Do ya think for her 18th someone's gonna leak her nude's?

Do ya think for her 18th someone's gonna leak her nude's?

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they'd still be illegal unless the nude pics were taken on the same day retard

>they'd still be illegal unless the nude pics were taken on the same day retard

Citation needed

exactly, nudes don’t share the age of the person

Dems some nice tatas

Attached: B1A62A89-F925-4737-9D85-2BCC706D2FAF.jpg (1116x1098, 338K)

News flash!
She's actually ugly!


News flash:

Attached: that's just your opinion.jpg (400x320, 99K)

Came here to say this, only more rude

lol what are you talking about? That's not a citation.
Try again.

It's common sense faggot. You can't own child porn with let's say an 11 year old kid in it, just because the kid in it is 18 now. Retard.


Do you have the retard?

lol Woops! Looks like someone getting cranky.

I didn't ask for what your assertions.
I asked for a citation, as in show me a reason to accept that the law is in line with your claim.
Can you provide one or can you not?

Go on then. I'm waiting....

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Attached: Eye To Eye 27062019113601.jpg (951x697, 100K)

Toll status:

its illegal regardless,why cant people understand that 18 is still underage.are americans really this fucking stupid

Nice b8

Americans are so stupid but literally run the world. herpa derp EU

They would retard

Not that user but either pic related or you are the dumbest fuck I've ever seen

Attached: e0d.jpg (1000x1000, 45K)

Forget her... Jaden Smith is the future of music!

Attached: Modern Talent.jpg (620x413, 56K)