Checkmate, faggots

Checkmate, faggots.
>get vasectomy
>then get married to pic related
>she doesnt know
>hot baby-making sex every night
>cum inside as much as I want
Been going for over a year now and things are fucking great.

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Congrats on never being able to spread your genes, having a life of your own creation. All for the pursuit of temporary pleasure. Shoulda just had two kids then vasect smh.

>screaming babies
>insolent teenagers
Yeah sounds like I really fucking missed out, user.

You're not the only one to do this, OP

But you're one of the few who (pardon the pun) has the balls to do this. I too am part of this elite fraternity. Had it done 20yrs ago (when I was 26, 45 now) and don't regret it one bit.

>Congrats on resisting the urge society pushes on us to spread your genes without any thought for the future
>having a life of your own creation is overfuckingrated anyways
>all for the pursuit of pleasure, which is exactly as it should be
>everyone shoulda done what you did

Fuck kids (not pedo). Overrated, worthless, pain in the ass motherfuckers. The ONLY good thing about kids is makin' 'em. Or, in the case of OP & me, "practicing" makin' 'em.

The only thing more useless than kids is dogs. Another blight upon society we're expected to just love 'cause "reasons". Uh, no. I'll take the incessant stares, the "what are you, a freak?" comments & the distrust because I refuse to commit to either one of these drains of resources that provide fucking squat in return so that I may have peace of mind, quiet, and all the nice stuff in my apt.

Have no fear, OP. That guy's a douchenozzle.

Ever notice how, whenever your friends get married/have kids & you're the only one in the group not to have taken the plunge, inevitably the conversation turns to "so, when are you gettin' married/having a family?" It always happens, like fuckin' clockwork. And I can tell you why:

Because misery loves company. These unwitting fucktards bought into society's expectations without bothering to think about what was good for THEM. Now they're miserable. Then they see you, without a care in the world because you didn't willynilly take on the boatload of responsibilities/commitments they did. They see how you're living your life for YOU. They see you HAPPY.

And they don't like it.

So they turn sanctimonious. Because if they can't be happy, why should you be able to?

more of her gg/ddA2A2

This post wont age well for you. In b4 depression in 20 years.

Vasectomy at 26? Damn user, I'm impressed you were able to get it done at all. My doctor was all over my case and I'm in my 30's. "Are you really sure" and all that shit. Good for you.

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He had a vasectomy. He didn't get his testicles removed. Are you stupid or ignorant?

>Vasectomy at 26? Damn user, I'm impressed you were able to get it done at all. My doctor was all over my case and I'm in my 30's. "Are you really sure" and all that shit. Good for you.
I don't get it they're reversible why do they make it so fucking hard? I don't want kids at all and I know I never will

Really? That's all you've got? By the time that happens I'll be 66, at which point depression will be irrelevant.

Besides, I've been depressed my entire life. Yes, LONG before I was even able to HAVE kids, much less decide I don't ever want any. Tell me I'll be depressed in 20yrs? Like I'd notice.

BTW, nice pitiful attempt at a guilt trip. Folks, that's another weapon in the toolkit the idiots who buy into society's standards use to try to coerce you into doing things against your own interests. Sorry pal. Marriage and kids may be for sale, but I ain't buyin' (with apologies to Mustaine).

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The purpose of life is to reproduce you know?
Well your wife is ugly as hell so that's okay lmfao.

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>Fuck kids (not pedo).

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar

>nothing left in the chamber
>reduced to name calling
bravo, user

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Great fun, right up until she tells you she's finally pregnant.

Droppin some bunions in the oven. Janky mankey was eating a hanky

I'm really happy for you and imma let you finish, but that chick is fugly

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>The purpose of life is to reproduce you know?
Yeah it was when there were only a couple 100 million of us running around now we have 7 billion plus and are already having over population problems.
Kids are awful don't want them never will

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Funny how if you have a SO they require them to sign off on it. Whatever happened to "my body my choice"?

