People underestimate how much of a living hell it is to go through your entire life completely unwanted...

people underestimate how much of a living hell it is to go through your entire life completely unwanted. nobody ever liked me, ever. it's fucking hell. i'm not sure anybody else on earth understands this feeling. NEVER has anyone EVER liked me.

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Drugs help.

An hero

sucks to suck

you're not alone

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u look good just fat

if looks aren't a problem than i guess ur a social retard huh?

practice talking online in games
if you embaress youreself
just fucking leave the server
compose,evaluate check what u did wrong
and try again
spending 10 years just doing that is still way better than killing yourself

change perspective
never talk to yourself
like your worst than anyone

try not to be a retard OP

if your personality is a problem


it's better than being unwanted right?


It's probably because you are a self loathing whiney baby. You should work on not being that



Wow. Haven’t seen this in years. Wonder if these tards are still around.

44 yo wizard ama


Why don’t people like you?




were you by chance ever blackmailed into eating shit?

are you by chance a pepsi merchandiser?

Not sure which one I’d OP but I’ve seen dudes way uglier than you having plenty of people liking them. Now they’re not extremely hot people but that’s besides the point. You can’t make a valid point for no one ever liking you ever based on being “ugly” which you aren’t, you're more average

>i'm not sure anybody else on earth understands this feeling.

This is basically impossible. In your case it's not even remotely true. There are millions of people who feel the exact same way at some point out another. Realize you aren't alone and that other people can help you get through this (professional help is always a plus). The more you believe you are separated the more separated you will become. But it's never too late. Just find a good person to talk to.

>imagine if it were this easy

Accept your creator

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You have to live it

nobody on Yea Forums likes you either


must be bliss. i hate people yet everybody likes me.

Welcome to INTJ side of society pal.

I understand this but in order to do that I would need Spock to mind meld with me and convince me it was true like he did at the OK corral because I wasn’t raised in it.

The thing is I've also been alone my entire life and I actually really enjoy it

Human beings are fucking annoying creatures who've lost some if not most of common intellect and being in a relationship feels less of like something I wanna commit my life too and more like another chore I have to take care of.
Being alone means you don't have to deal with shit people (otherwise known as all people) as much as you could

You may be a sociopath

Daily fap material provided by bug

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Real, btw. Relatively normal, besides that. Maybe do an ama sometime, to get out of my own head - get some outside feedback. It’s problem - especially now at my age. Time flies

newfags need not to apply

Holy shit he's finally posting nudes! Please post manly bobs and peminine bepis.

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Why haven’t you had sex in 44 years?

How to not feel socially isolated
How to not let this feeling eat you

Would you get off from that? You sick fuck

I second this question

get a dog or a cat. human feels better with an animal companion, as it was for thousands of years. It will cheer you up and help you recover some morale. Then get to doing some personal training.

then ks when it doesn't work, I guess.

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go outside and fucking sweat infront of people if you have to
just fucking go out and talk to people
ask for directions or what time it is
order shit to your house and go out there to meet the driver tell him something about the weather or some other shit

just don't sit at home and complain about being socially awkward

come to realization that we are the most despicable evil shit known to Man
we're only good at LARPing that we're not
should stop the cravings for company

Fucking awesome mate. You are a rare bird. Please post height, weight, looks/10, job, income, assets, etc.

I’ve fingered 4 diff girls, had a few BJ’s (one girl) no intercoarse. To answer your question, i think because I had/have really low self esteem and I avoid being vulnerable. Also, I know nothing about women. Recently I’ve come to the conclusion that being raised by a single mother really fucked me up

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Dafuq? I'm attracted to the dude and want to see more. This is exactly what his self-esteem needs. STFU, retard.

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25 yo old ugly as hell Virgin here, never fingered, kissed, took by hand by any girl.. AMA

Based and redpilled

Jesus, you and Brandon should talk..

