I just banged a 62 year old because I haven't been laid in a while and now I really, really hate myself
I just banged a 62 year old because I haven't been laid in a while and now I really, really hate myself
Nathan Ross
Parker Butler
any pics
Nicholas Ward
Caleb Thompson
You should feel bad. That’s fucking gross. Still time heals all friend. Except her. She has very, very little time left.
Nathan Cruz
Doesn't matter. Had sex.
Levi Reed
you did someone a great service today
Jaxon Brown
I don't even wanna go back on her profile.
Met her on MeetMe, we talked for like two hours and she drove 45 minutes to wax my willy
I do, I am so disgusted right now
Alexander Bennett
Pussy is pussy.
Or to put it another way: doesn't matter, had sex.
Henry Diaz
3 years from now when you still haven’t banged anybody in a long time you’ll feel ok with this memory
Ryder Rogers
Was she a real tightbody, or what? Post pics.
I can't imagine fucking any of my mom's friends and she's 52.