>Funny how if you have a SO they require them to sign off on it. Whatever happened to "my body my choice"
If women wants her tubes tied and has a S/O they have to do the same the rules kinda change when you get married. I don't know how I feel about it but I can see why they have it that way

I'll go you one further:
>I was in the Army
>I had no kids already
>my first wife was Catholic

After talking to my Army doctor (whom I knew outside of his job thanks to a hobby of mine), I had to convince the wife (at the time, divorced now) that this was a good idea. Then we BOTH had to go to the doctor & present a unified front, that it's what we both wanted.

In spite of her Catholic background, it was easier than you would imagine. She'd taken Home Ec in HS & had that "care for a bag of flour as if it were a child" exercise, except she drew the shortest straw & ended up with "triplets". So if she had any maternal instincts when I knew her, she suppressed them something fierce. Also, she's a medical doctor now (in Seattle, no less), but at the time she'd only finished her Freshman year of college. So education was extremely important to her, and we both knew that if she were to get knocked up, it would seriously curtail her educational aspirations. Then, I sincerely told her that, once she had her career lined up & all that, if she still wanted kids, I would get it reversed, but being adopted myself, I wanted to pursue adoption first. On top of all that, we had friends that were in young marriages that were already crankin' out kids & we saw how miserable they were (through the veneer of "happiness" they tried to foist off on everyone). No, kids were NOT on the list of things to-do for us.

Turns out I needn't have bothered- we got divorced a little over a year later. I've since discovered that she's remarried & has at least one kid now.

Now, imagine if I'd done what society expected me to do & whelped crumbcrunchers with this woman. Not only would her & I both been miserable thanks to the strain it would have caused directly, but after we got to where we hated each other, I STILL would have had to maintain contact with her ass to some degree. Not to mention supporting a kid I wasn't even going to live with.

Sounds neat, but isn't the fun part of orgasm the squeezing of semen through your dick? Wouldn't it feel like a less complete orgasm? And if she blows you how do you explain no semen?

"Huh huh huh, I think i'll name him Butthead. Huh huh huh-huh."

She looks like Butthead's mom. lel

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That's fine user, she's my wife, not yours. Not the first time I've heard she's ugly as fuck, but I think she's adorable. All the more odds she won't suddenly get pregnant by alternative means, if you know what I'm saying.

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>Sounds neat, but isn't the fun part of orgasm the squeezing of semen through your dick? Wouldn't it feel like a less complete orgasm? And if she blows you how do you explain no semen?
My guy take a fucking sex ed course please

What is that link to? Discord?

Hey man, me again: In spite of what that other faggot said, I think your ol' lady is pretty hot. I have some NSFW shots of my first wife (the Catholic chick who's a doctor now). I'll post those if you post some of your ol' lady.

>Sounds neat, but isn't the fun part of orgasm the squeezing of semen through your dick? Wouldn't it feel like a less complete orgasm? And if she blows you how do you explain no semen?
Oh no it's retarded

kek, you really need to read up on how vasectomies work user

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Me again: Damn, didn't know she was little up top. Now I REALLY wanna see her w/out any clothes on.

My ex is little on top too. You ought to like it.

Jesus fuck thank God you won't be breeding

Well you know what, I think it's wonderful that you have her, and I'm glad you like her so much

is that the kid from gummo?

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If anything, the fact that I am capable of clear, rational thought based on FACTS should suggest that I would be a pretty decent dad, considering the odds that I'd do my best to pass on those values to any offspring that emitted from my loins.

As opposed to you mouthbreathing breeders, who can't stop your rutting to figure out this "food/air/space" thing that children require.

But regardless, thank you and congratulations for proving that Idiocracy may have been conceived as a satire but will turn into a documentary.

What's the matter, user? The truth hurt?

I've found that, more often than not, with faggots like you that's usually the case.

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Funny how everyone thinks throwing a soda can into the recycling bin is going to save the environment.
But do your part to curtail runaway human reproduction? Well, now you're suddenly next to satan.

