What are these called?

What are these called?

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Channel Lock Pliers

Tongue and groove plier

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Tongue and groove pliers / adjustable pliers

Tongue and groove pliers. People usually just call them channel locks tho


It's a fake hammer.
You use it when you lost your real hammer.




they stretch your foreskin with it before they lop it off.

nad nabbers

Channel locks

Mole grips

Channel Locks... After the Company in Meadville PA?

upsidedowny metal hand lizards

moles don't use tools

grippy boi

grips or
water pump pliers where I live

(pipe grips)

Nut busters. You or your partner puts your testicles in them and gives the handles a good squeeze. Very sexually gratifying. I recommend you try them right now.

"Im a man so here's the exact name" their fucking adjustable pliers white knights

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Verstellbarer Amaturzangenschlüssel du Schwulle

Cock and ball torture device


remember the time when Yea Forums would've known this was a call to post funny/clever/stupid names for the item? Full of serious retards now.

Channel lock pliers or channel lock wrench

What we call them in Arkansas

Wikipedia knows all knowledge

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Analog Pac-Man


We call the dogs in Michigan.

Grippy grabs

Channellock is a name brand.
They make tongue and groove pliers.

Kind of like Crescent is a brand that makes adjustable wrenches.

Or Kleenex that makes tissues.


this is the serious answer.

i have used to adjust nipples.

btw, there are some funny replies, just most of them aren't in english.

might be a good idea to leave your back yard in the states every now and again and explore the world... just sayin'...

I've been to more countries than you have states
But okay

Pico e loro

Lobster crackers

how do you know how many states we have? we don't even know how many states we have. this woman on the radio last week said that america has 52 states including hawaii and australia. i guess new zealand is a remote territory of texas. at least according to us...

I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.

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Your moms dildo

Whose bike is this, honey?


who 's zed?

zed's dead, baby. zed's dead.

also It's a chopper.

We call em slip-joint pliers

yeah, noticed that mistake right after i posted... oops.

Water pump pliers is the correct answer.
Originally included with a new car to tighten the nut on the rope seal on water pumps as it wore down.
The glove box originally stored gloves and tools such as this because early cars were constantly in need of adjustments.

These are called shitty vertical-format phoneposter shitposts.

Nutcrackers, you use them to crack nuts open.

Channel locks

Mr. McBeevy

Wob Wob

Wob Wob

Wob Wob


You may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride.

Also I should've said whose motorcycle. Oh well. Did you get your pancakes?

Channel locks