waifu threaded thread thread thread
Waifu threaded thread thread thread
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the server population dropped dramatically and we had the most epic 6v6 ever
y-you, too
sh-shut up... b-baka
i did!
sleep well
welcome back!
i'm tired, but watching Insurgency: Sandstorm gameplay makes me want to play it next
yeah, you should have fun!
tell me about the 6v6 match first, tho!
>Google "The Dad Delusion"
>243 results
th-thanks, so should you...
we kept getting messed up by these Russian dudes but our teamwork prevailed and we kicked their butts for two full hours!
pretty soon here i will, i think!
oh that sounds awesome! teamwork seems hard to pull off tbh so that's pretty impressive
i've killed it three times now, still haven't gotten the item i want..
oh nice, sounds good
i have some chicken and stuff, it's nice
good job! i hope it was fun
well, it comes packaged with the game so it's easy
you are
it was desu!
oh dang, that's gotta be annoying...
also nice!
i just mean it's kinda hard to work with others in team deathmatch games imo... i'm often the weakest link so people get mad at me and i don't have a whole lot of fun... just my personal experience
i'm often the weakest link, too. no worries
but two weak links can combine and make a strong link!!
are you saying we should hook up?
And a sexy link
hehe n-no we should team up!
ok altair
im tired of saying hi
th-thanks.. you more though
good! what're you up to now?
actually i got a sword that also shoots out cats with every swing so i guess i'm alright for now
you're nice
oh, sorry. i'll stop
you are the cutest
chill before more games.
anyone else tried this?
I did, still do and also had the opportunity to do everything in between. Variety is such a beautiful concept.
lol that sounds hilarious
yeah i suppose it eases the monotony a bit... i mean, cats. what's not to love? nyaa!~
Well from my experience cats can actually act like pure insane fuckers even for apparently no reason. Then the next hour they would be fine. Somewhat. Moon Sugar, I suppose. Also the fact that their apparence is related to the moons phases is rather annoying.
no it's okay! it's not that i'm really tired of it, i just can't think of any other variations of hi really
n-no u
okay, i hope the chilling is extra chill
but cats are so precious, i shouldn't be using them for combat purposes.. but it also does so much damage..
no u more
don't worry, i'm sure they'll be fine! nyaa~
no ur the nice here
doesn't sound as cool desu
o-oh, okay. thanks for clearing that up.
y-you, too
it is moderate chill, unfortunately.
we can use hooks to destroy our enemies~
sorry for not saying hi.
hello. you're cool
am i your enemy?
but they kind of dissipate after bouncing off enough walls..
at the very least you're the much nicer
im sorry ;-;
well moderate chill is good enough, yea?
im really sleepy, i dont know why...
it's okay! i'm sorry for making a big deal of it!!
y-you're welcome
good enough, yeah.
so am i. let's really sleepy together.
you're a big guy
was getting those 9s part of your plan?
no i said earlier that should team up remember
tho if you wanna 1v1 me in the wildy i'll hook ye w/ extreme prejudice
they're teleporting back to kitty land where everything is soft warm fuzzy kitties and everything is comfy after they've done their job!
look friend, this town ain't big enough for two nices, and you're the big nice so you get to stay!
i'm gonna play gaem with yui
Im always autistic
hook me into a nice dinner and maybe another date next week? winky face because you know how to play it cool
so am i
well i won't turn down dinner
wouldn't have happened if i said it better ;-;
you're nice
o-okay, good
are you going to bed soon? w-wanna sleep together?
o-oh okay that makes sense, sounds like a really nice place.. i'd like to go there someday..
well since i'm the big nice apparently, i get the final word, and my final word is this town is big enough for two nices
okay! i hope it's fun
at a nice Korean restaurant!
tom yum!
everything you say is nice
you're nice, too
good, okay
soon but not now. why, do you want to sleep now?
Checking in
Respond or I'll molest Yui
Did someone cum in her eye?
hows it hanging?
I did it again
i'm not so sure about that.. i try though
n-no that's alright.. im not sure if i'll actually nap or not
why do you stutter like Alice
Because it's cute
> crossdresser squad
low and to the left
I think you're confusing me with someone else.
enjoying a drink and a day off tomorrow!
Passed the drug test i had to do
Imagine being a stoner loser
Or getting a job which REQUIRES a drug test
You can practice your upsizing lines on me if you want
Imagine being a cunt and hating someone for getting a good job
it is, really. thank you for trying
y-you're welcome
Ho-kago nap time!!
What job would that be, wagie?
Working with mercedes through a college program. 16 / hr, and going to school.
//eat a dick uguu.//
>low to no skill job which will be outsourced to some beaner after the race war
I sure hope you're jewish
What part of "college program" did you not understand?
I can't be replaced! Unless i fail the classes that is, but why would I go and do that? Plus I'm gonna be working on robots.
who woulda thought an ouma would be a dick
Post boipucci
Forgot a photo
sleep well
hope you're not sleeping too late
Who'd have thought the best poster here continues to BE the best poster
>imagine liking being in the same social group as Kei the mutt
I wish I had her lewds
Really insecure
Why don't we be friends hm? I don't know who Kei is, but bickering sucks.
well alright, you're welcome..
yay indeed
we should start that, sounds very nice
Name 3 redeeming qualities of yours and I'll consider it
You dont
This anti-best poster propaganda will not stand.
Three is too many lower it
Does liking daganronpa count?
Y not
Post that image again but this time say
"hi im gay"
have a nice night and a nice tomorrow
thank -you-
yes! join me in bed for nice naps
th-thanks for being nice, and you're welcome
goodnight, sleep well. i will probably join you in a bit
Can't post dupes. Plus i just got ddosed apparently. People on r6s are angry when your team is doing ok but.