>never being able to contribute to the exponential growth of humanity until all resources are depleted

Are you bragging that you’re impotent?

Lol. Fucking cuckservatives...

probably traded his virility for a nintendo switch

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wrong way around. liberals get vasectomy, soy boys

Sounds like you are happy user, she may not be a looker, but she is probably nice to you and that is what matters in life. Maybe later in life you'll adopt a kid to fill that itch or you'll be a foster home to some kids who need it. Either way, have fun.

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This user gets it. Conservatives breed like fucking crazy. Oh, and news flash, they're not white either.

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>"cuck"servatives are almost never the ones to get vasectomies, unless their ol' lady has a health problem & can't get pregnant again; see Idiocracty & the Duggar KKKlan for evidence of that
>vasectomy = no longer fertile
>impotent = cannot attain/maintain an erection through to completion
>saying a vasectomy makes a man impotent is like saying taking Viagra then having sex will ensure she gets pregnant
>ie: they're not the same fucking thing, pun intended

For the record, I hate conservatives as much as you appear to. But ffs, THEY'RE the ones that are supposed to have a corner on the market for stupidity & ignorance. Way to fuck up the bell curve there, brainiac.

Pic related

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You need to read this And realize that even though it was posted before your comment was, he's talking to and about YOU.

amen Yea Forumsro

I'm with this dude. Right on, OP.

Now, when are you gonna produce the goods OP? Some of us wanna see her butt-nekkid.

Don't let it get to you. He's just salty because you actually got to choose whether or not to spread your seed, instead of just having to accept it.

what the fuck are you talking about. this is you liberal commie soy boys. you trade your virility for a nintendo switch because your wife who fucks black guys told you to do so

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this guy kek

>get home from work
>dinner's waiting
>hot sex after
>cum inside, no complaints
Yeah I think I'm ok on the no-kids front there user

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If your wife is fucking black guys that's be all the more reason to get a vasectomy, Satan. You don't want to get tied down raising a niglet.

your missing the point. a real man, that is a non soy boy, keeps his wife in check and makes sure she aint fuckin anyone but you

>keeps his wife in check
and how do you do this user? give her a little smack from time to time?

if required, sure.

the fact you are even asking me this proves you are low test soy boy

nudes of pic related

>don't drink soy
>not married
>not a swinger
>not a "commie"
>AM a veteran though
>hate Nintendo (I'm a PS4 guy)
>knows the difference between fertility & virility
>understand that some of the less intellectually-endowed among us would confuse the two though

>vasectomy was _MY_ FUCKING IDEA, nobody else's

What I'd like to know is, why do you Stormfaggots always assume that the wives/girlfriends of anyone who's not ALSO a Stormfaggot are always off fucking Tyrone? Are you projecting or something? I mean, we all know how controlling & sexually repressed (and repressive!) you closet homos are.

But us non-retarded non-conservatives have this really enlightened habit of actually TRUSTING our women. We TRUST that they'll remain faithful to us, and in return, they justify that trust by (hold onto your hat here buddy) remaining faithful to us.

OTOH, I can only imagine what sex for the s/o of a conservative retard would be like. The only thing that really comes to mind is when the blonde chick in the first two episodes of GoT is basically raped by the huge Aquaman dude. Knuckledragging, slap 'em around if they so much as disagree with you, gotta keep 'em pregnant, barefoot & in the kitchen, right? Yeah, like any woman with a shred of self-dignity is gonna willingly submit herself to THAT.

Newsflash "bro": any woman in a situation like that is going to be many times more likely to "fuck Tyrone" than the s/o of someone who actually TRUSTS her.

But you're a Stormfaggot. Facts, common sense & logic mean nothing to you. It's all about the jingoism, racism & soundbites. And that "1488" horseshit. Go fuck yourself. Pic related.