>i'm not sure anybody else on earth understands this feeling
the only girl that ever like me weighed 350+lbs and had a kid. I know the feel all too well

I dont think asking someone for directions or the time will fulfill the emotional need of being close to other humans.
Dont get me wrong, I dont enjoy spending time with most people. The very few distant friends are an exception.
I become anxious in situations involving social interaction. I hate it, still I feel that I need it. I wish it would be that easy for me

Lying just gets it worst, I know that feeling, When someone is with you just for pity, it's worse than being alone

I think brandon is gay. he has posted pictures of his boyfriend before, it's a sand nigger

Post face pic. We will offer constructive criticism.

Actually, I had intercoarse at like 9 yo, with a non blood related step sister who’s a cop years older. Her mom was a stripper, my dad got with her mom and they had a kid, my blood step sister. The latter prob not relevant to anything, the former - having sex at 9 (give or take a year?) might have something to do with the wizardry. Idk

>Lying just gets it worst
Well then stop lying. And then post man boobs and sumptuous scrote.

pets die. Having to put down your best friend is a lot harder than having nobody

Complaining about being an incel is such an incel move

Don't be dumb.

No one likes me boo fucking hoo

booo hooo why dont you cry more you little baby baby

Nah, just imagine any 25-year-old loser, fat, sloppy and willing to die but cowardly enough to not suicide

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

getting a dog is worth knowning he will die someday, he teaches you that life is what you make of it and that you need to cherish the time you have together

my cousin fucked the neighbor girl right in the front yard on a picnic table, he was 3 years old

true story

Ha, worse than any underpaid psychologist, at least you make me laugh a little.

Adrien Brody?

John Turturro

Annnnnnnd kill yourself faggot. But please be entertaining with your death. Then at least you'll be good for something.

ask for those directions and shit to stop the fear from overcoming you in social situations

Practice so you can make real friends

>NEVER has anyone EVER liked me
The reason is perfectly simple, but I doubt you're ready to acknowledge it. You're an asshole. Everybody knows you're an asshole, which is why they stay away from you. Assholes end up with no friends, just like you. If you could only stop being an asshole for like two minutes, people might get a chance to like you. But no, you'd rather whine on Yea Forums than try to be nice for a change. Well fuck you, asshole. Take some consolation in that you're getting just what you deserve.

6ft 205, was obese most of my life highest 300 at 18 yo, 255ish most other times. Lost weight to 185 at 26yo and that’s when I got with a 19 yo beauty. Good times, but I fucked that up and couldn’t keep the confidence ball rolling. Last 5 years or so I’m just overweight, not obese. Job - sucks, income, sucks, I have a brand new car. Everything else I can just about carry. No assets. I rode a motorcycle for previous 5 years and lived multiple places. It’s problem now, beyond the original wizard problem. How do I even...? Women my age, idk man it’s fucked. Looks prob 7/10. Caucasian.

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There is hope for you. If you like Asians, get on and filter the search for Filipinas. They fucking LOVE westerners. I did it 4 years ago. Married a 9/10 chick half my age.

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Really appreciate the reply. Thanks man. I’ve been around Filipinos a couple times in my life and I love their demeanor. They seem to have a really light, good outlook on life. I’ve jokingly asked if they have any female relatives...always got a kind of serious response! lol. That may be something I really should look at

Do it nigga. You know you want to.

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You're welcome. They are really nice people. FYI, this is wifey:

Awesome. Grats

Leaked with snap memory exploit

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how can this even work wtf

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Bumping for manboobs

user i get you.

But you should start working the fuck out and i know this may sound generic but its generic and common to hear because it has worked in the past.

The work is hard but the journey of 1 thousand miles begins with 1 step

Start by doing 10 push ups every day.
Day 1: 10 push ups
Day 2: 11 push ups

You get the idea

By the end of the month you will be better the end of the year you will get girls like
>Pic related

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he doesn't need push ups, he needs fork put downs

it doesnt

No, it's probably all in his head. Or a blend of both.

Wow, she turned me into a beta just by looking at her.

Interesting. You must be A) an awful human being or B) very depressed rn