Ylyl GOD tier

Ylyl GOD tier......

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Other urls found in this thread:


He's based. You're a faggot.

He's based AND a faggot, you're just a faggot

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No you


Just like Billy Corgan. Massive asshole, amazing songwriter and artist.

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top kek!

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Fuck. iFunny got me...

Dubs checked

You wouldn't happen to have the pasta written by a lawyer describing his dealings with nig-nogs?

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Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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Punch him in the face and break his jaw Yea Forums.

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imagine your threads getting absolutely BTFOed by a man sucking his own dick, this happens regularly to YOU. LOLZORZ

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Dat funny

Das racist

Got me

kecky becky

Inflict physical harm upon him Yea Forums.

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Morrissey, the child of two immigrants, who emigrated himself to LA, complaining about immigrants in Britain.


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Fuk off

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Something similar in Chicago happened. A man fell down the stairs in one of the L stations and was knocked unconscious, a couple of niggers walked up a few minutes later and took his wallet then left him there. The man died later in the hospital after being left out for hours, and all these niggers needed to do was call an “ambalance”. Thankfully they’ve both been found guilty.

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I mean,
although africa at first sight looks like a rich continent, the very first step of creating a worthwile civilization isn't necessitated by it
climate in europe and to some degree middle east forces you to seek a protected shelter during winter. In africa there's no such thing. Africans didn't band together because they had no need to. All the other advancements really relied upon the fact that people had to live close to one another stationary, same story for indians, same shit for any other race but the whites and yellows who wanting or not had to build the civ due to climate

no sub saharan africans in egypt

When will Yea Forums phlegm in this man's face?

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How the hell did i miss this one, fucking beautiful.



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How much are you retarded? And is it genetics or lerned?

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Is this based on a true story?

Fuck you!

Look how ugly he is Yea Forums, he has shit genetics.

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Best YLYL content on this discord


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let's compare with your face

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The more you look, the funnier it gets.

and timestamp britfag

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God tier video with only 2k views

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hey rotten teeth, still waiting your picture.

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This is hot.



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Fak u

is this some kinda double bait i'm too retarded to understand?

ray pist spammer is a britfag. He is so ez to triggered.

How many fucking years can you keep this up for? Will your next of kin continue this horrible trend? Are you this autistic if so I don't think there will be a next of kin anyways. What level autism are you because we're reaching unimaginable levels.

This guy is fucked in the head. You can't fix crazy maybe this homo will get an actual life and leave us alone.

In other words, they lacked environmental constrainst to force cognitative evolution throught necessity.

It is essentially the genetic algorithm at play (geophysicist here, inverse computing method in my field...not just for biology, as may be expectex with that name).

It just appears that more intelligent races had higher "cut-offs", statistixally, so the less capable were statistically less likely to procreate

This thread is awful

Why didn't we listen...

Sure is summer

Fuck this thread

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fuck you nigger

I don't think they are much less capable cognitively as a population. I firmly believe that it's purely sociological difference from lack of as you nicely put it - lack of environmental constraints. That's a conjecture though.
Granted, our iq tests place them below bonobos, but then being homo sapiens I believe that with right changes to their social structure, they'll get as 'civilised' as western societies are.
T. statistical physicist one of whose good friends is a son of a West African warlord. And being raised in our society from very early on he's an intelligent, productive member of society.

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That's the most retarded picture i have ever seen. whoever made this is braindead


I aint no fuckin nigger you faggot

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Greeks and Roman's you brain dead idiot larping dreamer. Africa has done nothing for the world, even the Aztec empire achieved something! Fucking bigger africans

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What is T. an abbreviation for?

> dadd


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Damn. What does it stand for? Never actually thought about it. Always assumed it was a pointer towards who the author of the post is. It might be that refers to something completely different and I was misreading it all those years


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T statistics is a kind of test, look it up retard. Although with your 70 iq I doubt you’re going to understand it. Kys nigger

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Where do people get this idea that Americans clap when a plane lands? I've been on hundreds of flights, have never seen it happen unless we flew into a storm or something.

I really don't care what you're protesting if you're blocking the road you deserve to get run over.

I'll see your point there and raise you South America.

