I just got high and i dont wanna be high anymore, how do i cancel de effect with swiftness?

I just got high and i dont wanna be high anymore, how do i cancel de effect with swiftness?

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Jerk off and drink water

take a nap

go for a drive. drive by the police station honk your horn

stick your finger in your butthole

time is the only way


Not a helpful thread pussy

Lol that was real fucking intelligent huh? I've been in that situation before

Vitamin C, fatty foods and cafeine

just think about how weird it is to exist at all and ponder philosophical zombies for a while. you'll be fine. :) it's all in your head man. it's all in your head.

hold your eyes as wide open as you can without blinking yeah keep doin that

>vitamin c
Professor doctor here kek

Fresh African American semen is the only cure

Eat food that shit always kills my high


No, just not American so not a total retard

Eat a peppercorn or hold an ice cube. You need some physical abrupt sensation change (that can't hurt you) it should bring the high down a little. Like a shock back to reality.

Just be careful because if you sense the quantum shift from the simulation you will remember you are playing the game and the only way to win is not to play. You control your own reality and through the gradual shifts in quantum time you may slip into a new reality leaving your current one behind. Sadly you will forget about the last game you played because it is the novelty of the experience you play for. Do you understand o.p. ?

Yes but i got reasons to hold into this reality, so im solid my dude (it feels weird tho)

Then keep creating

I hear CBD products are good for cancelling out/balancing the effects of THC if you happen to have any on hand. Haven't tried it myself though.

Use a bucket of milk


He might slip into a back room...

Focus. Focus on your hand. Focus on the cells composing the skin on your hands. Focus on the powerhouse of the cell. Focus on the composition necessary to make your hands exist. A chemical equation of endless complexity that equals you. The exact combination of atoms that make your skincar drive your brain around so you can cum, eat, shit, repeat. Imagine the literally insane chaos in the universe that had to have occurred to generate the molecular trainwreck that created our conscious thought, me writing this in my present existence as you read it in yours.

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Go to sleep