I dont care about Etika

I dont care about Etika.

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You obviously care more abouthim than me since you posted this shit.

Etika be like

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I don't care about any person who dies that isn't close to me. I genuinely don't understand people who start sobbing because a celebrity died, as if the celebrity often to their house for dinner or even knows they exist.

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I honestly thought he was attention whoring.

He sort of was. Histrionic personality disorder. He cared more about the attention than his own life.

Negative e-celeb bullshit is still e-celeb bullshit. Please leave.

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i dont care about anyone you can all die for all i care

Femanon do more vocaroos

I think you responded to the wrong post.


you mean like every NPC with Trump Derangement Syndrome? They've all got histrionic personality disorders. Should us based and redpilled pepe posters be happy that more and more of these people are commit die?

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meant to respond to also, check these trips!

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checked dubs into phase II

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check em

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I get sort of unsettled by it. This is some guy who I knew existed, and he no longer exists. The same thing is going to happen to me, and everyone I love some day.

I don't really give a fuck about him though. Reaction/ letsplay videos are fucking retarded trash designed to pacify 10 year olds with shitty parents.
I just don't like thinking about death.

Is he confirmed dead?

nah, just a flesh wound. he'll be okay.

Based retard.
I'm about to show you up with these triple 8s.

not even close. but check my based and getpilled TRIPS!

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Yeah, once I jumped off the Brookline bridge and had my corpse rot in the East River for 3 days. I bounced back after a solid month in intensive care. Now I'm married to my dream girl with three beautiful children, and we're loving our life!
He'll look back on this and laugh some day.

I can tell by the time and effort you put into posting about it

at least you didn't get hit with nerve gas!

I had nerve gas once. tore my skull clean from my body.
15 hours later they had me back good as new.

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shit! CHECKED!

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and so is this one.

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No u


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"Man I really don't care about this Etka guy how can I portray such a complex and unheard of idea to my peers. I know I'll find a picture of a dog from a shitty show edit it and then make a thread about it on Yea Forums that way everyone can know how unwilling I am to waist any of my time on Etka."

Based and redpilled

Bitch, how long do you think it takes to throw words on an image that you consider it some herculean feat?

I've never sobbed at a celebrity's death or anything, but if it's someone that's important in some way, mainly me liking their work or personality, there's a definitely an experience of loss for me when they are gone.
I don't think you have to know someone personally to care if they're alive or dead, that's just basic empathy. Ofc they'd have to be pretty close for me to experience serious grief. But a kinda weird empty feeling for a while, like this person is now gone and we'll never see or hear from them again? I think that's pretty normal.
And if I like something they do, then ofc knowing I'll never get another thing from them is also definitely a factor. I was pretty torn up when Johan Johansson died just because he's one of my favorite composers and now there's no more of his work to look forward to. I didn't really know much about the guy himself tho, so it wasn't really about grieving him personally, apart from the basic sympathy I have for his family and what he was probably going through at the time.

Check em

>Bitch, how long do you think it takes to throw words on an image that you consider it some herculean feat?
not long at all but if the point is that you don't care the act of even thinking of going through any amount of trouble is more than enough to prove you do in fact care

Lot's of people killed themselves the last few days and will not get attention so I agree I don't care about one person I never met either.


That's not how it works.

yeah it actually is. to not care is to be neutral. to complain is to be bothered therefore involved. And to be so involved as to make a thread is to care

Most people are just virtue signalling normie scumfuck drone npc retards. There is so much pain in the world, but no one gives a fuck unless it becomes the popular thing to talk about. All those people making heartfelt tweets about this etika guy when they never knew him or even consumed his content are 100x more psychopathic than the people who don't feel anything.

To care for something means to show concern or affection for something. To NOT care means to have no concern or affection for it.

OP is not incorrect if he says he does not care about Etika and making a thread doesn't somehow mean's obsessed with Etika.


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ve never sobbed at a celebrity's death or anything, but if it's someone that's important in some way, mainly me liking their work or personality, there's a definitely an experience of loss for me when they are gone.
I don't think you have to know someone personally to care if they're alive or dead, that's just basic empathy. Ofc they'd have to be pretty close for me to experience serious grief. But a kinda weird empty feeling for a while, like this person is now gone and we'll never see or hear from them again? I think that's pretty normal.
And if I like something they do, then I just walk the dinosaur whilst my mother and father writhe in agony as the slain hordes of infantile canids wretch and scream from the angular abyss.

Alright then