I'm in a 2 year relationship with my girlfriend and our sex life has always been great...

I'm in a 2 year relationship with my girlfriend and our sex life has always been great... up until about about 2 or 3 months ago. We would do it nearly every time we met up and there was never any issues.

Lately, however, my girlfriend doesn't want to do it because she has stomach problems and suffers with severe fatigue and I've been doing my best to be supportive and understanding.

I'm starting to feel bad or guilty, though, because my sex drive is really high and I ALWAYS want to do it. She'll often be trying to have a smoke out her bedroom window and I'd try kissing her to get her in the mood but she always tells me to to stop because she's not in the mood.

I feel like I've been pressuring her too much, but at the same time, I really want to do it.

Sorry, I know this isn't a question– I guess I just wanted to vent and maybe hear if anyone has ever felt the same.

TL;DR I'm always horny, she's not

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She's fucking someone else

Highly unlikely. She's always at home and always in bed sleeping.


I know this is a possibility and I won't rule it out, but is it bad of me to keep making moves on her?

Talk to her. Communication is key here. Take it from someone who's fiance broke up with over the weekend due to infidelity on my part

Few questions:
1, have you gained weight?
2, do you take care of yourself, oral hygiene, showers, shaving etc?
3, does she get enough exercise?
4, does she get nutritions in her food?
5, is she depressed?
6, do you do other things for her that doesn’t involve trying to have sex with her? Like get her flowers, take her out on romantic dates, etc

I was in the same situation a few months ago. Turns out my gf was emotionally cheating on me with some dude from work. This guy was taking her out to lunches, getting her random gifts and telling her about his "cool" life all the time. I was unknowingly in direct competition with some dude. I had a talk with her about it and I told her to stop talking to the guy or I'm leaving her. She ended up stopping talking to him and we're back to sex every 2 days from a 2 month dry spell. It's been that way for the last 6 months and she is happier than ever.

You have to man up and deal with this shit dude. Life is too short to not get pussy.

I brought it up many times and she always just tells me that she's not in the mood or "maybe later" We were showering together earlier today and we were kissing and masturbating each other and I asked if she'd like to do it when we get out and she said yes. Then, when we got to her room, she became very tired all of a sudden and got into bed. It's so frustrating.

She's depressed.

But I'm absolutely convinced there's no man in her life because she barely ever leaves the house. She suffers with really bad depression and anxiety and she always let's me check her phone and there's nothing suspicious. I wouldn't cheat, either.

Please answer my 6 questions. Trying to help you. I work in this field

break up with her, she won't get "better"

>he always tells me to to stop because she's not in the mood.
>I feel like I've been pressuring her too much, but at the same time, I really want to do it.
>Sorry, I know this isn't a question– I guess I just wanted to vent and maybe hear if anyone has ever felt the same.
shes fucking someone else

Nope, stayed very slim throughout the whole relationship

Yup, very hygienic.

None... like whatsoever. She needs to exercise more, but she won't even walk with me.

No, she eats nothing but junk, except for at dinner.

Very depressed...

Believe it or not, I actually bought her roses this morning because we had a fight last night and I wanted to say sorry. I've taken her to an Italian restaurant last week and I wanted to get us Chinese tonight.

She actually is depressed too. Think this is the reason?

Just did, sorry

because shes fucking someone else and the guilt is fucking with her

why would you get into a relationship with someone with so much emotional baggage?

I love the girl though. Sex isn't EVERYTHING to me but I sure as hell want it

same same

Do you really think this is it? She never leaves the house though. She's genuinely depressed and I haven't seen anything in her phone to suspect cheating

Stomach problems? Constant fatigue? When was the last time she had her period... 'cuz this could be first trimester.

Because I fell in love with her.

Depression and anxiety could just be the entire extent of it.

Serious Questions here op
Do you think you love her?
Can you see yourself living with her in two years time?
Does she make you feel better when you're with her?
Do you get anxious to meet her when you're not with her?
Let's figure out if she's worth the trouble.

She has cancer

tell this to her
honesty goes a long way
just be understanding

Yes, she's had really bad wind and she also suffers from a stomach problem that has a very long name that I can't remember. She's on lifetime pills for it. She sleeps nearly all day. She's been almost suicidal recently and started attending classes for anxiety, but when she gets home, she gets into bed

Thank you


Depressives spend all day n bed wanking. She’s watching porn, or emotionally cheating with online dudes on reddit, tumblr, Omegle, or wherever. She lets you check her phone because she dies it all in private browsing and on apps she deletes before meeting you. She’s either afraid you’ll reject her kinks, or she just isn’t into you anymore.
Ultimatums may just make her feel insecure, if you’ve emotionally checked out and want to break up, or if none of that porn stuff interests you, her emotions shouldn’t bother you too much.
But if you want to try, ask her about porn, watch some with her, offer to do the whole online-sexy-exhibitionist-couple thing and setup a sex blog, or go into Reddit’s exhibitionist subs.
Otherwise, enjoy you’re dead bedroom. It’s not going to change till you speak with her.

