I'm slowly slipping into madness, I've got it in my head my ex had been cheating on me the entirety of our relationship...

I'm slowly slipping into madness, I've got it in my head my ex had been cheating on me the entirety of our relationship. (10+ years) and maybe my children aren't mine, at least one of them. I think they are playing on my weak mind by posting in Yea Forums during hours they know I'll be on. And she texts me at weird times (when I'm talking to "him" or they don't know if I'm on) she's never one to admit her faults. I think about just taking us both out bc neither are fit to raise our kids.... I don't sleep I don't eat I barely even function at work bc of this... I haven't masturbated or nutted in over two weeks. Idk when I'll snap but, God I can't wait for that sweet release.

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Go get a DNA test on the kid that you know for sure isnt yours, with that proof get a divorce without losing all your shit. Start your life over and leave her in the ruins having to deal with it all.

Half victory bc I'd still have one of my kids with her :/ and the one who "isn't" mine grows up alienated and cast aside. The whole point was I'm fairly certain she's actively looking for anything to ruin me or set in motion me getting killed. People have been taking pictures of me at work, pretty sure set ups to follow me home. As I said I'm slipping into madness and I can't help but wonder if she set me up

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first you gatta figure out if people are actually after you or you are being paranoid

Consider help, sounds like psychosis to me.

>The whole point was I'm fairly certain she's actively looking for anything to ruin me or set in motion me getting killed.
Then wouldnt killing yourself just make her happy?

Tbh bro, sounds like a psychosis you are having. Consider going to a doctor.

I had been cheating on you and no the kids are not yours .
your dick was way too small to get me pregnant loser.

Co-worker saw a dude caming me on a Skype call to some bitch, I know really broad I thought so as well. I ain't convinced 100% yet but the thing that gets me is when she texts. Like it's 2 min after I'm "offline" or talking to guy who knows her, and she never talks to me.

This was my next course of action... What if I'm so far gone my brain has me believe what I want it to. It's happened before. But I don't wanna lose my kids over being a crazy person. Although I don't wanna do something retarded bc I am in fact a crazy person

Not killing just me her as well.... But yea see
>907 portion of this

Lmao nice try thanks for the laughs

You’re too focused on everyone else and not yourself. You need to take a vacation, go out into the world and realize it’s a lot bigger than this little drama you’re dealing with. You could literally just become a tramp and disappear into middle America if you want.

>Like it's 2 min after I'm "offline" or talking to guy who knows her, and she never talks to me.
maybe she sees she missed you or the guy tells her he was talking to you and it reminds her of you. i dunno it doesn't sound that menacing to me.

>>I'm slowly slipping into madness

See a doctor pls.

Just got back from being a tramp I get the pretense of what you're saying though
I think I am too wrapped up in my own shit to see the big picture. On the other hand, what if I am right? ( That's a joke) i do infact, know I'm losing it and making a thread helps me get out of my own head for a bit
See half of me says you're losing it and reading too much into it, the other says it's not all coincidence

> the other says it's not all coincidence
but honestly, do you think she still cares that much about you to semi-stalk you?

Like this pic, I was certain the dude who posted this took a pic of me sleeping and shopped me in a "dead body" thread so I saved it.... I read the file names of pics and find my address or plans against me. And then they suddenly stop when my wife texts or calls.... At this point I know I sound retarded and obviously off my rocker.... But I can't help but think what if she did it all just so I can lose my grasp on reality... That's when I know I'm too far gone to continue

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Considering we have equal custody of our kids yes.... But then again no. I mean what is to be gained? Apart from her getting full, me being locked up, never to see them. It's a stretch I know but again... Idk what's going on anymore. Or whether or not it's plausible

well if you think it keeps getting worse you should definitely seek some professional help. i think you would be better off seeing them not as much(i don't think they will take your kids away as long as you are receiving proper treatment and are of no harm to them), then doing something fucked up and never seeing them again.

I suppose I knew that all along... Just needed to "hear it" I hope it's not hereditary and my children are cursed with this plight. I think I'll have myself committed. Again this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me

you don't have to be committed, just get some mental help.

Going back to what user said, I need a vacation. I feel like it would be best, I mean if I'm still out in the world I'm still able to do relapse. If I'm not able to interact with the world maybe I'll be able to get a fresh start so to speak. If I'm just talking to a shrink who knows if I'll be able to fully commit. Probably get an eval see where I land. Could be a simple question of medication to balance me out


yeah man see if a vacation helps.