a lot of Puerto Rican girls. Most of them have kids by the age of 25 and their baby-daddy is almost always some burn-out criminal who drives a modded Civic. If you like Latinas we have plenty, and they are gorgeous; but most of them come with kids and emotional issues because their gangbanger boyfriend couldn't even hold down his job at Krystals; but somehow has enough money to buy a new spoiler for his tricked-out ricer.
>most of them come with kids and emotional issues because their gangbanger boyfriend couldn't even hold down his job at Krystals
Unless you grab one of the smarter ones.
Yeah I’ll encourage her. I go to the gym pretty much every day so I can bring her. And all the fucking will be good exercise. The night we met I fucked her in my car because I had no other option at the time and I sweat my balls off. I lost 4 lbs (obviously mostly water weight) and my shirt was drenched.
Spicfag here, too. I could never find a Latina that I could date long term. Sadness.
You lost 4 lbs from one instance of sex???
they get really fat and ugly
Hang in there don't give up pendejo.
That notion was probably unknowingly ingrained in you by your family and culture. Not even being a dick, just stating an observation.
Love them. Currently dating one
>Those hips
White guys need to stop with the notion that all Latinas are Mexican/Central Americans. Its only them that turn into goblins cause they have Aztec/Mayan blood. Other Latinas, like Southern American or Carribean, look like OP’s pic.
Most Americanized Dominicans go for Black Guys nowadays, especially in NY. Are you black? The ones with white fever are the FOBS
My dad gave me excellet advise on Latina girls.
He said:
If you plan to marry a Latina girl, get to know her mother right away. If you like the way she looks after having gone through childbirth, this is what your girl will look like.
Stick with naturally skinny Latinas who are skinny even while pregnant.
Dont go for the "lower cast" level latinas, because they are just plain stupid and their family is going to embarras you at any event where they attend.
Try to stick with fair-complexion Latinas, because those are more than likely going to be half-Mexican, half-European from descendency within her family to the Old Country.
Finally, if yoy marry a Latina girl, dont fucking cheat on her or she will go ballistic and literally kill you. And probably kill herself right after.
Sound advice
only problems i have is she's stubborn as hell but that's most women tbh
they are better then white women
less likely to become man hating feminists,their feet are cuter,and are more attractive
if ur in DC it might just be worth your while to go indian or first gen asian.
That's just women in general honestly. Just gotta show them whose boss.
Yeah I swear to god. I was 201 at night and 197 the next day. Definitely just water weight.
All I know is that Selena Gomez is hot as fuck and she’s Latina.
she's not hot though
but at least she isnt anti american like that guido ariana grande
Selma is still hot in her 50’s
this is 100% true, a lot of dudes try and push for a traditional family oriented have kids after they marry type of relationship with white women but you're not gonna get that with modern white women.
spoilers are like 50$ on ebay they're not expensive lol
usually pretty decent if they're not amerimutts.
Who is this??
Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?
>tfw the guy on the left is the norm in America now
latina nipples
>tfw your a trump supporter who complains about mexicans but lives in a community full of white rednecks anyway
>Implying I give a damn about Zion Don and his Make Israel Great Again agenda
>implying the typical beaner looks like that model
niley hott
Very proud of ya
Thanks I guess
How soft is her ass?
Just enough
Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?
She passionate?
She has some body and self-esteem issues, but in bed she's fucking sensational and loves to suck so much.
Their moods are like their curves. All over the place.
They're great, I'm married to one with a fat ass and big tits.
She's on her way to have drinks with coworkers and will probably blow one of them tonight.
I'll probably choke fuck her later when she gets home.
You're doing God's work Yea Forumsro thanks!