Here I am, just thinking..
Why the fuck don't you ask her?

Hey GF, you know, I've been wondering.
We went from having crazy monkey sex, too barely any sex at all? Is something bothering you?

I miss our sex and want to do it with you, so what's up?

That's what I'm thinking. I never once suspected her of cheating. I know I could be nieve, but she's very open with her phone and such.

Definitely fucking someone. Someone else is sleeping in the bed when you're not there, idiot. Only time shit changes with sex is when one is getting somewhere else or not attracted anymore. Especially at your age...it's probably some side-dick

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That's exactly it!

girls are such a shit meme, they're fun to talk and when they are happy, all that is wonderfull, but them one day all of the suddent they get like that, only have problems, dont wanna do shit, like they just lose emotions, thats why i think that they arent worth the time lol, if they dont wanna talk why would you waste time with ther, hes a grown up, shell talk when she wants, meaniwhile you have free time to do whataver. If you just wanna fuck, just tell her to either help you out, maybe a handjob or whatever, or you'll go watch porn. I miss the time when the male dictated the rules, now its like ur a slave to the person with a hole. Gow a pair dude

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Alright so from my understanding, the things that can help you are these:
1, exercise. People who don’t exercise are more likely to have less sexdrive and get more depressed. Get her the fuck out of bed and chin up.
2, nutritions. If you eat junkfood all the time that also makes depression worse. Your body and brain need the tools to get well otherwise you’ll spiral down into depression forever.
3, therapy. Have her go talk to someone. Ask if she wants you do to it with her.
4, don’t get too comfortable, aka don’t stay at home all the time. Go on vacation. Get out the house. Change environments. If you’re at home all day of course your sexlife will get worse with time. Sounds like she’s getting too comfortable and probably got bored of sex. Women don’t fuck because they’re horny like we do, they might but in many cases they don’t. Sometimes they want sex because it’s fun. Make sex more interesting and fun.
5, this will be the most important point of all. Communication. If she can’t communicate or are not willing to, you are most likely not on the same level and won’t be happy later either. Tell her this. Why is she depressed? What does she want? What makes her happy? What does she want to do in bed? Things you do bad? Things you do good?

I believe if you deal with these 5 steps you will find a path to happiness. With or without her. Just gotta take one step at a time and know what step to take. Good luck

Believe me, I asked many times

Depression lowers sex drive dramatically, so it could very well be the case, unless there is another medical issue here, which seems likely given her other symptoms. But it's also likely that another medical issue would lower her sex drive.
Yea Forums ALWAYS says a girl is cheating on you, no matter the thread. We could be talking about an aquarium and someone will chime in with "le cheating girl" post because they're idiots.

is so new

Yeah, honestly, all of that sounds like it would tank her sex drive. It's still good to communicate about this with her directly as feeling like there's an elephant in the room tends to also, you know, lead to a lower sex drive.

I've had friends whose sex life has tanked because of anxiety and not actually talking through things. No cheating involved. Ignore the fuckwads that scream 'cheating female' at any chance. Sex frequency changes over the course of a relationship, there's low times and high times.

Then why the fuck she eats junkfood? Some people can’t do that at all. She gotta change habits

shes fucking bi polar dude. she might need medication or a stronger will. either way, its not your problem unless you make it so

Thank you so much for the helpful replies, man. Nice to not get s constant "she's cheating" from everyone

post pics of gf

Depends on the medical condition. If it’s something real, then maybe that could explain it, but there are very few medical conditions. What drugs is she on?

However, from experience... the dudes who are saying she’s cheating are spot on. Smart money is on this. 99% of the time, the whole “depression” or “stomachaches” thing is bullshit.

If you haven’t caught a girl cheating on you, you don’t know the signs. It’s harder to figure out than you’d think. However, the most important sign is a distinct change in the amount of sexual interest she has in you, especially if it’s less.

What drugs is she on?

Thanks man, I really appreciate it!

and what did she fuckind say then?

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Haha let me guess...

“I don’t know why!”
“I don’t wanna talk about it!”

Sorry to tell you my man but it won't work in the long run. Had this exact same situation. I wanted it every other day. She wanted it once a week. I tried talking to her. I tried compromising, twice a week or twice one week, once the other week or three times fortnightly. While she did try it it did not last and we slipped back into the once a week and sometimes once a fortnight. My life because so obsessed and focused on the sex or lack off and I did get angry/bitter since it seemed everything was on her terms.