Hi I'm gay.
yes, and? that isn't me?
ye it is!!
o-oh, alright
but i'm not a nice...
it was pretty fun!
gn yui!
Next time go suppressed sausage tachanka and LFP montagne to piss people off even more
Post vibrator
Good idea. Or I'll get a 5 man and just go blitzs shotgun.
5 man recruit.***
3 speed attacker rush
Ooo nice.
I sent a message to the guy who i think ddossed me and i just said oh ok
How do you feel about Himiko Yumeno?
That's a nice comic.
I really like Himiko, she's great.
...I'll probably get my friend to translate it.
Get a team of friends and only use ACOG defenders.
Shit is cash
Himiko is pretty boring and doesnt add to the story, mr Goldstein
Bet. Sounds gross.
I suppose. She survived though, so that's more than Ouma can say.
how do i get there
you're a nice -.-
>most iconic character of v3
>loli bait
Who died though.
Also at least she isn't as much as loli bait as the one from 2.
Kokichi best loli
Also stop the reddit spacing
close your eyes and imagine while laying in bed!
s-such a stern look! guess i have no choice but to accept...
I don't use reddit I just like being neat. Alot. I'll try though. But yeah Ouma's best loli. Having a bigger bust than Himiko.
>Lets move a major sport event from wednesday to sunday for no reason other than the boomers can watch it
Fucking dog cunts
Sounds unfortunate :/
th-that's it? then i'll be transported there?
yep! :)
what're you up to now then?
Do you play any games which arent trash?
gg 4ADrM9
What do you count as trash?
What do you count as not trash
imagination is powerful!
and if you're sleepy you might drift off and dream about it!
now i'm just back to chatting in waifu!
i don't think i'll get into deus ex tonight
i'm actually a bit sleepy so i might go to fuzzy kitty land soon~
I mean it's personal preference but I still play trashy games, like LOL. But I've played Va-11 Hall-A recently. Same with angels of death. I like indie games aside from the usual multiplayers. How about you?
Existential dread and shitposting
Anything that lets me shoot, stab, or blow up people
That's a given, though. Tell me what you like though!
Double though, oof. It's 5 am x.x
No one cares, boomer fag
Go fap to your exhentai once you get past the sad panda
> boomer
"Hey sunny, come help me get past the sad panda. I need my futanari trap porn"
That's a cute photo!
I have cuter
Send them.
I might nap soon. I gotta get my laptop repaired.
y-yea it is, mine isn't too good though..
ah, that'd be pleasant..
okay, sounds like a good time. im not really up to anything right now, maybe i should watch some youtube or something
it is getting pretty late, yea.. should sleep if you need to
Who the fuck needs exhentai
>waifu thread
>no one posted ray
I go to sleep this time anyway
Get a tablet with your wage slave money
>tfw boomer
Why would I get a tablet. And i don't start till the 15th. I'd love to talk you later, though.
I'll be here forever
You'll never use your laptop once you get a surface tablet
> ray
Yeah, I drink diet coke and play mw2, so what?
Is it really good? I've never had or interacted with one before.
When do you think futa 2b and 9s sex robots will come out?
I made a typo
A few years after we elect Yang
Do you by chance have a yang gang suicide wojak for me?
Im needing one
I'm gonna pass out now, see you later.
Noep, sry
ah but i bet you can imagine being surrounded by lots of snuggly cats! i believe in yuu~
ye! it's just you but that is a good time indeed!
but i'm afraid i'm too sleepy to keep doing so... i think i'll go to bed now
have a good night, yuu!
im sleeping
yea i probably can, my love for cats is very strong
th-thanks, i've had a good time too
that's alright! goodnight, sleep well. i hope you have a good day tomorrow
on time
My waifu
Nice community lul
Stolfo confuses my weenie
Should have been a girl
Claiming best girl.
Hail Satan
Claiming my one and only waifu since 1997
Hmm. Long thread.
Ok retard.
tranny faggot
Eh? I'm not a tranny. What ass'd you pull that out of?
Oh hey I put you on my list with Louise and Lucia
You should put yourself at the top of the list.
You mentally ill faggot, hang yourself
Top kek.
The cuck degenerate here is literally shizuru. He's trans and dating a black guy
wait, really?
I moved you above Louise, congratulations~
lol yikes
Hohoho, does that mean i have bragging rights? Is that the top of the list?
I'm not trans, and i'm not dating anybody.
You either think i'm someone else, or you have a very weird imagination.
>imagine being a mentally ill nigger lover. please become part of the 44%
Okay fags, it's time to talk business. The market doesn't lie. People want banana, and they want banana now. Statistics show that banana is on a steady increase across the board, and I plan on riding this gravy train to the last stop. The time is now to invest in banana. No hesitation, no pussyfooting around the issue. It's time to put our trust in banana!
no, bananas are dead
bananas will never die
nevada cringe
It's 47% now.
Hand sewing is bullshit
Lets keep pushing it up
kys faggot
I'd rather not, life is too fun for that
You will get the surgery then realize youve made a mistake and now youre just a mutilated freak. Thats when the end will come
Y'know, after years of doing this you'd have thought you'd learn that it's rather ineffective.
>years of doing this
Who do you think I am you dumb faggot
What is this list you are talking about
No... At the very top is Alice2
That's not me
>Vignette Tsukinose April's claimer
you realize that's sono right
Who is Sono and what is their story
One of, like, three people who have some kind of autistic rage at people in this thread, two of which I've known for a few years now.
I guessed Nevada, I might have guessed wrong though.