Like everything else he's attempted in his life, he's nothing more than a wannabe

Like everything else he's attempted in his life, he's nothing more than a wannabe.

A wannabe Russian, a wannabe dictator, a wannabe businessman and a wannabe president.

The only thing he's been successful at is being a conman. But he has already made very serious dictator-like comments.

E.g. using paramilitaries and state forces to impose his will, kill his opposition and extend his term beyond the constitutional limits.

He discredits all free press as the enemy of the people and fake unless it agrees with him.

He lies relentlessly and displays a grand delusion complex.

He surrounds himself with yes men and echo chambers and praises himself as superior to all.

He openly compliments other dictators and their policies. E.g. Kim, Duterte and takes the word of Putin over his own intelligence agencies.

He wants a military parade

The only thing he's missing is the uniform unless you count his swasti- I mean MAGA hat.

His cronies seem to want a civil war.

He seems to love taking from people and giving it to the rich and corporate elite.

Why Americans fall for this conmen shit is beyond me but no self respecting conservative should respect him and the fact that retards like Mike Pompeo call him some sort of God sent messiah is pure mind boggling bullshit.

Can't imagine how apeshit you fucksticks would have gone if Obama or any Democrat made fun of John McCain - especially during his presidential candidacy. Y'all had your dicks hard for the war hero then, now you piss on him because orange man tells you to.

Fucking spineless sheep

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\dkujHhf

$0.10 has been deposited into your JIDF account!

>jews did not back Trump
sure, kid.

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Collusion has to deal with anti-trust laws. As for conspiracy, there's a long list.

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He's a bitch. Everyone knows it.
Even his supporters know he's a bitch...but they are uneducated bitches themselves and they like bitches, so they like him.

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McCain was a hero in the military. but he damn sure wasn't heroic in any other effort after that.

lol delusional fucking moron

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you're not popular FBI.
just fuck off with your endless shilling.

Trump is the fucken man.
The majority love him.

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That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. Bitch

The minority of voters (which as a whole is already a minority) voted for him.

The electoral college love him, maybe...

lol thinking the popular vote means anything

It's what we would measure as the 'majority'

everything you said is incorrect. try again, kid.

ah hahahahahahah you're clearly retarded

Take this shit to /pol/ and fuck off

except it's not

>thinking the popular vote means anything
how did you become so unintelligent?

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\dkujHhf


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But, he's factually correct. Liberals and facts don't get along very well, true, but he's still right.

wow, good one. it is, you're just a dumb child. it's ok, just accept it.

Crazy how they all went to jail for shit unrelated. It's almost like trump didn't do anything wrong!

trump isn't the man and the majority do not love him. he lost the majority vote.
everything he said is wrong.

You know manafort was charged with being an undocumented agent for Russia...

Were you expecting a signed blood pact with Putin and Trump photographed with that days newspaper and signed by at least 3 independent witness with their birth certificates for identification?

Putin was in the KGB. He's not new to this, Trump is. This is why the debate was never IF Russia tried to tamper with the election, but how effective was it. The links to Trump and literally no one else is just part of that investigation started by the conservatives, and on a dozen times tried to be covered up by Trump.

There is no exoneration for Trump, specifically stated in that report.

You know manafort was charged with being an undocumented agent for Russia...

Were you expecting a signed blood pact with Putin and Trump photographed with that days newspaper and signed by at least 3 independent witness with their birth certificates for identification?

Putin was in the KGB. He's not new to this, Trump is. This is why the debate was never IF Russia tried to tamper with the election, but how effective was it. The links to Trump and literally no one else is just part of that investigation started by the conservatives, and on a dozen times tried to be covered up by Trump.

There is no exoneration for Trump, specifically stated in that report.

Just keep telling yourself that.

The thing is that the Trump supporters only listed to Fox bullshit news and they don't report the truth. They only report the no collusion, no obstruction thing, which is a compete lie.
Listen to what Mueller said about his own report. If he could exonerate Trump, he would have, but he can't. Also, look forward to what Mueller has to say when he testifies in July.
All these dumb bitches aren't going to know what hit them because they can't hide with Fox news bullshit.
The Mueller testimony will be on every single channel...can't hide from it any longer

>Have some more KoolAide, its GOOD for you...

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Trump supporters are dumb lying cunts. Every one of them without fail.
Why do you think Trump said he supports the uneducated???????????? It's like the supporters don't understand that even he is calling his own supporters dumb. Then again, they are dumb, so it makes sense why they can't figure that out.

Your coup failed, charges forthcoming...

How the fuck are campaign violations while working on Trump's campaign and lying to the FBI concerning Trump's actions unrelated?

Turned into a fucking doormat in order to get invited to the 'right' parties in the Swamp...

They will never take things to /pol/ because they know they whould have their ass destroyed. Btw it's probably always the same (((tranny cuck))) that post these threads. Just sage and move on. De todos modos, ¿has visto el debate de los demócratas? Trump ganará seguro.

When you run a cost-plus fishing expedition you're going to catch something, in this case NOTHING related to the original false purpose...
Your coup failed, charges forthcoming.

lol ok big boy. nice try

"wannabe business man"
alright retard

LibTard tantrums prove this every day, the problem is they've stepped up to openly planning to fix the next election and they're literally murdering social media to get there...