I ended up breaking off with her and it was the best decision I ever made

OP how old are you? not being a dick, but i think it would shed light on the situation.

Relationships sure are great.

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Or the old classic, “stop asking me, I’m getting annoyed!”

>hErE cOmE tHe incels!

How about my favourite: tears

>implying its involuntary

Did you ever suspect she was cheating like all these guys are suggesting?

Do you think she's cheating like everyone is suggesting?

Thanks man

She tell me that her stomach is sore and I believe her because she's on lifetime pills for a stomach problem

>my girlfriend doesn't want to do it because
>(insert bullshit excuse fake reason)
>I've been doing my best to be supportive and understanding
She's 100% cheating on you, and you're 100% cucking yourself. And deep down you know it.
Seriously, not trolling, not trying to attack you. This bitch is fucking someone else. Usually when women do this they don't want to have sex with you anymore for a combination of reasons, mainly that A) they're enjoying it more from the other dude(s) and B) they can't stand the guilt the very small decent part of their conscience feels, so in typical female reaction they just push you away in whatever way is related to the guilt (in your case, sex).
I'd run for the fucking hills and be thankful you're not enslaved to her by marriage or a kid. And that's real advice.

feel guilty for pressuring her if you have to, but you've got needs, my dude.

you can only be so accommodating and understanding before you start to make sacrifices of your needs. Her condition sucks, but she's got to be there for you too.

OP, take it from people who have been here... if you see any of these, have some self respect and get out.

Your girlfriend would love you to believe that this is some weird crazy thing her brain and body are just suddenly doing that makes her suddenly not want to have sex with you. That’s not how these things work. 15 years and several relationships with all types of girls have shown me definitively that these signs mean one thing only.

Dumbass, she fucking someone else. Break up n ghost for best results

If it’s voluntary, then why are you inserting yourself into a conversation about relationships. Nobody cares about the opinion of a volcel in a conversation like this, what could you possibly contribute to a conversation about relationships?

Leave. Unless there's something medically wrong with her, in which case she should be getting that shit sorted asap.

Welp. Ur a dad. Congrats moron

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If your needs aren't being met in a relationship and she refuses to do anything to even try to get help, that's when the relationship is over. It doesn't matter if she's cheating on you or not, she's not being an active partner in the relationship.

Don't waste your time on shitty relationships. It's not worth it.

Dump her nudes coward

Thanks man, I know you're being honest and I appreciate that, but the cheating thing is something I personally can't see. If you met her, you'd see what I mean in other comments.

She suffers with really bad depression and it's something that has been there long before she met me. She spent some time in a mental hospital for depression and attempted suicide.

She's constantly tired and sleeps nearly all day. She always let's me check her phone and if it was any other girl, I'd believe you without even telling me. I wouldn't even have to ask why this is happening.

Thanks man, I'll think about what I want to do

Thank you. Honestly, all this advice is helping

Nah, I didn't suspect it. Although I couldn't tell but I didn't get an indication she was cheating. I could tell she had a low sex drive when we met. I just didn't realise how low it was. As she obviously tried hard in the beginning then things just ebbed away and fell into what would of been "routine life" forever. Once a week every week for the rest of my life? Nah, time to move on. If you do have suspicions she is cheating then bring it up and if true leave her. If she isn't cheating and her normal baseline libido is so low that it's frustrating you realise it will only get worse as time goes on so... move on? Either way the solution is the same.

A few things, OP:

Tell her if she has stomach problems she shouldn't be smoking, makes things a lot worse. From someone who has stomach problems.

How often do you have sex now? Your post sounds like it used to be every day, but now its.... what? twice a week? never? Have you asked her if she's not in the mood, if you can still jerk off on her or something? A couple times my gf (6 years) wasn't in the mood (too tired, like 2am) I mentioned to her I could go jerk off and instead she let me just fuck her real quick and then we went to bed.

Definitely stop pressuring her. Act like you dont give a fuck and stop asking for sex. She will either take notice and wonder why YOU have suddenly lost interest or she won't care and that should give you a clear indication of where you stand with her.

That’s a healthy way of looking at things. It sucks OP, but this is how it goes in relationships: either both parties are pulling together or they’re not. There’s very little middle ground.
Worst case scenario is you put up with this indefinitely, then she breaks up with you in a few years with some bull like “I just don’t think you’re a sexual person, I need some excitement in my life. I need a change. Bye.”

