What is the absolute worst thing you have ever done?

What is the absolute worst thing you have ever done?

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I fucked with a girls feelings and got a “fuck buddy” in return, I lowkey regret it

Borrowed money to a "friend". Never again.

>Spoiler: he turned out to be a shit head

Groped my drunk sisters ass and legs, while I fapped.

i gave my gf normal coke but told her it is diet coke

I have essentially controlled my current gf's mind to the point where she's so submissive she'll do anything to stay with me.

I do horrible things to her and if i suggest i might break up with her she'll just take the pain.


Didn't listen in school, and always aimed for the bare minimum 60% mark. Ended up screwing my own, and my family's, entire future. Now I have to listen to my mother cry when she comes over. I can only imagine what it feels like to know that your child is sitting in a dark room all day long. It really must be heart-breaking for a parent.

Explain more, like be specific on what you do

I kidnapped, tortured, and killed a 15 year old. Starved him nearly to death and set him on fire... Then published a book where I wrote about these details. How's that?

I barely graduated but retired at 30. It's all about what you do in life

Fucked a girl on her period, then had my wife (then gf) blow me and she told me she loved the way my cock tasted

My most recent thing is force her to quit her job and she has no income except what i give her when she earns it. I siphon all the petrol out of her car. That way, if she wants to go anywhere, she needs to ask me first

I smashed her phone and gave her a PAYG sim and my old 3310.

thats two things, if you want more ask i really enjoy doing it to her, controlling her life turns me on, and she doesn't mind so long as i fuck her every now and then,

I scored in the top tenth of one percent on college entrance math and science exams. All I do when I'm not working is sit in a dark room. I am the reason I'd never have kids.

Yo someone gotta go deep

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Multiple rape

I drove a stolen car through a Jewish cemetery, shit was off the hook!

Got elected president by poor hard working Americans then turned around and fucked them over by giving my buddies yuge tax breaks, LOL.

she surely was (mentally) abused as child... good thing you continue it... hope you end your life


any depraved sexual shit?

Fuck another girl somewhere where she will walk in on you doing it, when she does, make her stay and watch - Tell her she needs to learn how to pleasure you.

If she starts crying, wipe her tears away with your cock and use it as lube.

Gangbanged a sheep with the 4H club

what's the book called ?

I remember that club

Damn, what else you do?

Got any dirty pics?

I told my sister to sit on my face and when she did I bite her pussy, I feel stupid but she forgave me

If I told you that, you'd have my name

girlfriend in highschool wouldn't let me cum in her mouth when she gave me blowjobs so i regularly would cum in her ice cream, soda, basically anything sweet where she wouldn't notice the taste.

Picked bulbasour back in Pokémon red

I send nudes of myself to several people other than my girlfriend. male or female.

i dont even know why im doing it, it just feels kinda right to do so. everytime i see the blue checkmark on my phone i get a little serotonin rush.
im not even expecting nudes in return and i post completely unprovoked.
>thats the worst thing you can come up with?
im a pretty boring guy.

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Isn't that all 4H and FFA do is rape animals?

How did you get her to that point?

Downloaded a torrent and didn't seed it.

I've always wondered if ours was an isolated case or if it happened in all of them.


I basically have free reign, so i do what i want and not what she wants.

if it ever gets to the point where she's about to cum, i stop completely and tell her to suck me off. then when i cum i go to sleep and leave her horny. I tied up her hands so she couldnt finish herself off while i was sleeping.

i repeated this for about 2 weeks until she couldnt do it anymore, and started crying when i pulled out when she was about to orgasm.

seeing her running mascara just because i didnt let her cum made me so hot, so i fucked her hard and let her cum.