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It's not
>too long, didn't read
>too many words, can't read

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Way to prove how
>Facts, common sense & logic mean nothing to you

OP? you still here? I got a vasectomy question.

pretty much everything. was the doctor easy to talk to and helpful? was it painful? how long does recovery take? also, how much cost out of pocket before insurance kicks in?

anyone else who has experience with vasectomy is welcome to chime in too

I just want to know if it's a struggle to get done and if it's worth it all

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More like didn't care to. You're a faggot that doesn't matter. lol

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learn the difference between impotence and vasectomies, you mindless fucking idiot.


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Sorry user, she's my wife, not yours. That big smile she gives me after I cum inside, the passionate kisses after as she daydreams about how she just got pregnant.. those are for me only.
My advice? Go out and bag one of your own, it's really fucking easy.

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you sound like a woman typing. triggered snow flake. just lol at trusting woman or anyone for that matter as easily as you do. have fun being taken advantage of. go tell a gay 5 year old boy to chop his dick off and become a "girl".

this is a clown world. you far leftist should be in mental asylum.

woman actually like an alpha male who keeps them in check btw, its in their bioligical nature, so you dont know what your talking about

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I see no downsides to this. If my future wife MUST have a kid we could adopt. I've always wanted to adopt rather than have my own kid. It's the moral choice to save someone from the orphanage rather than create another resource-sucker.

Plus I'd get to rawdog.

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>I don't get it they're reversible why do they make it so fucking hard?
Because they're not (feasibly) reversible you ignorant swine.

Hey OP, because wifey doesn't know, won't she become suspicious after awhile of sex and cum but no baby? Did you ever think "oh shit, what will happen if she finds out?"

because one thing I know from experience of having dated a chick who wants kids, those baby boomers will trade the world for getting pregnant and that includes a marriage

This. When she finds out it will be over.

She will be choosing Tyrone because he lied. topkek

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The procedure was so simple it was basically a joke. Didn't feel anything at all, actually talked to the doctor and made a few jokes while he was doing the procedure.
Recovery was ridiculously easy, but the same was true when I had my wisdom teeth pulled too. So maybe I have a good tolerance for pain. Balls were awkwardly swollen for a few weeks, but after that, smooth sailing.
I was mostly worried about jerking off for the first time after, since they say you need to wait a week or two or some shit. A lot of people say the first ejaculation after is painful and full of blood, but for me it was none of those.
Quite frankly, after a week or so of "no fap", it felt pretty fucking great. Got back into the saddle a month or so later. No change in ejaculate volume as far as I could tell, but lab tests all came back zero sperm count.

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you and your "family"

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I can't wait for you to explain it to her when she tells you she's pregnant, lol.

The truth is, it's not so easy to get pregnant. If it were, every woman would be pregnant pretty much all the time.
You're right in that women's biology basically screams at them to have a kid no matter what the consequences. The key there is to make her think it's really happening. Play pregnancy games and just feed into her fantasy.
Besides, as other anons have pointed out, she's no supermodel, so I'm about as good as she's ever going to get.

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Oh no, then he'll have to console himself by banging 25-and-under girls who love to be come inside but know they don't want kids yet.

I tell you, life is so hard sometimes.

no naked pics of her, OP?

You sure are proud of your ugly goblin. She needs a splatty pepe tomato in the face.

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Nice bro

That's fine user, you think whatever you like, I've made my peace with it.

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The body is alright. Pretty bangin' if you like small tiddies, which a lotta guys do.

Face isn't bad, if she ever fixes her teeth and stops being self-conscious about showing them, she'd probably be pretty cute.

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Good God, KYS you lefty cultist retard. You are why Trump is president, you are why he will win again and you all need to be heaped into a pile and burned to ash.

virgin detected

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ITT fags who don't know vasectomies can be reversed

Billions of years life successfully reproduced to get to you. And you are the genetic dead end. Sad.

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Imagine getting a vasectomy just to fuck some thot daily and not just being a dad

She'll find out eventually - and you'll be fucked.

lovely little tits. good catch brother.
I wish to dress her up as a rag doll and sodomise her.