From everything else in this thread it genuinely does seem like the largest part of this is because she suffers from depression, and the stomach issue. Ignore the anons saying she's cheating. Depression absolutely fucking blows, and it will absolutely kill some people's sex drives. If you want to do the supportive bf thing, try to get her into exercising. I started weightlifting and went from essentially constantly suicidal to feeling pretty alright within a couple of months. It sounds stupid as fuck, but it actually works. She'll probably resist though, because depression saps you of all of your energy to do anything, hence laying in bed all fuckin' day. Just keep working at it, slowly and gently.

Thanks, bro. I'm screenshotting all these replies to think about. Nice to know others have been in this situation too.

You know what, this is probably the best piece of advice I've gotten so far. Definitely gonna start doing what you said in the past point!

women are shit and sex is overrated. get a true hobby and stop begging for sex like an idiot

She had it for such a long time but you said that she doesn't want to have sex regularly onli since 2 months. I don't think it's the depression.


yea kill yourself
has fixed things for me

A depressed lazy farting machine with no sex drive. Find someone else.

Thanks man, my gut is telling me she's not cheating. This is my third serious relationship and the other two, I suspected something was up and there was. It's usually easy to tell and body language says it all.

Get out of this relationship now. Believe me, it’s going to get worse. You really don’t want to be there when you find real proof of her cheating. At least this way you can tell yourself there’s a chance you weren’t being cucked.

Even on the 2.3% chance she’s not cheating, you should be looking after yourself. It is not selfish to break up with a woman for not having sex with you. It’s actually the best thing you can do for the both of you. It is not selfish for you to admit you have needs and expectations of a partner. Sex is an important need. If she can’t meet them, she goes. That’s how a healthy person thinks.

I was in this situation. She seemed like she loved me more than anything. She did everything for me. I knew she couldn’t be cheating! But then the sex slowed... and stopped. I talked to her about it many times and she avoided the subject. She kept cuddling me tightly, doing my laundry, telling me how much she loved me, and how she wished she’d be horny again but she just couldn’t! I believed it... until she forgot to turn her notifications off one night, and I found all dick pics on her phone and the tinder dates she’d been setting up. 5 minutes of looking through her messages revealed at least 7 men she’d been fucking in the last two weeks. She tearfully admitted it and begged for forgiveness.

I told her that we were now in an open relationship. I had no intention of keeping her and I told her we were probably finished. She asked if she could still sleep with me on the weekends - she thought she could manipulate me. I said sure. You best believe she was fucking me every weekend. I went on dates and slept with other women and it actually hurt her. I then met someone who was actually amazing and who I wanted to date and I dumped primero. Been with new girl for almost 2 years and she’s nearly perfect. A true, no bullshit 1-percenter unicorn of a woman. I found actual happiness dumping my ex and you will too.

Sexual compatibility is a thing. Both in terms of frequency and preferences. Either find ways around it, suffer for the rest of your life or move on.

No worries user! Hope everything works out.

I saw a few other good replies in this thread too that are worth trying but it all comes down to how much effort and "game playing" you want to put into the relationship and you need to evaluate if it's worth the effort. Other factors too like living together etc it may be harder to just split. Though for me I wasn't tied into anything with my ex so it was easy to leave and move on.

Only fags commit suicide.

You seem to be well and alive though?


OP does this sound possible? Could her sex drive be shot over guilt from porn watching?


Heh. It sneaks up on you

user, if you care about this woman enough to stay with her this long, you can do it for longer. Depression can be overcame. It seems like you are very much in love with this woman, so don't listen to retarded anons saying leave her. If you do, you might regret it maybe forever.

If you say she rarely leaves the house/bed, what exactly are you living about her? If she was gone, what would you actually miss about her? Did she share in finances? Take care of chores? Or, is she just a person you get along with that you can regularly put your penis in?

Women come and go, but in this day and age, they rarely provide actual value to a relationship outside of being a set of holes. Society has conditioned them to think they are equal or superior to men, and Hollywood sets unrealistic expectations of how relationships should be. They don't bring much to the table, and you shouldn't use the "I'm in LOVE tho" excuse to be unhappy.

A slump is a very common thing in relationships. Depression isn't forever. Love is.

nothing is forever

you retarded?

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That’s the thing, he won’t regret it.

When a woman stops having sex with you, she stops forever. Never in human history has a female re-started (enthusiastic) sex with a man she lost sexual interest in. She might start fucking someone else and go back to the first dude, but only if she never really lost interest. OP is describing a woman who has lost interest.

No man on planet earth has ever successfully “restarted” his wife/GF’s sex drive after it was “lost” for him She might keep stringing you along though.