Then it was 3 weeks of waiting, then 4, were currently on a 9 week gap without orgasm, she has 3 weeks to go before i give it to her.

she cries every time i pull out without letting her finish and i love it

I plug out a memory stick without safely ejecting it before.


i dont even need to tie her up now, she does it because she knows i'll never let her cum again if she does it by herself

You sick motherfucker. There’s a special place in hell for you

>im a pretty boring guy.
no just pathetic

I point to the fact that when boys are left alone with a working pussy they will do everything in their power to exploit it. Tell me this is not approachable.

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Your poor PC, what is wrong with you, user?!

Obama begged the Fed(morgan created) to create tons of currency, at interest, to bailout private banks. Chase Bank (Morgan created) received millions and millions of this new currency to cover their shortfalls due to risky gambling practices.
A Morgan bank(chase) lost(stole) all its depositors currency. A Morgan bank(Fed) creates and loans, at interest, to bail out a Morgan bank. US taxpayers pay federal income tax to service this debt to a Morgan bank( the fed). Morgan financed the passage of the federal income tax.
US taxpayers are saddled with more and more debt, with less and less "valuabke" currency to pay it with.
Obama is not your friend. He is complicit in your bondage. Every president since 1913 and until fractional reserve banking is permanently banished is complicit in your slavery.

No regrets. Haters can commit Sudoku.

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You can sit in a dark room if that's what you enjoy, as long as you have a high paying job (which you probably have since you're smart). It's quite different than someone like me, who sits here because I have no job, no friends, no future, and it's the least expensive and easiest thing to do to pass time. I can't even go to the library, because my brain doesn't understand shit when I try to open a book.

I think it's just widespread in rural areas. I knew a guy who "stump broke" his mare. She'd walk over to a stump that would put him at just the right height behind her and then get wet waiting for him to come fuck her.

I've paid a heroin addict €100 to shit on her face.
I write CP-themed stories and I sell them online.
I stole the work of a friend from another company and passed it as my own, earning me a great promotion

Damn these deep

Got more?

threeway with a buddy and his chick. i was a whole lot better than him and it led to the breakdown of their relationship and our friendship.

i regret this immensely.

I make jack shit. 60k a year plus beneifts. My job is easy though. I sit and read all day. I dont worry about money for the most part. My living expenses are relatively low because I live in the middle of nowhere. I have about 2k per month I can blow on whatever, and that's counting eating steak and lobster 5 days a week if I want. Live in my own house my myself. Drive the car i want to drive.
I have no friends. No prospects. Nothing makes me happy. I am depressed. Contemplate suicide daily. I threw my entire life away because i lack discipline, am self centered, and flat lazy. The guilt is crushing and debilitating. And I'm a pussy.
I know none of that helps. I wish I had the answer for both of us.

An exaggerated but not wrong how zoophiles look at the world. Enjoy.

Civil service job?


I hid my racism from the public, because I was scared of SJW backlash.

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You say that, but I'm only making $26k a year doing flooring, and going homeless periodically because I don't make enough to live in a cheap state like VA, but make too much for government benefits of any kind. I also support my family which consists of 6 kids, and tax time is the only way I can get us new clothes and stuff. I would kill for your position.

Who the fuck eats a Kit-Kat like that? Also, "Sudoku"? The number puzzle? I'm fairly sure you meant "Seppuku".

I did something for La Mara in the US, can't go back to Salvador, had to run and living now in Southamerica

You should go to a music festival and live a little, especially if you’ve got disposable income. You can always abandon this life of mediocrity, buy a bus, become a deadhead and follow bands around the country. Don’t anhero go explore the world.

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I think he ment bukkake

Hey so what's the point of putting your name on the book if you want to stay anonymous retard

I run an asphalt plant. Sell just over $116,000 in product per day most days. It's a relatively small plant.

I love how the government has the plebs convinced Tax Time is a time for extra money from that pittance they return to you after taking more than what they had already agreed to.

I bet you love paying taxes, don't you?

You make 60k a year, you eat steak and lobster every day, you have a house, 2k to spend every month...

And you're not happy?

