Is being in love with a fictional character considered a mental illness? because it should be

is being in love with a fictional character considered a mental illness? because it should be
what's wrong with me, Yea Forums?

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the bigger question you should be answering on here is who are you in love with


What's your favorite horse, user?

I am going to marry this woman

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lets just says hes a character from a popular adult animated comedy series and i am gay for him

There’s the real mental illness

The dog from Bojack.

You probably felt a lack of affection at some point during your developing age and found a way to fill that emptiness through fiction and escapism, stuff you grew up with and still look to fill somepart of that lack of affection till this day with the same method, its okay a lot of people do this, mostly with food. If you do not like this behaviour and wish to change it, What you need to do is find other ways to feel whole, either by your own sense accomplishment and improvement or some other activity which brings you satisfaction and makes you feel proud (excersice, work, social interactions, etc.)


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ew gay

You are just charmed. You cant true love 2d characters

At least they have someone to cuddle at night

Nigga.. you money.

yes, yes i can user

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nope your pretty well in the normal fields until you get too a point where you can't be attracted to real world people,or get a body pillow, even if you aren't it's still not smart obviously in your situation to let people know outside of here really.

well in a way i have reached your first criteria there.
i find women sexually attractive, but romantically i feel nothing for them. at all. they annoy me and the thought of being with a woman for anything other than sex is disturbing to me.
whereas with my husbando, i feel no sexual attraction, but intense romantic attraction.

Yes it is, but its okay. If loving a fictional person gives you a little happines in your miserable life then why should you deny that from yourself?

Just hide it and try act normal IRL

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Hahaha, I’ve seen so much stuff on pixiv of him blowing his dad and little brother.

Apple horse

Buddy being in love with fictional characters is the only thing keeping me from offing myself. Letting assholes from your past constantly ring around in your head and constantly comparing yourself to people and putting yourself down is a worse mental illness

>is being in love with a fictional character considered a mental illness?
no, but saving and posting Pepe images is.
also off-topic thread. kys.

tricky bag life is i have a similar issue except i just have no interest in sex while every relationship i've been in ends with me taking a shiv to the back, so i trust no one, i'm not exactly some therapist or mental health expert in fact i'm probably another couple of years from getting a body pillow. but i do genuinely agree with ms impossible poster, finding happiness even in things people may find strange is important just try not too let it become all consuming, at the end of the day you gotta put on the mask before walking out the door.

really Kyle?
hes not even the best boy

i didn't choose to feel this way about him
out of curiosity, who do you think is the best boy?

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