How many men have you seen saying “my gf was so depressed that she stopped fucking me for 3 months, but after medication and therapy, we’re having great, frequent sex again!” Zero times. Because it’s never fucking happened. However, the depressed girl who finds solace in fucking strange men? That’s a meme for a reason.

Being in love is great though. May sound faggy to you but if you find yourself in that position, it’s very hard, impossible almost, to believe that she sees you as a replaceable commodity. Especially if you’ve been through dead bedroom scenarios like this where she bursts into tears and begs you not to leave her over something as shallow as sex. Emotional warfare doesn’t come naturally to a lot of guys.

If he loves her, it's kind of a responsibility to take care of each other in times of need.

>Society has conditioned them to think they are equal or superior to men

are they not equal?

thats cute

What are you talking about? There's a lot of cases of women regaining their sex drives, either with medication or just by overcoming depression.

>The guy version of eat, pray, love needs to have this post repeated at the beginning of every single chapter

>No man on planet earth has ever successfully “restarted” his wife/GF’s sex drive after it was “lost” for him She might keep stringing you along though.

I got my sex drive back with my partner after I started exercising and hiking. So, you're wrong

Yeah I've never heard of it

Read more.

Read what? Cosmo? lol

No just about depression. It's a pretty common thing nowadays.


Show her this thread. You didn't say one bad word about her and if she really cheats and reads your answers she might feel guilty and confess it

I didn't say a fag I said a woman

This. I really don't think she's cheating but reading your posts, it's clear your love her a lot.

You made a conscious effort to regain your sex drive. He’s not talking about women in your situation. He’s talking about the ones who emotionally check out, are too timid to either tell the guy what they want sexually or they just can’t bring themselves to just break up with the guy who is madly in love with them, so they spend the next few years grinding out “relationship normality” until they break, cheat, and the relationship fails in a Three Mile Island kinda scenario, as opposed to the amicable break up they could have had if they were just honest all those years ago. Or at any time during those grinding years.
Women like you, who act honestly, are the solution, and a great example for others.
Media really fucks society over here too, if only your type of feminine behaviour got more media coverage and more kudos and glam attention; and less of the Sex and the City type or the Paris Hilton type or the Kardashians type.

Because I've been in them before you utter mongoloid.

>May sound faggy to you but if you find yourself in that position, it’s very hard, impossible almost, to believe that she sees you as a replaceable commodity.

Women don't use logic; they are emotional creatures. When a woman no longer sees her BF or husband as a man anymore, they look for someone who does demonstrate those qualities. That's why when the sex dries up, it's because they often have found someone that piques their interest more than you. It doesn't matter that you love them, what are you DOING for her? If she can take advantage of your generosity and get the dick and emotional support from some other guy, then she will, and in her mind she will rationalize it and make it seem like it's your fault.

does she love him though? didnt think so

And it’s her responsibility to do whatever she can to pull her weight in the relationship.

My GF is a pretty toned down, conservative girl. She knows how important sex is in a relationship. She had a slightly painful gynecologic procedure where her gyno said “no sex for 4 weeks.” She made it very clear that we would not be fucking me, and said her mouth and hands were at my service. I wasn’t calling her in for a blowjob every day, but she made good on her promise with genuine enthusiasm every time I did ask. You know what she asked of me in return? Respect, cuddling, and the promise to reciprocate if/when I were in the same position.

I can’t go back to these high maintenance girls who act like they’re doing me the biggest favor in the world by lying there and letting me ejaculate inside of them. My current GF has spoiled me by being an actual reasonable human being who I genuinely believe loves me. I could never go back.

There is better out there.

And you’ve given up on them. Your contribution was pretty much “relationships suck”. Who needs that kind of contribution when we’re trying to help a guy figure out how to save his relationship, and show him the pitfalls to watch out for when dealing with a cheating partner.
If you’ve got contributions to make that’ll contribute, cool. But if you just want to wave your volcel flag, then bow out dude.

>Media really fucks society over here too
How come? I'm sorry, i don't have twitter, insta or other social media so i don't really get what the deal is. It seems like everyone just sees girls as a sack of flesh to wiggle their pee pee in, and not as a human being.
Every girl that i know is just.. Normal. No cheating, no weird game playing, ect.

Depression is different from surgical procedures. I don't think this chick is high maintenance, she's just depressed.

does she love him though? didnt think so>It seems like everyone just sees girls as a sack of flesh to wiggle their pee pee in, and not as a human being

thats because thats all they are

women dont actually have a personality, all of them are just after the same thing which is resources, the only difference is how good they look and their MO.

This kind of talk doesn't really make anyone take you seriously.

im in an 8 year relationship

last time i had sex was in early may.

so fuck my life, eh?