I need to fast for weeks at a time, just so I could save enough to buy one Ben & Jerry's ice cream tub, and finally feel somehow happy. Plus, I can't get it whenever I want, because I need to wait until it's on special at some grocery store.

Do you own the plant?
That’s just revenue, do you know your daily profit margins?
Is there anything cool about your job/life in the asphalt world?

Stuck a Hookah's glass mouthpiece deep in my ass. The mouthpiece was just borrowed from a friend. Now everyone I see sucking on it also gets tiny amounts off my anal cavity atoms in their mouths.

I’d love to throw the tea in the bay all over again but the decentralized blockchain revolution hasn’t exactly pan out yet..

Nice larping

Sounds terrible. Don’t smoke yourself though, maybe take a vacation? Like Europe or some shit

met a couple, broke them up, now fucking girl

I raped some little scrawny guy in prison. After that I got out and it started a spree and I've raped 12 males since.

Some people choose to use their life to make up stories on the internet


But he's clearly the best choice

I feel for you dude. That's a really rough spot to be in. Youve made it this far with that enormous burden on your shoulders. I would've buckled a long time if I wore your shoes.
I dont have kids. All my friends kids get envelopes with a couple hundred ones from me for their birthdays. If I was even remotely responsible enough to mold a human life, id have kids. But that will never happen. Been to Austin City Limits a few times, south by southwest 3 or 4 times. I'm too much of a pussy to make a change. Also i have no marketable skills. I'm almost done paying off the 40k in student loans I incurred when I attempted and failed college. I don't know that I'm in a hurry to jump back into more debt.

Move to the Midwest and 60k is middle class. I make 250k/yr and I don't even need to work and vacation all year with a paid off house.if I lived in LA or new york I'd be pretty poor

It's listed as fiction. Names and dates are changed in it. Do you think a pen name makes you untraceable? You're not the brightest. I don't tell people on here because someone could piece shit together

Kek what the fuck

go to gym IT will work for you.

Finger blasted and ate out a 6year old when i was much younger

As someone who makes much more and doesn't have to work, money doesn't make you happy. It can solve a lot of problems and can get you temporary happiness buying stuff you want but you can be unhappy with a theater room, a 10,000 dollar PC, a huge house,new card, etc. Im fine now but I've been unhappy before like he's describing.

How young were you, details... Fuck it greentext this

believe i was 16-17 at the time.
No need to green text, happened once a week with some rubbing of my dick head on her pussylips
lasted about 5-6 months

If you can show up on time, are willing to work 60 hours a week, and can follow instructions, I have a spot open on my crew that pays 1000 a week. I've been looking for someone for 3 months. No one can pass a drug screen. No i don't own the plant. Just operate it. I get a monthly revenue report every month but i dont have it in front of me. I get to see how I'm competing against the 6 other plants in the company. I fucked myself the past quarter cause I've had to replace a motor and 2 transmissions. That's like 60k on just those. Not to mention all the small shit. Not my money in spending though so I dont give a shit.
No. Nothing cool. Everything is dirty. Everything is hot. I worked in the company quality control lab for a few years(bachelors was physics), now I run a plant. It all sucks.

How did you start with her?

You misunderstand, it's not extra that they mistakenly took. It's an incentive. That money is given to people under a certain tax bracket, with the idea that the underprivileged with invest it wisely or use it to help with groceries throughout the year, in an attempt to aid with higher quality living and reducing hunger in the US. Doesn't pan out that way exactly though...

playing doctor.. it fucking worked

did it a few times before i actually touched her.

Molested my friends sister

I do live in the midwest. I got my own house. I do have to work, but if I want to ride my bike to lake Tahoe for a week, I can without much problem.

Post nudes

You mean that shit works? Damn man I thought that was too bad to work w/ them these days


too far. Wayyyyy too far

Discipline is the only prerequisite to enter a gym consistantly. Discipline I don't not have. At all.