Come back with a better insult kiddo

Better evidence for Shrillary conspiring with the Russkies, but that violates the Approved Discourse and will NEVER be acknowledged...

Goebbels would be proud!

lol you mean better than your come back??
I'm not trying to insult you. you are genuinely retarded. you should go to the doctor.

That's one way to try drowning out the GoogleGate testimony...

with all the recent outrage for what big tech companies are doing with censorship people are waking up to the danger that the left represent. Plut the democret "debate" was a joke they utterly gheddafi'd themselves.

Reality is going to bite you, and I shall laugh...

Entirely unrelated to the FAKE collusion charges.

hmmm you're projecting, which is what dumb people do. It's very common.
You will be the one who is being laughed at. That was a good try though.

lol FAKE. I'm going to guess you only listen to Fox

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I'd say a guy who fails in the casino business is pretty much a wannabe, no?

just listen to people try to defend this manchild.

completely departed from reality and reason. lost in rhetoric and applying the full fear of their own existential grief to defending this manchild like a god-king. All in the name of 'reinstating democracy'

They have no idea how idiotic they sound and they just keep ignoring anything that demonstrates the lunacy of pursuing this end. It's both saddening and disgraceful.

It will end in disaster and shame, the likes of which this nation has only seen in its own darkest times.

Trump should stick to his usual defence! Deny, deny, deny, just like his buddy Putin! He raped a woman and assaulted many more and just denies, denies, denies! Who is this guys anyway and what do so many people believe his BS?

>He raped a woman and assaulted many more and just denies, denies, denies
And your proofs are? Please consider neutring yourself you useless cuck

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>And your proofs are?
the women who he assaulted...
Are you really that dumb?

Why do I always fall for obvious bait?

Sure stay mad kid

not mad. Just pointing out facts.
I know your kind does not like facts.
Go back to cleaning out your fat rolls

please for once in your life, try providing alternatives or, god forbid, solutions. Who is an appropriate candidate for 2020 elections in your "wise" opinion?

>we're just pretending to be retarded

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...still waiting on Hillary special console to start...

You're grasping. A 'coup' is violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group.

A legal 'investigation' started up by his own party is the law.

This would be true, except for Hillary. You can only catch the criminals that have done crimes.

Notice how they admitted guilt...

All of them agreed to the charges. The only one actually convicted is because he tried to plea guilty, but then was founded out there was EVEN MORE CRIMES that were not admitted to,

relating to being a foreign agent of Russia.

>trump: hey we should try and be a little friendlier with russia to avoid war
>putin: can we get someone to go and talk to him cuz obama is fucking us if he gets in i want to know if hes gunna keep it going


ok sure

No plans have been made, and even Trump has admitted he would not stop collusion with outside countries and has been openly and actively seeking it, publicly.

There's zero evidence.

"Collusion" is not a crime.

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\dkujHhf


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There’s 0 evidence that God created humans and the bible says it all happened in 6000 years! C’mon!

not trump, thanks

Oh, thanks "man", that was inspiring.

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What a stupid shillbot retarded fucking scummy jew bought idiot post this is.
wrong website dummy

You know if you didnt do reddit spacing your shilling would be more authentic? I guess.

I'm not her to inspire you, but thanks for being a soyboy

your grandmom caravan..

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90% of the people i know who voted for trump regret their vote and don't understand how anyone still supports him.

Shut up you nigger, you are the cancer of the western society

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Do all Trump supporters have foul mouths? No wonder you like him! You’re just like him!

they're atonal. It's anger issues

They’re playing both sides you tard
Causing arguments is all they’re interested in. Haven’t you priced all the shill argument threads about blacks, cucks, bbc, trannies, trump, anti-trump, etc etc

Or when Trump had that private meeting with now arrested spymaster with Russia that he leaked top secret information to about USA and it's allies?

Or the multiple closed meetings with zero record by the American government on, that was done intentionally because there had to be a translator there at the LEAST.

Beyond all of that, and the intelligence committees, ALL OF THEM, agreeing that Putin favored Trump winning the election.

Or the confirmed election tampering and arrest of over a dozen Russian spies.

But beyond all of that, we can be assured are just fiction, because the man being accused of it said it's false. Because liars never lie.


Because there's a list of over 10,000 lies Trump has been confirmed into saying to the point they had to invent a new level of lies for Trump because he not only say so many lies, but repeats the same lies so often without remorse.

Like how Obama wasn't born in the US (even tho John McCain wasn't born in the US and it's not even relevant to being president if you have a parent as a US citizen) even tho he was.

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Just post even the most biased conspiracy theory here to debunk the 'zero evidence' claim.

We are the cure for western society. Fascism has already tried and failed to defeat the capitalist democracy.

Just die already.

Except the only nation or people confirmed to have done this is Russia, tell me more about the Jew problem. Is it in the room with us now?

This is what Zucc was at congress for.

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It would have been a lot easier to type "orange man bad".

Except that's something on NPC can hear.

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