>Women don't use logic
>Society has conditioned them to think they are equal or superior to men
>She might start fucking someone else and go back to the first dude
>You really don’t want to be there when you find real proof of her cheating.
>Even on the 2.3% chance she’s not cheating
>women are shit
>Dump her nudes coward
>Dumbass, she fucking someone else. Break up n ghost for best results
>girls are such a shit meme
>thats why i think that they arent worth the time
>I miss the time when the male dictated the rules
>Definitely fucking someone
>break up with her, she won't get "better"
>She's fucking someone else

Dont ask Yea Forums for advise about girls, they hate them

Seriously? Do you want to have sex?

That was the whole point of that reply thread. Did you read it?
Yeah, men don’t look at women as a person that needs to do anything for us. As long as the sex is enthusiastic and frequent, men will overlook a lot of negative personality traits.
Until they fall in love, for a lot of guys anyway, then the woman is part of his life and barely anything she dies or says will make him genuinely look at her in a bad light. She can cut off sex, use all the excuses mentioned in posts in this thread, and the loved-up guy will rationalise it with stuff like OP has almost literally said in this very thread “Oh well, sex isn’t everything. I just live the girl so much! I’d do anything for her!”. And then they get duckweed into a few more years of dead bedroom, plus a bit of emotional warfare, tears, accusations that he doesn’t find her attractive anymore, begging for him to not leave her over something as shallow as sex, accusations that he prefers XYZ-type of other girls, until one day, she gets to the point that the lack of sex is hurting her too, and she cheats. She replaces him with an upgrade.
Men, when they’re loved up, don’t need a woman to do or give them anything other than enthusiastic sex and affection. Women do need their guy to give them stuff and do things for them. And that’s a shock to a lot of men when they find themselves in that situation for the first time because it’s just not how a lot of men naturally approach relationships.
To be just thought if as a replaceable thing that “does things for her” as opposed to a flesh and blood life partner with emotions and love for her. That’s just cold hearted.

your girlfriend must really love you

Oh fuck we found a real incel guys!

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Ugly subhuman cope.

You don’t understand depression very well.

Depression causes reduced sex drive. Even the most depressed person in the world, with suicidal depression refractory to SSRIs, is still going to have some sex drive left. Depression will reduce their desire for sex but it doesn’t eliminate it.

They still have a desire to try to have sex, but the neural connections that associate sex with pleasure are weakened, and they often fail, give up, and try again later. They’re not going to forget how good sex with a beloved partner feels. They’re going to try and use it to feel better. What usually happens with a depressed woman (or man) is that she’ll initially get interested in sex, or be initially semi-aroused, but lose her arousal or just lose motivation halfway through foreplay. However, she will keep trying to fuck you (with less frequency), because she’ll be successful sometimes. You’ll still be having sex, just less frequently and it can be kind of shitty. Men with depression are similar.

What does NOT happen with anyone who is depressed is a total loss of desire to have sex with a beloved partner. This is not depression. This is loss of interest in the partner. They won’t even try to initiate sex, and they won’t be receptive if you start kissing them with anything resembling passion.

See the difference?

love how easy you can weed out the pussy worshipers.
i apologize i disrespected your religion

Ah, if you read my post I brought up emotions quite a lot. Obviously women aren’t just a flesh hole for my cock.
But sex is important.
Regarding the media issue: if you look at female-focussed media dealing with relationships, the overwhelming idea is that men are replaceable and you need to get as much out of them as you can on an emotional level. Sex and the City is the prime example, it’s still super popular, 20 years later. And literally every season is focused on the main character treating men like flesh dildos who can be dropped easily when the mysterious Mr Big shows up. That’s just a way of looking at relationships that is completely foreign to a lot of men.
Especially if we fall in love. Early in a relationship we do appreciate all the stuff a girl does to “impress” us. But once that live threshold is met, nothing else matters, we’re in love and she could literally stop doing everything she used to do for us, and we’ll still look at her with the same affection. That’s not how a lot of women view love though, for them it’s a never ending grind of “what have you done for me lately”. That cold-heartedness is very hard for a lot of guys to understand.

I'm loving this salty relationshipcuck meltdown. You have 3 options: 1 You either chase pussy and land a girlfriend. She sleeps with you for a few years and when you're emotionally and financially invested, the sex hose turns off forever and you decide to settle down anyway. 2 you lament how mean the girls are and how much time and energy you waste on them. or 3 you spend your time and your money how you see fit, catching pussy as it passes, and watch the world come tumbling down. i'll leave you pussy lickers to figure out which one you like the most.

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>Ah, if you read my post I brought up emotions quite a lot. Obviously women aren’t just a flesh hole for my cock.
dw user, that was not directed at you.