You don't have to believe me, it's not like I could prove it to you. I'm not a millionaire, I just live off investments and royalties.ibought my house for 76k when. I was 22 and remodeled the whole thing. I kept bills low when I was younger. Don't blame me for what you did with your life.

What other stuff happens in your fantasy world? Unicorns? Elves??

Shot s pregnant woman in Afganistan. She tossed a grenade at our convoy. Hurt some friends. Shot her in her belly. She moaned and was beggin. I shot her in the head. Shot a couple of witnesses too. Didn't give a shit then, don't give a shit now. 2 tours. She was my only confirmed kill. Set her body on fire before we drove off. Felt Good Man.

need to go young enough.
i only tried it because when i was 8 a girl did it too me (she was 8 too)

Go on Yea Forums

Buh...buh Obama!

I killed countless hours on this piece-of-shit site

Fuck man, how many times have you been back to her?

I was 13 and she was probably 9 at the time. She sat in my lap to play a computer game and I started playing with her vagina through her pajamas. Super fucked up. I've felt like a monster ever since. Shes in college now, I wonder if she ever realized what happened

True, but some types of food will make your brain produce Dopamine over and over. It's your brain making you feel happy for indulging high caloric foods, because it was needed for survival back then. As for the other things, it's true that materialistic things do not make your serotonin levels higher (different than dopamine releases).

I never took drugs and rarely drink, but I am located up North. Do I need anything else for that, or you need someone to have some kind of degrees and other stuff?

You do know LARPing is a sin right ?

believin flat earth even af seeing a ufo

Savage af. Whats even worse is that as I imagined it I saw the COD hit riticule and +100 points.

It's too bad you're with us.

You probably are... But then I'd do exactly the same so what does that make me haha.

Was that the only time you've touched her/anyone else?

So you like spreading misery.

you have no idea what you're talking about lol

Did you stay with the grill?

Yeah, just that once. It's not like I hurt her or anything like that. It was honestly pretty innocent, I was just a super horny young guy going through puberty and I got a boner when she sat on my lap. I still feel awful about it but I'm sure it didnt mess her up in anyway. I hung out with her and her older brothers countless times after that throughout the years. Nothing ever came of it

Where did the currency come from then?

No degree necessary.

Unironically kill yourself immediately

>using two eight-year olds' exploratory pursuits to rationalize your molesting a six-year old girl

I hope you croak, soon, and painfully

Back to prison for you.

there was less inflation under obama presidency than clinton, george w bush, or reagan (reagan being the most)

you have no fucking idea what you're talking about lol

sorry, clinton was highest inflation, reagan 2nd highest

Better yet, where does the currency come from to finance trumps deficit spending?

Why do you need greentext? Is this your fantasy? Really?


I see prison in your future.

I'm curious. You know... For science

My first girlfriend was super crazy. She and I would fight, yada yada.

One day I was driving and she yanked at the wheel and we got in a fight. I parked on a gravel road and started running, she caught up to me and kept hitting me I didn't know what to do so I kneed her in the stomach and ran back to my car and drove off.

She's a stripper now lmao

Got any pics?
How did it feel?

Tell us your experiences

I married my wife

The hundred dollar bill in your pocket will buy 1 dollar of 1920 goods. You're arguing about thenths of a percent when the wholllllleeee fucking thing is already gone. Defend these fucking criminals all you want. You're part of the problem.

finally someone who can argue pro-anti Obama policies without losing control and spouting nicknames or racism.

whether anons agree or disagree, the theories are out there to discuss without the weight of racist or "Orange Man" attacks

oh my god
are you ok

which one, the 8yearold when i was 8 or the 6 year old?

Get yourself run over by an eighteen wheeler for science shithead


Not even close to accurate. $1 in 1920 is worth about $13 today.

I've done two pretty shitty things...

