Whats the story on this dude?

Whats the story on this dude?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He's an hero

He really really hated Personna 5 and the fan of the "video game" so he jumped down a bridge, happened to many people already

He an heroed after suffering from deep depression. Police even had to take him into mental care once, cause fans thought he was suicidal.

He ended up jumping of a bridge. Police found his belongings, found his corpse two days later at the riverbank.

He's a NIGGER.

Attached: whitetika.jpg (600x900, 65K)

He was dude

He ded


Oh shit that sucks

Beautiful user

He was a popular youtuber who did nintendo shit then ge had a mental breakdown then killed himself a while later but yah this man was a great guy sad to see him go

He has a lame fuckin' hairdo that went out with Gulf War 1.0.

/story on this dude

he's dead and shit, Now people are doing retarded YouTube vids on finding his ghost

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Wasn't it 6 days later?

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Black zoomer version of eraserhead.
A real faggot, all things considered.

He was missing for 6 days yes. Was just in relation to police finding his belongings, then the corpse 2 days after that.

something wrong
I hold my head
Etika gone
a nigga dead

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He’s not really dead he paid off people
And will come out as alive sometime and gain a huge following

Never watched his shit but from what I could gather he always had some loose screws. Also it seems he was kind of a mythomaniac, and by his face I'd say he didn't look like a very smart person.

He’s alive and posting on his Snapchat Et1ka


happens when you play minecraft too much

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OK so basically this dude was a really popular streamer and committed Beefaroni or someshit.

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He looks like a doberman thanks to you

Fucking kekd!!!

He literally just did retarded reaction videos

The laziest content on YouTube

I cant comprehend why people keep saying he was "a great dude" and shit


Thought I was the only one that thought it. High five

Etika said he's been raised by Yea Forums. He was a Yea Forumstard

>reaction career

biggest kek ever holy shit

Nigga nigged, the end

what's even funny, is that some people are saying that this nigger has a legacy


quite poetic

He was the biggest faggot nigger in the history of faggotry. He flew to close to the sun. He sucked soooo many cocks. In numbers beyond comprehension. When he had finally sucked all the nigger cock he could, he became depressed. So he climbed up the bridge like a true nigger baboon and an heroed. Hod speed you colossal nigger cock sucking faggot.

High Score: 4 Niggers

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just another retard who made a living off youtube by making reaction videos. literally the worst form of internet cancer. he became self aware so decided to delete himself.

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Attached: etika.png (634x231, 20K)

july 15? I don't get it. Wat happened with that



2 words

im curious what porn he posted on his youtube before it was taken down. anyone have links?

It was the memes that ended him