Andy please mutilate my throat.
Andy please mutilate my throat
logposting hasn't been the same since your pathetic discord was raided has it?
>logfag will deny this (at least till pictures show up)
take your meds
Grow up.
don't get so mad that i pointed out an embarrassing fact: your silly discord was never that secure, and it's full of pathetic losers ready to betray you in a second.
you never had a chance.
Yeah, like that could stop me from logposting.
what the fuck is a discord
nobody wants you to stop (except the newfags). your cringey efforts give everyone more to deride
indeed, everyone loves log threads. that was a friendly thing to say.
>logposting is confined to a discord
get woke! no logs for you b*tch!!!
no, you're like a car accident on the side of the road: normal humans don't actually wish people were torn limb from limb with their pets hanging decapitated from the wreckage. but when it happens, we look because it's sad.
you are the decapitated dog hanging from a tree in that accident,
and we cringe at the car wreck you are
listen up, you pathetic fucking goblin faggot. The only car wreck hereis you. The entire board AND the mods have acknowledged that this is the best meme since pepe. My ancestors are smiling upon me, you goblin faggot. Can you say the same?
Don't respond to these threads. It's all just one guy samefagging.
sorry my factual statement hurt your feelings. don't take the internet so seriously.
if you really cared, you'd get that medical help everyone keeps telling you to get.
This is my first time in a log thread and i already noticed that.
These two posters are the same person. Without a doubt.
Make no mistake. This man is severely mentally unwell.
>this stupid
>inb4 30-second photoshop job
Must be fun being a complete schizo.
Says the goblin faggot with mental shillness
>when you are so butthurt at being made fun of, you try to find ways to evade your tormentors
just like your failed notice in reddit
and the invasion on your pathetic discord?
that pictures is altered/faked
hi short cawk. don't get mad.
you failed to get rid of porn with your yellow lameness,
not my fault your efforts will all fail. just accept the reality, you losers are cringe max.
I cringe at your love of cockrate threads
ok I won't, but my cock isn't That short
Better than being a complete faggot who posts the same meme for 3 years.
Logging in
>I cringe at your love of cockrate threads
you talk like a religious fag, or worse, a nu atheist who can't let go of his ambivalence about sex
the rest of us don't care one way or the other about sex threads, they are not that interesting to us, so we don't care. that you care is freaking hilarious and it's your weakness. you erroneously split the world into those who are pathetic logposters and those who love porn, as if the split was exactly that.
sorry fag, many of us are not tormented by porn, just lie we're not tormented by your cringefest posts.
but if it triggers you, it gives me more things to laugh at about you!
anyone else tried this?
> if it triggers you
I am always triggered you dense faggot. I am searching scatalog all day to make fights in log threads.
thought it was just spam
you mean your spamming scam?
it is, and your chinese faggoty spam isn't fooling anyone
you have that flipped around mate, but i see what you're trying to do and it's pretty cringey
>fake as if you hate logposts
everyone knows you cringe fags are so desperate to get attention you FAKE YOUR OWN OUTRAGE
pretty cringey, thinking you can like and others will believe your lies
just get back to your original gripe:
that you hate porn threads and they TRIGGER YOU
that you hate porn threads and they TRIGGER YOU.
that you hate porn threads and they TRIGGER YOU..
.that you hate porn threads and they TRIGGER YOU.
.that you hate porn threads and they TRIGGER YOU
oh please not those posts again. even if that paranoid stuff is true, who gives a flying fuck.
Back to the fat pharm, summerfags.
I bet logposters smell bad.
apparently her only time of happiness is when she slides logs
hehe stinky.
hey logfag, have you given up on your billlie eilish hoax?
I sure did bro, apparently people knew it was not true. was a bit dissapointing.
I loved that movie. the whole theatre smelled like my toilet. people were literally inhaling and slidding logs of shit.
lol andy litarelly is sitting right behind them
please log into earth, we need your ASSimilation
So that's what this Andy guy looks like, I have often wondered.
YEAH!!! The machines are taking over! EXTERMINATE! Ha ha!
lol HOT
Poopy eat HA HA!
stanky doodoo hehe :p
Can someone get this faggot a log?
I feel like his throat is so unimpeded he could swallow an entire watermelon without chewing it first.
Don't forget to fill out the special BVB Army survey!
Yes slide your creamy log down my throat
lol that's andy sixx and andy fivve
haha there in the sun oH MY!
hahaaaa LOOOOGS :p
Who's this beautiful young man?
this guy never fails to post andy sixx log shit
It's the mysterious Dr Jon Logfather.
this is so hot
Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\dkujHhf
>Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?
too mature for hentai
get help
fake outrage and samefag
Mature some
See pic related
This goblin faggot IS the logposter
no rules disc