Blocks yo path

>blocks yo path

Heh,you kno the fugginn drill....

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Oh yea

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That aint how dis works boi

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ug uga ug ug

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AHAHyyeahhboii dat the noise u make when dis monsta cramin down yo throat

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I sure do.

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>ten mins later

yeah suck that dick whiteboiii

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looks like a delicious treat

Sounds like the ravings of asshurt white /trash/

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>imagine being such a cuck you blame white people when someone attacks white people

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>oops, didn't glue on correctly
>falls off

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Anti-white, white lefty cultists, are the worst enemy the white race has ever encountered. No idea if the formatting of the previous sentence is correct because the sentiment is so bizarre, I'm not sure the English language can convey it correctly.

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Video sauce

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sauce: you're a cuck

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suck it black boi

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