Julia's thread

Julia's thread
Had to leave earlier but I'm back to share more about Julia.
Ask me anything about how she cucks me

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From 1 to 5, how dark is her anus?

If you have pics, please post them.

>Ask me anything about how she cucks me
was in until you said this. kys yourself idiot larper

I would say 2
See for yourself
Too bad for you

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That's a 4 for me.


How many guys has she cucked on you with?

How old is she and may I see her armpit?

why do you let yourself be willingly cucked?
seems like theres no going back after that

This isn't pathetic to you?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-27-14-08-04.jpg (1152x1826, 593K)

9 from now
4 got handjobs
1 got a blowjob
2 fucked her and enjoyed her Chinese pussy (pic is one of them)

Attached: 36231249_1424192811058210_7500391441584095232_n.jpg (800x600, 47K)

Oh this was fake? :(

No, I'm glad she became a web slut
because watching your gf with other guys is amazing
And yeah, there is no going back but it was for the best for us. Our relationship is even better now.
She's 27
Here is a pic of her armpit

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No, but some of her pics got reposted

lmao i know youre the same larper that made the thread currently titled "webslut" because no one is autistic enough to say webslut. and the funny thing about his thread is he said he hacked her icloud when shes a reddit bitch. your larping is no different

Think what you want, but the truth is she is my gf
Some anons here know it

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any videos of her? or any pic with cum?

yeah, this is her full of cum
I also have vids but they are too big here
Do you have Skype ?

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how many dicks came on her body? dont have skype but i can add you if you have kik

How do u cuck her? Go to bars? Tell a story user

kik me bidwill72

No KIK unfortunetely

In total, 3 men came on her since we started

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She cucks me, I don't cuck her.
But to find other guys, we started going to swing club but now, she finds guys on xhamster.
A pic of her chatting with some guys online

Attached: chat.png (1094x790, 1.47M)

upload her videos somewhere please

sharpie in pooper

come back a post more of her OP

what do you want guys ?


get kik, or give me email

upload some of her videos please

how about a timestamp you lyin fag. posting pictures that are atleast 2 years old kek

OP you're french right ?

yes that's me
Don't have that
I will share them on Skype

Attached: 133.jpg (2847x2919, 302K)

Ca fait longtemps que je vois des photos de ta meuf,j'adorerai la baiser salement. tu es toujours interessé pour te faire cocu ?

Oui, toujours intéressé. Tu es d"ou ?

Region parisienne

ajoute moi sur skype :live:5811a9909423e6f2

C'est fait

Is it weird that I can identify Asian women by their pubic hairs?

Because they are black and straight

Attached: Photo le 20-03-2018 à 23.22.jpg (1080x720, 141K)

J'adorerais la baiser aussi, envoie ton skype


Je t'ajoute ce week-end pour en discuter

ok ;)

whats your skype?


français ?

Here's my mega folder for Julia. I ain't op :

lmao at this shoop

Attached: Capt33ure.png (714x485, 723K)

I didn't do anything to the pics. Just saved them

just added, please respond