>And literally every season is focused on the main character treating men like flesh dildos who can be dropped easily when the mysterious Mr Big shows up

i wish we could just drop this bullshit. humans are not just only for sex. they have feelings.

I hate the girls that use guys, play games with them, and think they are above others. They make the rest of us look bad. Just look at this thread, girls don't have a good rep here, and seeing the occasional screen shot of twitter, I can see why.

>That cold-heartedness is very hard for a lot of guys to understand.
I have never witnessed that. I hope you haven't either. Best of luck to you user.

Leave her alone and jerk off. Men need to fuck off with the sex addiction, some people want to be love instead of lust.

The fourth option is best: find someone genuinely compatible and live life however you want, together, because your life goals are the same. If you just want to chase pussy endlessly, there’s chicks out there who are into that shit.
Relationships aren’t fucked, being with incompatible partners is the killer.


Men should be picky as fuck about who they commit to, even just as a girlfriend. It’s a huge mistake to commit to a girl just because you’re attracted to her and she’ll fuck you.

She's banging someone else.

I have witnessed that. It was super eye opening, and heartbreaking. Worse, was when she called me a martyr for being genuinely heartbroken. That just made me lose all respect for her. Which was hard to deal with, because respect is important, ya know? Spent years looking after each other, rationalising the tears she used to shut down conversations about sex as “oh well, compromise is important in relationships, it can’t all be about sex, that’s what everyone says”, living with the dead bedroom, and working hard to not let that drive a wedge between us or kill my romance, hoping it’ll get better like she said it would, and then after years of that “oops, I discovered I do actually enjoy sex, but it’s with a guy from Instagram, not you, yeah I was chatting to my mate and she cheats on her guy all the time so at least I’m not cheating on you, eh? you’re being replaced, unlucky, don’t feel bad or I’ll just mock you”. Like what the fyck?
Not all women are like that, she’s not a bad person either. She just did a fucked up thing.
But that idea of “what have you done for me lately”, I found more and more guys who experienced that. Seems to be way more common than I ever realised. Like, among my peer group, friends, colleagues that I’d chat to on a close level, it’s way more common than either sexes cheating remorselessly. And, if you actually watch that female focussed media, it’s an attitude that’s glorified above all else, sadly enough.
I think we agree though, I was totally complimenting your experience, by actively working to rebuild the dead bedroom in your relationship, you did an amazing job. Sounds like you’re both happy too, so that’s great.
Don’t sweat the angry trolls though, they’re literally shut ins who just say edgy stuff on here because they know they can get away with it. I guarantee you they’re all insecure wrecks IRL who couldn’t hold a relationship together if you offered them a billion$!

>she's fucking someone
don't listen to those faggots

What you are experiencing is called "stable relationship". It's all chemistry, feromones and shit in the end - you've been in a relationship for some time and the first phase of "love" just started dying. Sorry, it'll be only worse than this. Usually getting married helps for a year or so (renews sexual interest), but in the end you'll be in the same place. Those jokes about women getting headache when the husband wants to have sex - do you think they were made out of nothing?

Women's sexuality just works like that - first it's very passionate, then it becomes stable and comfortable (regular sex, good knowledge of partner's needs), then very slow decrease and finally almost full stop - the cycle repeats with each new partner - sometimes it's faster, sometimes takes longer, but it's the same in most cases. That's usually why men in their late 30s and early 40s start fucking around with other women - they just don't get sex at home and are becoming more and more frustrated. They start to work more to put their mind to something else, which (lol) antagonizes their wives ("why are you working so much? I never see you at home anymore..."). Then after you become a living bank account for your family, you realise you still want to fuck something that doesn't just welcome your physical love initiative with "ehhh... okay..."

Thank you, bro. Always nice to see that their are people who think about things on this site every now and then. Thank you for the advice

Ok, what’s the solution then? Because a relationship without enthusiastic sex isn’t enough for guys. Especially if she sees him as a living bank account.

>stomach problems and suffers with severe fatigue

You are going to dismiss this theory but hear me out.

She's lactose intolerant. It can come on seemingly out of nowhere. Causes fatigue, lethargy, nausea, diarrhea; can cause depression, exhaustion, headache.

A few years back I was getting headaches all the time. I was depressed and exhausted. I had stomach problems that would come and go. My sex drive was zero. I did not want to leave the house. I just wanted to sleep all the time but I slept poorly. I genuinely thought I had cancer. Doctors ordered everything from an endoscopy to an MRI.