When we were 16, I talked a buddy into us molesting his 13 yr old sister. She had great tits for 13. I basically coerced him into fucking her and made him watch as I fucked her. It messed with his head so bad that he started doing all kinds of drugs and ended up in rehab. I'm sure it fucked with his little sister too, but she turned out OK.


I've sat and watched my wife get raped on two different occasions while she was passed out drunk. Once by a friend of mine and once by a total stranger while we were on vacation in Mexico. As shitty as that is, it turns me the fuck on and I will in all likelihood allow it to happen again.

I dated a woman who told me about guys who had ghosted her in the past and was worried that I would do the same. I promised her that I wouldn't. Then, after I fucked her a few times, I ghosted her.

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Putrid scum

Oh excuse me they've only stolen 90%
Let's defend Obama for stealing a little less than another criminal

You're probably not aware of this, but one of the explicit purposes of the Fed is to control inflation, which it's done pretty successfully over the past few decades.

I don't think he stole anything. And I don't think you made a very convincing case that he did.

Yep. But life is a totaly horror

Its not about Obama at all. Partisanship is a ruse. I nearly used Obama as an example. Trump is equally to blame.

>Shillblue detected

Similar but my most fucked up thing has to be fucking my best friends wife. It was his birthday celebration at the beach, we hit up a ton of bars. As it’s went on friends stopped drinking to sober up for the drive back home. I booked a hotel room which I offered my friend and his wife. We proceeded to get wasted. We got back to my room and she laid down on my bed and passed out there. Her thong were visible. After a few obvious looks and pictures I took of her my friend went to pass out in the bathroom. After some fantasizing I decided to fuck the shit out of her. I ended up cumming my legit biggest load of my life in her sweet tight bright pink pussy. The best part was in the morning after my shower I stuffed my GoPro in my bathroom bag; I got to see her catch my cum in her hands as it oozes out of her. The face she made was absolutely priceless.

Gosh yeah they sure saved us from those boom bust cycles didnt they. Funny how those booms and busts always seem to fall in the favor monetarily for those that control monetary measures.
I'm sure you're right. It's all coincidence or ignorance.

It's about eating the right type of foods, healthy foods rather than garbage like meat, eggs, and dairy. Bad bacteria makes you crave those things and it's been shown to give higher levels of depression

Damn youre like a rapist.

I don't larp. I'd give my name for you to add me online and see for yourself but I contributed to this post

Drugged a girl with GHB, undressed her, made a nice photoshoot and blackmailed her for two years for various things. Didn't fuck her tough.
Also had this retard in our small community, took him to the woods, made him get naked by scaring him with an axe and told him to run back home while I drove behind him.
Made my cousin dependant on opioids without her knowing and after she became dependant took them away to get him on withdrawal.
Had multiple poor people working for me and didn't paid them and wouldn't let them off the job with promises about soon to be wages until they and their families would starve.

In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog...When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out...But the worst thing I ever done -- I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa -- and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.

Thanks for the information.

A detective and an officer will be seeing you shortly. Please make sure to answer the door.

What is your life a fucking 80's movie?

No, they controlled inflation. If you want to talk seriously about financial reform, that's fine, but peddling fringe conspiracy theories about the Fed isn't going to help.

I don't think you did anything horrifically wrong. Did she try to fight you off or cry?



Mutilated an animal and left it live

clicked on pictures of bridges to reply ITT


The money hungry, corrupt beyond comprehension, secret, classified government officials tell you what they're doing for monetary policy and how it's good for you. Let's believe every word and defend them against anyone that says otherwise! Oh there's 10 times the amount of currency in the pool now and my dollars only buy 10% what they should? This is good for me!!

A girl who I was dating cheated on me, and for 6 months begged to me to take her back

being the spiteful, hateful person I was, I vowed to make her love me, and then smash her heart. (she wouldn't fess up, and I had 100% bonfide sources)

So for two years, we dated, me knowing all along it wasn't going to work, only going along for the sex and the spite, and getting revenge sex/blow jobs from the neighbor.

