Thoughts about etika

Thoughts about etika

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He looks like xxxtentacion’s cousin /thread

Dead nigger

>nigger dies
>every american is out crying and flooding websites with tears
>even more BLACKED threads show up on Yea Forums and americans are screaming for cuckholding porn now



you are more of a fag than op is

Another dead nigger, such shame much sadness. How will the world move on without a minus 60 IQ unevovled human.

i think he's part of minecraft 1.14. possibly a villager.

where's he being stored?

Who is this nigger and why should I care?

Right here

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dead nigger storage facility of course

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insecure fag thinks every american is a cuck cuz they arent as racism as him

get real nigger


Anytime you just throw around "nigger" your opinion becomes invalid. Etika didnt deserve to die because of mental health issues. If youre gonna say "another dead nigger" anything you say is invalid lol, no ones asking *you. Pussy bois

Lol dead ape nigger

dead nigger is what he is though, can't deny that. And he obviously deserved to die. That's why he died

>black man

Nothing of value was lost


His fatherless dad couldn't spell pitbull or Akita properly. Nigger named after a dog.

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>Nigger is dead.
The End.

no idea who that is

but i dont worship eceleb cock like that

WHo The FUCK Cares

I can't stop saying the nigger word....

Went to war with 2b2t and ended up literally dying.

This is truly the internet's cesspit. Thanks for confirming.

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Who cares about some black YTer?

>being this retarded

Idk anything about him or his content, but suicide is suicide. Its sad bud.

All the people saying dead nigger are a bunch of losers. I’m honestly really sad this this happened to one of my favorite streamers. #LLE


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Shut up nigger

Nice dubs faggots

That's both me you double nigger!!

So why was he so depressed to do this? Did he ever give a real reason or just randomly say mental health shit?

Only heard about him a few months ago when he literally got his entire block shut down and a swat team called in just because he wouldn't open his fucking door. He clearly should have been involuntarily institutionalized just from that incident alone, and apparently it was only the tip of the iceburg. He inconvenienced thousands by acting like an attention seeking faggot, wasted government resources and took police time away from people who actually needed help all because he's a gigantic doucebag. Then I saw him planning his next mental breakdown on twitter or some shit and he conveniently had another breakdown on the planned day. His parents fault for not throwing him in the loony bin, but at the end of the day this dude was an insufferable cunt and I'm glad he's dead because he was becoming really annoying with all the "look at me" antics.

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I'm true fashion,he was a nigger

And your a great big faggot and pussy nigger. And I had an extra beer last night to celebrate this stupid nigger killing himself. The only regret I have is he didn't live stream it so we could all enjoy this faggot doing a back flip.

I watched him a couple times, seemed like a cool dude. I really don't get the people on all of the internet crying about him constantly many even admit they have never heard of him but still act like they care and spam suicide hotline numbers.

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Same age as him, life turned shittier last year. I am going to off myself soon.

With Etika though, he had people that admired and looked up to him. He was doing better than most our age, hell everyone I know is doing better than me. Its just sad that he had to succumb to that. I don't have the full story or know much about him but I am pretty sure he could have overcame whatever it was. Sad that he felt this was his only way out. If it was social media that marred him, it says a lot about society. Maybe he was hanging by a thread before. These are questions that are all moot now. I just hope he is at peace.

On my own behalf, I have a lot less to lose than Etika did. I don't have the admiration of thousands. I don't have anything successful going on. I fell behind everyone I know. Even my little sister is succeeding. I'm pretty sure his mom was proud of him. My parents are sad about me. Also, he had his health. He sacrificed a lot as opposed as a person like me who has nothing more to lose. Sometimes I can't understand why people with a lot to lose decides to end it but then I remember it's whats happening on the inside that matters and not what you see on the out. Whether it's physical or emotional and usually physical effects the emotional.

He mentioned social media and the way he was portraying himself. I guess it's what you can say was tormenting him. It sounds like he pushed everyone he cared about away to a point where he was lonely.

That's what i find fucked up is that his mind was so fucked dude couldn't even comprehend the idea that he might be doings slightly wrong let alone the idea he was ruining his life

And he fucked over ever relationship he had because of it and didn't realize it till his brain decided to randomly chill a little

By time he was even lucid about his actions he had to face the fact he barely had anything left and it was only a matter of time before he went off the deep end again
So he took the only play he could comprehend at the time which was just to not play at all

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Niggy didn't know how to swim

I like how righties like to accuse the left of identity politics but when they see a black person they're just like 'oh it's a nigger'.

Same shit with gay people