Only on international flights returning to America

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cry harder lil bitch

Is it wrong that I want to facefuck the brain bug?

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Get out of here with your sad Jewish propaganda

Yeah. Done those too. Has never happened unless there was some good reason to applaud. Like landing in strong turbulence. Or with fucked up equipment. I don't believe it ever happens. I think this is one of those myths about Americans euros believe. Kinda like how we think 100% of Europeans enjoy being cucked by brown people.

Imma sleep like that from now on lol.

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No buddy is giving us discs.

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They do enjoy being cucked by brown people.
And anerifags clap when their fucking plane lands.
And OP is always a faggot.
Some things in life are certain.
What are you trying to do, change my worldview?
Kill your self cunt.

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>Hey, that's my gig.
>Mitch and I have to talk.

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>Me and the Brothers know how to jump.

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This whole thread is shit

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And a big ol’ fuck you too ya faggot


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Nah ur right. U ain’t a nigger, ur a retard

Nah im not one of those either nigger
Guess again faggot

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abbreviated version of terveisin (Finnish for "regards", as if the thing that comes after t. is the person talking)
>t. meme expert
Comes from ylilauta and a handful of other Finnish imageboards; usually used in Spurdo threads

Nah. I’m good with calling you a retard, it suits you.

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Nah I’m good. I ain’t reading retarded shit. Keep the waifus BTW, but I’ll always call you a retard whenever you post shoveldog cause that shit ain’t ylyl quality. That shit is fucked and you know it.

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Holy shit thank you I've wondered this but couldn't figure it out though lurking alone

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Drink bleach faggot

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Are YLYL threads populated by nothing but bots? It's the same routine every single time, in the exact same order. Are there any real people in here?

LOL the shit you post in this thread is literal bleach. In every tread. Well, at least you’re not a yellowfag and we appreciate it, tbh you have a history in this thread and it ain’t yellow.

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literally kill yourself you unoriginal tired piece of subhuman garbage

Your opinion is literally shit
Kill your self you worthless piece of garbage
I hope you botch it and suffer

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Fuck off cunt

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Fuck yourself

You're replying to a bot

Im not a bot you lowlife piece of shit

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probably says daddy with the Y written on the headlight

Well, that's even sadder

Fuck you cunt
Why haven’t you hanged your self yet

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I love how the cartoonist lost her shit over people altering her cartoons to make them seem racist

Nah thanks. Your words are worthless and full of sadness. Later ya angry little ragebot-manchild. Hope your nights are sleepless and full of aids... leaving now

look the size of (((that))) nose


Ahahaha little juvenile put in his last word and ran away
Yeah you sure showed me!
Is your name “the devastator” by any chance because it should be!
Kys faggot

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Cuz life is pretty cool. Where's all the grumpy-grouchy comin' from?

Your mom didnt put out today
I really wish youd hang yourself with a piano wire

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Sure thing, babe. You up for cuddling?

I'm not your cousin. It's not a word and go kill yourself. and there is no 55 nothing. You're thinking you're being smart and funny and it's agrivating

Is he playing with his dick

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why do they want a dozen ears...weird.

Apple of Adam

These are good. You have what it takes, kid

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Post boipucci first

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As a die-hard PS2 fan, who still plays his and gets "new" games for it, this hurts my soul... Why? Why do this?

jewish "propaganda" is the opposite
this is more /pol/ propaganda
lurk more


do people actually take this as real social commentary in america?


I mean; no.


No, I said cuz instead of because. I don't think I'm being smart, just trying to rustle your jimmies a bit, which seems to be working. Also, what are you talking about 55 for?

You DO realize no one reads this, right? They just hide it and continue,

Nice resolution, faggot

fuck you

90 posters, in a thread evidently excreted by 5 retarded schizo obsessives.

Got to love Viz.

Lol watt

that’s actually not a hate crime, it’s just racist

not really legally punishable to say that in the privacy of your own home

an entire lifestyle consumed by hatred

sad and disheartening

>evidently excreted by 5 retarded schizo obsessives.
No, more like bots

Stop smelling your own farts.



Mr Bump is best


Ah summer
Never change Nigger Newfag

>do people see reality as being real