I'm 31, currently on vacation

I'm 31, currently on vacation.
I'm home, laying on my couch and cry, like almost every day.
I'm lonely.

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Have you tried pets.

Yea Forums is Facebook for people that have no friends. Gtfo off the chans and interact with the society

I used to have two beautiful cats, but my ex gf took them with her while I was working.

I do interact with the society.
Sometimes I'm going to a bar or club with some people I know, but there is no one I would call a friend.

try eating your own poo

And you never tried to get them back?

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Also get a dog, less work to get them to like you.

smoke some weed and play some online games or something
you'll be alright

Well, technically, she owns them. Her mother bought them. But I was the one taking care of them. So there's no way getting them back.

I'm more of a cat person.

I smoke weed, a lot for a few weeks. It numbs everything, but only for a few hours.

Then get another cat.

Why's your ex leave?

I'm 26 NEET and probably wont make it on my own and I'm lonely as shit too

Go outside and start enjoying your summer.

Also try exercising to raise your dopamine levels.

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do what i do: walk around college campuses and look for asian women


i know the feel, like the walls are closing in and you're being crushed ?

>be me 36
>be lone my life
>never cry
>see op 'cry like almost every day'
gr8 b8 m8 is it summer? why do people take this fag seriouse? whyy

this is not the place to turn user. go out and find some friends. godspeed user, godspeed

Like other anons said get some pets. And go out and do stuff. If you're interested in painting, cooking, anything go find a class and do that to meet people. If you like sports or games there are plenty of social leagues for most anything you can join. And don't be afraid to go places by your self and do stuff. It sucks but do it it'll make things better.