>Be me >Only had sex with one girl (exgirlfriend) >Crushed on a hot friend for about two years >She invited me to come over on Sunday >Her parents were gone, but her sister was downstairs >She kisses me and we begin to have sex >Halfway in >Felt something scratch the head of my dick >As I pulled out I felt it again >"Something's scratching me?" >"It's just sand, we went to the beach yesterday" >I thrusted back in >Began doing short thrusts to minimize the pain >More excited I got the less I noticed it >Climax >Them the pain set in >Felt like I'd been sandpapered >On the way out >I spoke to her sister >"Did you have fun at the beach" >Confused.jpg >"Yesterday you both went to the beach, right? >She said that they spent the day watching Dicaprio movies >And that they haven't been to the beach this year >I left >At home I checked my penis >t was red with tiny abrasions >Sore as fucking hell
I assume that she made up the beach story because she was embarrassed by some female problem, an STD or maybe this what people are referring to when they say, "bad pussy?"
Any Yea Forumsros experience this? What the fuck is it?
Go see the doctor. I really hope you dont get HIV or other STDs. Or she is one of those weirdos who like to put stuff in her vagina and leave it there. Did anything come out when you pulled out?
Or maybe simply she was dry. Which means, she was otherwise into having sex with you, indicates some physical or mental problem. Either way, it can be treated if she is willing to be honest about it. On short term, some water based lube can do wonders.
Kevin Wilson
Should have used a corn dome
Daniel Hall
Are you macaco?
Caleb Brown
Below average, so, I doubt I hit anything.
I don't know, she was wiping her self with tissues as soon as we finished.
I can't ask her about this, it would be too fucking weird.
Liam Sanchez
if it scratched your dick, it was probably one of those insert things to stop pregnancy. forget the name of it but my current girlfriend has one and i've definitely felt it a few times.
also somewhat of a medfag. there aren't really any std's that i've heard of which involve physically rigid things deep inside a vagina. not an MD though so do some more research (not through Yea Forums virgins)
Jaxon King
>Anybody experience this? >Be me
Pretty sure you lost everyone at this point.
Chase Stewart
Happened to me once after I had sex with my GF and went to sleep without washing out the stuff, then went back at it in the morning.
Apparently the cum solidified inside her pussy to an eggshell-like matter, felt like someone was scraping my dick with bead crumbles. I pulled out, fingered her to get what the issue was and found that stuff. It grossed us big time, expecially her.
TL;DR: she fucked and got creampied by someone else and let it dry in there.
Next time, be prepared with some lube. And dude. Condoms. Always use condoms.
Angel Williams
IUD is the thing. it's scratched the tip of my dick a few times
Juan Powell
Though it's weird. She said she went to the Beach, but she didn't. She KNEW something was up with her vagina and noticed there was a rough surface and likened the situation to the beach.
Carter Barnes
You can try to close out other problems. In your description, you said it was painful first, then gradually it went away because you got excited. Or maybe you both got and she was wet enough. My GF is weird in this regard, she does not really like foreplay, and she gets properly wet after penetration. If you want to make sure, next time have ample amount of foreplay, make sure she is wet, and then fuck her. If you see she is not wet even after foreplay, then she probably has some kind of problem in this area.
Dylan Edwards
yeah iud's dont feel like sand
i cream in my girl almost 100% of the time and have never had it dry in there.. how sure are you that this story is factual? did she tell you thats what happened?
at this point i'm just trying to figure it out for future reference
Hunter Jones
Yeah, nothing about this makes sense. Who gets an iud made of sand anyway? How would that even work? I can't even figure out how you'd adsorb levonorgestrel onto participate crystalline silicon dioxide to begin with let alone how you'd jam it up your red snapper successfully.
Hudson Thompson
not sure what that means bro
Nicholas King
I know, I do it too and it never happened again so i'm still not sure as to what happened.
Fact is, when I fucked her the night before everything was normal, then we slept together and the in the morning the stuff was there. Unless she got up in the middle of the night and stuffed some eggshell in her snatch I don't know what else may have caused it.
Luke Scott
Definitely not an IUD. I have one now and the only part that goes into the vagina are some strings. The actual device is in the uterus.
Zachary Hill
Was she shaved? Maybe she used an electric to trim it off and never cleaned it up.
IMHO, I think she was talking about going to the beach with her boyfriend, not her sister.
Mason Howard
Ive hit a few IUDs before. Knocked 2 loose, and 1 cut my dick head. They all said the Dr told them a dick cant reach it, but fuck those Drs. The one time I got cut I was excited and it didnt really hurt until after. So plastic pain or sand pain I couldnt really say a difference. And yeah theres no STD like that so just ask before you fuck her again.
Liam Roberts
you went on a long stretch for that joke just to flex that biochem knowledge lol. props to you for knowing about sand, but not knowing much about vaginas
then how did someone else creampie your gf now i'm especially confused final note? might be a yeast infection. just ask her about it and get checked if you're worried OP. i'm no doctor and don't have a vagina
Dominic Murphy
AIDS confirmed Press F to pay respects to this user who is now the walking dead.
Dude, if you hit it, then you must have gone through her cervix. She probably would have to go to the hospital if you suddenly sounded her cervix like that.
Henry Cox
Probably a yeast infection and dry pussy. If I had to guess I'd say that she has had the infection a while and left it unchecked?
Idk, I'm not an expert, definitely get checked. I wouldn't worry though.
David Long
Maybe stringless tampon
Luis Brown
Yeast infection would cause swelling, but I don't think it would cause it to be rough like that.
Hunter Wright
I think there are different kinds of IUDs. But they said its extremely painful to get it reset by the Dr. I nailed another girl with one and I couldnt feel at all.
Adam Reed
nah a tiny portion of the bottom part of an IUD where the stings are attatched out can poke through to the canal, especially recently after its been implanted. speaking from experience not textbook knowledge
Ethan Scott
Not always, I don't think...? My girlfriend got one a bit ago because of her antibiotics and we didn't realize it for a bit because there were no outward signs at all.
Some people present different variations of the classic symptoms, that's my thinking on the matter.
Dylan Bailey
IUD Intrauterine Device That's what an IUD stands for. That's because it's in the uterus. There are 2 types: copper ion and hormone. Both are in the uterus past the cervix.
Wyatt Williams
Sand in vagina used to be a big issue some time ago. Most girls are fixed nowadays tho.
The doctors are correct - you cannot hit an IUD with your dick. It’s simply not possible. HOWEVER, you can very easily hit an IUD string. The strings come come out of her cervix and are supposed to be wrapped around her cervix so they can’t stab your cock. They very often come out of place - doctors should be teaching the girls how to fix them. My GF is pretty good at fixing hers quickly if I get stabbed.
These strings are not soft. They are made of monofilament and will definitely give your cock head a sharp sting if you poke them the wrong way.
That being said, IUDs are probably the best damn birth control method we have and they’re totally worth it if the chick knows how to fix her strings.