How exactly is she going to find out, user?

Imagine nutting in some thot daily and her thinkingn bruh why teh fuck is this nigger not making me pregnant

>Now I REALLY wanna see her w/out any clothes on.
+1 to this, thirsty here.

That's right, better try some more!

hurray for lewds!

Congrats on being a sociopath.

She gives me that big, dorky smile every time I cum, and maybe I had a bad day at work, but it just makes my fucking day.

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My GF can't get pregnant, so I can shoot full fat jizz up her any time I'm able to. Feels good man. And the smiles afterwards, totally worth it.

Disc gg/trPPXX

Why can't she get pregnant? It must be a little different for her knowing it's not really happening, but maybe if you're a good enough larper or some shit you can convince her maybe this time when you shoot inside, it really is happening. Maybe that's good enough to satisfy her biology? Tell us more, user.

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are those the faggots that inject stuff in their dick & balls to make them bigger,

those idiots ruined their genitalia, what a waste of sexy men

>>OP you are fagget and cuck

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Don't worry the negress slut down the road will have 15 kids to 15 different fathers to make up for you only having 2.


Butterface, but nice bod. Why the fuck would she want to ruin it with a kid?

Windy Point near Tucson?

If so, bro - let me fuck her. I think she's hot af.

Cancer survivor, had her womb removed when she was in her 20s. Crazy artist type, nice sex drive.

A world already overpopulated and you feel like youre special for having children? LOL.

Dont get me wrong I love children and am not against people having their own. I do laugh when you find someone such as yourself who really thinks that their true purpose, in 2019, is to create more useless humans.

I hope youre at least successful because that way we can give you/your kids the benifit of the doubt... Dont need you creating more idiots who take up space and mooch off of our tax dollars.

Bottom left guy died from it


Congratulations on being a genetic deadend. Also thank you, for doing the human race a solid!

Why is his face like that?

Enjoy explaining to your wife’s kids how you were the genius who paid 18 years of child support in exchange for a few years with of free sex!!


More exposed gum than an overturned school desk

Good luck with the judge when you tell them your wife’s kid isn’t yours because you lied to her about your vasectomy.

I’m sure he or she get a good laugh out of making you pay child support.

Seriously bro, she is not a goblin or whatever. She has a great tight body and without a kid ripping her apart, she will keep it :=)

good call.
If the best thing you could land was that butter face than your kids would probably be living in your basement til the day you die.

it's worse when it smiles.
do I dare keep scrolling?

Meh... I'd bone her scrawny, yellow teeth looking ass

I did, I did,
I scrolled and found this.
I don't think you needed a vasectomy op.
ops a fag

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do you make her wear a paperbag?

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maybe she's smart???

Posts like these... Goddamn.
Don't you realize this screams loudly of how you think of yourself and has no bearing on reality? Where did you get the idea we're overpopulated, CNN? Seriously. Many cities or areas have a population DENSITY problem but basic math indicates we're nowhere near carrying capacity for the overall planet.

If you're white, I'm absolutely ashamed of you for being so short-sighted.

you're better than that you worthless cunt

Bumping for lewds of OPs wife.

Where did you get the idea the world is not overpopulated?

What is in your calculation? The desert, the sea and some big mountain where people could in theory live?

>Where did you get the idea we're overpopulated
africa's population has doubled in the last 30 years

Ok, good question. Maybe take a drive in the country anywhere? I can drive literally for hours and not see anyone and it's prime farming country. It's a density problem.

Because the stupid US and Europe keeps sending them food and doesn't require them to form a stable economic system.

so u agree were overpopulated. good

Somebody should find her facebook and send her this thread 'member Yea Forums

Do you live in africa? If not your a traitourous retard

I guess you won an argument on the internet. Are you a faggot just 14?

no. i live in a small european country but ive been to a few african countries
feels good man

Which one?
They're all small.

one of the baltic countries