She brought out the worst in me, and I turned borderline abusive, and I totally ghosted the neighbor girl who I had known since I was a kid.

The whole affair was a shitshow and I'm ashamed to have been a part of it.

the 6 yo was like once a week or so for almost half a year
fucker her properly 13 years later (she didnt remember me)

the 8yo was a girl i had known for years and still know, she took my virginity at 13.. she was not a virgin.. thanks Dave!
we never smashed after that but we are still friends

Why, yes it is. That is Chunk's confession speech from The Goonies.

i hope your name is Chris because if it is you are a piece of shit and i wish you were dead

I think you forgot the one where you garggled balls

Where from do you know me?

What would be those healthy foods?

Wow. I can't think of something really bad that I did. I guess that makes me a psycho. What other people have accused me of:

-domestic violence
-leaving my wife crying on her birth bed
-getting drunk too much

There is no restraint on the amount of debt your government will put your children in. Your children's children. Their grandchildren. There is always. ALWAYS more currency sitting at the fed, waiting to be handed out, at interest of course. And since your government doesnt have to tax you directly anymore to fund all their stupid bullshit, they dont have to practice any restraint!
The dollar will be worthless before long. 9/10ths the way there. Thanks federal reserve.

If you were being serious; why in the hell would you tip him off?


pissed in my nieces sippy cup when she was 4 and i was 10 told her it was apple juice she drank a little and then started to cry

Do you realize the rate of inflation in the US averages about 2% per year? Unless your wages have remained completely flat over the past 10 years, I fail to see how that would affect you in any significant way.

I used to touch my sister's tits and ass when she was younger. She liked it and encouraged it, but then when she was 17 I groped her while she slept. Never made it to her pussy because I was too scared. Later I asked about it and she said she never remembers any of it. I still feel bad.

I fell in love with a girl and we dated for over a year. Had lots of wild, kinky sex and she was a real semen demon. I went away for a few months for school, so did she; she got fat over the school year and it was gross. I got really violent in the bedroom and although she loved it I just hated her (and me) even more. I ended up "anal raping" her a few times. Broke up with her at the end of the summer and ghosted her. She was heartbroken and became a nasty slut. I feel terrible now.

You know that this actually happens a lot right?
The police literally watch these threads 24/7 for anything they think is noteworthy, and you get seen by a police officer almost instantly. It's a little known secret and it isn't really talked about much.

But yeah the feds, police and intelligence agencies don't fuck around anymore when it comes to Yea Forums posts.

LOL did i guess right? hahhaha

Chris is a fucking loser
Chris is a fucking loser
Chris is a fucking loser

You assholes are terrible

Pew research "for most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades"

Being this new. My sides.

Pure pottery

Being the worst son to my parents. Somehow they still love me and I‘m still mostly annoyed by them. They don‘t love eachother anymore and fight most of the time when they spend time togehter, though they are still married. Maybe they think it‘ll broke my heart if they divorce but that cannot be further from the truth. Both of my parents are working hard, nearly 12 h a day for me and my sister. I just wish them happiness in whatever form, although i cannot make them happy. It‘d only slowly fade away when they are with me

que hiciste mano y en que parte estas ahora

No, the dollar will likely remain stable as it has been since the Federal Reserve was created. The other poster was right, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Fuck you Trevis. Is it you?

Anyway, you defend the wildly inefficient federal government, all its corruption and filth, all those scumbags. You just believe that inflation and metornome-like boom/bust cycles are coincidence or ignorance. I dont.

Why can't you make them happy? I'm 26 NEET and wish I could make my mom happy

I killed Trevor at the end of GTA V

The market sets workers' wages, not the Federal Reserve. Are you seriously going to tell me that you haven't managed to stay ahead of 2% inflation? What the fuck do you do for a living??

