Roast me, Yea Forums

Roast me, Yea Forums

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You're a good man.

It's a roast, not a toast

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sorry kike

Your not funny.

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Who's the greatest cockslut for Israel?

Hes got dementia and is losing his mind

you're* a retard

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from those who know him best

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newfag calls me newfag with his shitty reddit pic

Actually got a kek out of me. Can the left finally meme or was this made by a righty?

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Old friend leaked

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Its cute seeing all the cucks posting lies about Trump, really shows how delusional the left is.


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Trump canĀ“t even start a war against iran by himself. He sends Pompeo to assemble an international coalition, but nobody wants to be on Donnies team.

A few years back the president of the united stated used to be the most powerful man on earth.

Fucking loser.

Relax man, your Trump derangement syndrom is showing

>most powerfull man on earth
>obama spending 8 years doing nothing

Pick one schlomo