Why is everyone so against acid?

Why is everyone so against acid?

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Because everyone is so basic.

because it can enlighten you

Yes, as you dissolve into a puddle of goo you will truly understand everything.

because the government told them drugs r' bad and illegal, so naturally the commoners do as they are told

Yeah if you take it regularly I could see it frying your brain. Just trust me man acid can be good for you

How so?

OP, that's literally the same as asking "why is everyone so against weed?" They're not. The moment you bring anything negative up such as predisposition to schizophrenia or psychosis, you'll be hounded by naysayers. I guarantee people naysay this exact post just for speaking about it. But hey, i'm wrong because i apparently don't know anything about acid, amirite.

i appreciate your joke user.

I'm glad someone does.

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I wish I knew user. It's something you use so you can communicate with Aliens better the government/society hates it because they rather have everything for themselves. They gave the formula to some guy who lived in a trailer in new mexico, Probably met the same fate as me. Honk honk

Because a kid near me did acid and ate his own fucking eyeball

Must have been fun the day after

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just trying to help ya bud we can keep everything the same I find it funny

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sam has nice eyes

too bad they are attached to such an unholy creature

Hazel is a nice eye colour.

i'm not against it. i just want people properly informed about what it can do. someone important to me is schizophrenic and it made them a lot worse when they did a lot of acid. they have terrible auditory and visual hallucinations of bad things all the time now that they didn't have before

maybe he had good reason to eat his own eyeball. on acid you are open to the mysteries of the universe.

It's a mind boggling world op you come in make some change in the world do good. only to be struck down by rich kids with money they come back and tell you to do something

"ok I'll just take me and the other two guys out"

get yanked again and get yelled at it's my fault lol what? I try though, Changed my role to observation while i'm still here in clown world. It's embaesing that our world is ran like this truly

it's probably best to stay away from such things then I've been told to stay clear of it myself.
According to what I've seen we caused damage to them in the form of a busted windshield and a shot up wall and a missing brick in the foundation. Not bad honestly. They keep stars on the mirrors of their cars. Welcome to my modest town by the way! lots of scenic views and good walking trails

Because it's easy to over do it and scare yourself, also been shown to permanently change brain waves patterns

I make a lot of money. I have never met a person that makes a lot of money that actively does any kind of drug other than nicotine or alcohol. The ones that do eventually ruin their lives in a big way. This is coming from a person who used to do a lot of drugs as a kid.

This is true

Source on muh brainwaves

But yeah acid. I've done it once but I think it was a $60 piece of cardboard

Google it saw it like 10 years ago, have to use it a decent amount though. I've done it a couple times, not something I'd fuck with a lot though. Is it a surprise scrambling your brain to the point of having a outer body experience might not be the healthiest lmao


Speaking of brainwaves did you know they have trucks that drive pass you to read your waves to make sure your not in a good mood. if your brainwave is more active then the one who ordered out the trucks they might van you turning the lot of us into npcs. honk honk

out of body experiences can be dangerous you can get snatched up by a croc ;) and your only life line is your souls umbilical cord if that's separated your body dies

I've never gone that far but made my friends smoke a shit load of salvia and they became objects they saw before going out lol

Nigga musta scrambled his brain waves got damn

two years ago I was able to "zoom" out of my eye and get a closer look at things a couple years ago, and I've been told that my soul left my body while I was asleep they had to sneak in my sisters apt and stick a needle in my nape sad assess lol.

They scrambled my brain but they cant crush my spirit.

> been shown to permanently change brain waves patterns

In only the best ways possible. =0

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walking to my sisters apt I seen this woman dressed up nice the more I looked at her my vision shot right up to get a closer look then while I was watching an interview of a celeb who says can summon ghosts and she pointed at the ground and the camera started acting werid I seen this dude in the background make a werid face and I looked at him intently to the point I shot outa my eye and bounced off the tv just casual glances but with focus in mind. At this point I started to see if I could levitate papers lol might as well right? I couldn't do any paper levitation tricks sadly

we can summon planes out of no where onto the road and write fate and the corps want to change our dna because they just don't know how to grasp it themselves it's a pitty


Have fun being a zoomer the rest of your life

I will!

Thank you. no doubt will be staring out a window thinking about it trying to come up with a proper conclusion and "what it all means" I'll have to put my head back down eventually and find a job

To the voice in my head there is a spatial side to all of us and it can be fun to explore the things that we don't know anything about.