How do you and your buddies sleep at night glowing in the dark and such?

If boom/bust every decade or so on average is stable, then you and I have different definitions.

then you're a saint user gj

Damn some of ya’ll really fucking crazy holy shit

That don’t make sense nigga

newfag detected

I had sex with my cousin's girlfriend, 2 times

Gave my sister KO-Drops and fucked the shit out of her after she passed out. It was a great fuck and pussy is pussy, so I dont really regret it

Roll playing this hard


The federal government actually works pretty well for all it's meant to do. Inefficiency is inevitable in any large organization. You might just as well complain that your diesel truck doesn't get 60 miles to the gallon.

I‘d just make them false hope and dissapoint them one way or another.

Had a dog lick my cock.

I feel like human garbage every day for it and am thouroughly disgusted with myself.

Shows us your tits, slut.

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I'm not talking about the boom-and-bust cycle. I'm talking about inflation. Do you actually think those are the same thing?!

When I was around 20/21 I was in really good shape and my dick was like 10 inch long. I was in rehab with the girl she was a petite teen tiny girl about 19. She relapsed and is calling me asking me if I can get her well etc.. I have been clean or whatever. I told her no but tomorrow we are gonna get high as fuck and fuck all day. SO I go to her house and we go buy a bag of heroin $50 worth, smoke it and then she sucks my dick for about 15 minutes #win She takes her pants off and I get her doggy style and put it in her and start railing her she starts screaming and losing her mind and I just keep pounding away, finally she starts to black out and goes into shock and when she did this i keep fucking her and starting smacking her in the face a bunch of times then a couple months later I was hanging out with her and her sister and she goes to work and I fucked her sister.

Installed Windows 10

Windows 10 is good though

i became friends with this chick and we met up. fucked a couple times and told her I was her boyfriend/take care of her etc.

when we both left I blocked her on every platform of social media/phone. (we live a couple hours away from eachother)

like 6 months later a couple of her friends messaged me saying shes having a hard time and is pregnant with my kid.

that was a couple years ago. kinda cool thinking theres a little me running around but fuck her

Cause I don't treat girls like shit i'm a girl makes sense

compared to 7 it's shit

not that guy, but I'll eat my kitkat any way I fucking like, you conformist faget. I paid cash money, I'll smash it with a bat and call it Muriel if I so choose.

Aw come on man go see your kid bruv


I never seed after download.

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Well there are couple things 1. Walked through a minefield high as a teenager with two friends and my dog i tought it was badass, dealed drugs ,beat people for money, found two handgrenades in a forest brand new opened the box and assemble a handle with a boiling head (didnt know, if you wring that thing to hard it explodes).

Yes I am.. I've actually done this, too... And worse.


i litterly just realised i had shit on my dick from fucking a little slut 5 hours ago


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Where at in the Midwest?

went to mcdonalds and asked for a water cup
i put sprite in it and left

>sprite instead of a darker soda

why would you not clean your dick after sex?

Hot 2bh

chosen to forget something

My fuckin god user!!!!

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I love Yea Forums...kekked

...I’m literally shaking right now!

at a collage party back when i was about 20 i threw a potted flower in one of those brown clay thing off a 4 story rooftop and it caught some fag perfectly on his head. turns out he is now retarded. i never got caught but i feel bad man.

From 18 to 20 I dated an older woman with three kids from another guy. I thought it was love and on a planned weekend over at her house I asked her to marry me. Shit, the kids called me dad at this point. She said no, but suggested we'd just be fuckbuddies. Naive and heartbroken I slept on the couch and let her have the upstairs bed. Her 15 year old daughter came to comfort me and I ended up fucking her twice over the weekend. After I that never talked to her or the kids again.

i need a job (in north carolina) im not a druggie and I quit drinking a year ago




Absolutely devilish

How is your daily life outside of your relationship? Low paying job? No education? Looked down upon by society?