Try an elimimation diet with her just for the hell of it. It will cost you nothing. Don't eat anything with milk or whey. Hard and aged cheeses are usually safe. Cheeses with a sugar content higher than 2-3 grams are not. Buy lactose free milk or almond milk. Read ingredients. Be wary of baked goods and snack foods. When in doubt, take lactase supplements with meals.

I never thought I might be lactose intolerant. My heritage is 100% Northern European. I ate everything dairy for 30+ years with no ill effects. This came on me out of nowhere and it nearly ruined my life.

Just give it a shot. It's something you can do together and it won't cost you anything. Give it a month. Give it two weeks.

>Then after you become a living bank account for your family, you realise you still want to fuck something that doesn't just welcome your physical love initiative with "ehhh... okay..."

What a shitty way of looking at life... If YOU don't want the responsibility of being a man, then don't get married. If a woman is a burden, then find one with a job and a high-sex drive, maybe even redpilled so that you can through your problems. I think there is a biological imperative to stop breeding around the 40s because the chance of defects increases.

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Thank you, man! I'm not gonna dismiss it, that sounds extremely interesting! I'm going to say it to her now, she's beside me

You're gf is broken. Get a new one

there isn't really solution - that's just life

oh, don't take the high road on me kiddo, I've been there, I've seen it and I managed it

Different people act differently in those situations, don't act so high and mighty and don't impose your own sense of morals on others

I don't know. When I started cheating on my ex it made me want to fuck way more.
But I really hated her. Maybe it was less getting horny and more getting even.

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Fucking kek pic

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Bitches are so fucking stupid

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Your nothing but a cock attached to a body, your literally nothing to her and all you want to do it stuff her pussy soon you will have no gf be more then a dumb fucking horn dog because she can find anyone to replace you , nothing but a cock

Have you done anything to cause this?
I was in the same situation with my now ex and it was because she caught me looking at porn and she had some crazy puritanical beliefs. We just weren't aligned with our values and we forced our relationship because we were both in bad times when we met.

“Nutritions in the food” is very important

No, I don't think so. I have been annoying her about texting recently, as in, I was saying we should text more often, since we rarely text anymore and it's been pushing her away.

This thread is dying and will be gone soon, but before that let me say something. OP I’ve gone through this before and it will continue to happen to people as long as humans live. This is only so much YOU can do before she has to pick up some responsibility and do her part as a partner if she truly loves and cares how you feel. Try out what others have suggested and continue to try to get her to talk to you about what’s going on. I would say if it doesn’t seem to get better in a couple months or don’t see any change, consider that ultimatum. Let her know how you feel and don’t project all the problems on her, it will only make her defensive. Sometimes things don’t last and if they don’t for you, remember you can always move on. It won’t be easy, but it’s definitely doable.

Good Luck OP

Thank you very much, brother. That's some good advice. I screenshotted your message to look back on in future

She probably cheated and picked up a lil Herp in the process. Now she doesn't want to pass it on to you.

I'd be disappointed if this wasn't the first reply.

Also, she's cheating on you.

bitter roastie reporting in I see, its nice to just be able to leech off someones paycheck til you can fuck someone richer huh

she knows that you are fapping to traps

Excuse me, I'm tapping to furries ACTUALLY

do you even bother to wonder why you can't get laid with that attitude?

Have fun in sexual prison.
It can be a life sentence if you let it

That sounds more like an incel than a roastie

Dont listen to the other anons, shes not cheating on you. If you start to think she is then the relationship will go downhill from there and THEN she will start cheating. See the issue is you've been having too much sex. What you guys need is some time apart with no sex. Sex should be something that just happens, not something you do with her when you feel horny. After spending some time apart shell begin to miss you, shell start getting horny, and all you gotta do is take her out have a good time and tease her. Flirt with her and make her feel like you're dating again. Then you fuck and shes all yours for a couple months. Rinse and repeat. See you gotta have game son, women want to feel won over. They dont want a cheap fuck, they want tension and a good time. However in order to do that some time away from sex is needed and some time apart. Dont let Yea Forums turn you into a woman hating fag, women just want to feel good, and you're capable of doing that if you play it cool. Still keep in mind that things eventually come to an end and she wont be your woman forever. Eventually shell be a learning experience and when you guys are done you'll have a lot of reflecting to do.

Very good advice here.

Stop pressuring her, spend more time away from home, and see how she reacts.


Thank you, bro. Another great reply.

Will do, man

Fag retard nigger faggot

Dude, never ask Yea Forums for relationship advice. Regardless of your actual issue, all you're going to get is a bunch of incel idiots who can't even talk to a woman, and certainly haven't been with one, insisting that she's cheating on you.

What is she smoking? Plus. Men's sexual peak is 24 a womans is 35 so while you are getting horny now she has some time to go that is presuming you are under 24?