Those with no respect usually use abuse to gain it from what I've seen.

started selling coke so I could control people. Used to get walked on because my first weapons were courtesy and forgiveness, expecting the same in return, gently cutting people out of my life who did not return the kindness. That is a one-sided arrangement that was never fair for me to expect from others automatically; I would just wander from friend group to friend group, being the punching bag for jokes and "banter", being the person in the group that get's shit on when girls are around. When I cut those people out of my life nobody cared. Now when I cut someone out of my life, they care a lot, and eventually pay me back with both their money and dignity.

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shes always been good at cleaning me off specially after anal..
guess i have to punish her more next time

Share it with us user

I wasted many women's time by "just dating" in my early 20s. Those are the years of peak fertility and emotional bonding for women. I participated in the weakening of the social fabric of this society by dating/fucking without intentions of marriage and family.

Considering it was 20 years ago I doubt they care. Did thinking about calling up the girl over the years though

tell me your secret

are you a nigger?

sounds like some evil origin story



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Lol welcome to 90% of the young male population.

I've done a lot of shit that wasn't very nice and that's probably why i have cancer.

That's exactly what happened you dumb faggot. Wages have stagnated.

Anally and vaginally raped my highschool girlfriend at least once a week, didn't stop after she confessed to me that she had been sexually abused by her step father eventually she tried to kill herself and broke up with me.

bought alcohol for underaged girls so they would drunk text me nudes

fucked my friends gf in the ass the day they broke up

took an underaged girls anal & vaginal virginity then broke up with her for pretty much no reason, she was too tall i guess

oh i forgot, also fingered a girls asshole after she passed out at a party.

I once crushed up 3/4 a gram of meth so fine it looked like powder and I told my friend to buy it and claimed it was coke and he snorted half of it in one line, instantly knew it wasn't coke and was up for 3 days.

That doesn't mean wage growth is literally at zero percent, fuckface. Wage growth has been low since the recession, but still enough to keep pace with inflation.

stole someone's phone and then sold it. used the money for alcohol

Poured my wife a coffee with cream and sugar, I didn't tell her I skipped the sugar.

...she never noticed, should I be worried?

kid threw a piece of ice and hit me in the eye and started laughing as I fell to the ground grasping my eye, when I recovered I chucked him to the ground and kicked him in the balls repeatedly over and over a few times as hard as I could and kept going even after he was crying

I was about 7, he switched schools cause of it cause I didn't get punished

still think about how batshit overboard I went and felt pretty bad about it after

No no nothing of the sort. She just kept right along playing the computer game. 5 or 6 minutes into it, she asked something along the lines of "why do you keep scratching me there? I don't have an itch or anything." She was laughing and giggling at the screen the whole time, really wasnt bothered by the fact I was rubbing her clit through her pants but nonetheless, my actions still haunt me to this day. Tf is wrong with me

vote Democrat one time ... I was young and stupid

did you returned money as you promised ???

Rock+Litter of kittens.

A collage party sounds awfully gay user

i drugged my mom, raped her, and made the dog eat my cum out of her.
i'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Sometimes, even on the internet, it's hard to believe yourself. It's okay that you didn't do as good as your father. No need to make lies nor is it good to post lies on the net.

finally, a weak one for your feast.

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I assured a friend her bf who was on his death bed that he would pull through because he loved her. The mother fucker died that night. She came up to me a few wks later and simply said you lied to me. I do not believe I will ever forget those eyes.


kys pedo

Go on

Damn Bro, wwhhyy

Yeah moar

Where do we go to vote this guy in

I cheated on my ex, got the girl pregnant, left her. She killed herself. Then I cheated on my ex again and the girl attempted suicide.

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actual lady killer

In hindsight I really wish I'd just killed my ex

in like the first grade, me and my friend beat up the new kid because he was getting more attention than we were, He was a little niglet so we beat him up on the soccer field. We got caught immediately but fugg it