Dog forgot how to fly xS
You're literally the reason I fuckin hate 4chin sometimes, inb4 normie fuck off loser
Man up you filthy newfag
To what, being desensitized? Too late
when you nut inside
Being this edgy , mom i posted it again
fuck off
what's this?
Fuk u
>man up
>man up
>to violence
I'm so sorry your dad beat you and your mom user. You can break the cycle. Don't start drinking liquor.
jokes on you my mom is already fuckin dead
Im sorry user, may she rest in peace and may you find consolidation
I think you misspelled twitter in your search bar.
Old Yea Forums had multiple people incarcerated for animal abuse dipshit
lulz… I lost to this.
Anyone got that autistic rick and morty meme about plebs who dont understand it conplexities?
Hot AF, who is?
if you like traps, you're gay
etika 2b2t golem
Interesting fact
fk u
Lily Labeau
Based user
Still, I must reply
cest Norman putin XD
the girl made me lose.
...posted the stable boy, as a calling card.
the epoch was better. Trunks is a pansy.
Thank you
fuck off dork
fuck you
because beating on something that can't even defend itself, is something worth bragging about.
fuck off
If this were a cat your autistic ass would be hunting him down.Nice double standards
I always fall for these.
Almost got me
Man, at least copy your text correctly if you don't speak the language. You can't split up the radicals for 私 and the stroke order's all wrong, too.
>we’re Yea Forums mods
Is it bad I hear Tom and Jerry sounds whenever I see this gif?
Nigger chink has smoll pp
Ow the edge
Thank you Royalty Pupper.
my mother is asleep right now.
Yeah that's very manly.. you giant faggot.
lost bad
> *strength of the bear*
> *eyes of the hawk*
> *penis of the buffalo*
> *penis of the bull*
Oops, I settled on buffalo and forgot to delete bull. Oh well.
why the fuck did i lose to this
Fuck up you worthless cuck
What is she made of?
join gg/RXkhcmb
I also lost
Did he dieded?
Fuck off nigger
Summer fav in da house!!! This is normie tier for Yea Forums
Webm are gay.
I'm English, I have never heard anyone use the word gabber.
Snapchat really messed the new update up
Don't spread propaganda about a shit, cruel, stupid religion.
I knew it
Can this shit die already
Fucking gay
go back to ifunny
go crawl off n die some where, for real
>tfw no one posted zippo cat yet
oldie but a goodie
Science proves that there are ERRORS in the Koran.
Therefore it is NOT a message from a god.
New much?
what a waste of trips, at least you could post how sandniggers outlaw bacon, and pork products in general cause they're retarded
Dumb as fuck but
dont forget, towel nigger
>propaganda trash
cause thats all that shit is
novel new idea
Stop it
the same is true of the Bible
Pork isn't "outlawed" by Arabs per se.
It's outlawed by the Koran.
They could have pork this evening if they would get over that crazy book.
I will hunt your father down and rape him, all the while telling him that his son is the reason why. I will tape it as I do it and send it to your mother so she knows how weak a man her husband is. I will chase your sister down and sell her to a nightclub in Gangnam where she will be used like a fleshlight. Finally I will kill your dog, make it into chili, and force you to eat it.
All this, because you thought posting this ducking webm was funny.
Do you think it’s funny now, Punk?
Do you?
all the religions are just a way to herd the sheep
its pretty obvious
Yes, of course it's true of the Bible.
All religions are wrong.
>i dont accept science
>lets be cave people
great propaganda
Epic kek
Actual fake story outbound.
>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.
funny how some don't see that's still idolatry
I need that footage.
Right. Fucking. Now.
wtf.. gay?
Wasting good pissy on a chink
It's shopped idiot
never understood the appeal of these vids.
> jap male actor with a tiny peen
> western actress who can take a fire hydrant
> the woman does literally nothing during the entire movie
> guy just struggles for like 30 minutes
it's like watching some kind of documentary where the animals are dying. like what the fuck.
Fuck u
poo poo
> this is what faggots believe...
I thought that dog was being thrown out of a fucking plane.
>Hahah, I'm totally not gay I swear.
It's better when the "straight" guy gets fucked.
Islam has three gods.
1. Allah. Who is Allah? Allah is literally "the moon". He was brought into Islam from an older religion. That's why Islam's symbolis the moon.
2. The meteorite in Mecca. When a rock falls from the sky, primitive people worship it, of course.
3. Mohammed. In theory, he is just a man. His own behaviour shows that he wasn't bothered by insults. But his followers now kill people who speak a bad word or draw a picture.
That's worship.
He has become a god.
Faaak yuuu
i am ok
Me too holy shit
Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.
When will Yea Forums duff this man up for me?
Kecky Becky!
Not gonna lie, she's pretty hot
if we destroy this fucking stone, can we destroy this fucking religion ?
i think that's the joke
Such grandiosity. Thank you my liege
Wow so many pussies here
just leaked my ex gf
Holy fk the new Stormcrow looks awesome
Let my mom alone
>via 9fag.com
Why is Jesus white, lmfao
a nigger
But by sharia law she can't answer without her husband's consent unless she wants to get stoned to death. Big think.
The bible said so, not like it matters really.
Seriously, though, that text was a mess.
I seriously hope you KYS
EX made me cum twice
Apparently this works
Normie fuck off loser
I was gonna say more Cataphract but that's just me. Flat chested chicken walker mufugga
I hope your mother will die tonight
Awesome, fucking stupid dogs
>blocks your path
>what do?
>look up prosthetic man parts
No, only result will be Muslims starting to rotate on their axis like a broken compass
suck a nigga dick
Aw shiet
Better not kill his dog, he frowns on that kind of behavior.
judging by the replies I know EXACTLY what's here
All of you guys are terrible at this YLYL
i hope you fucking die
Naval birds? Nurse birds? Chernobyl? Fukushima? I dont get it.
"I wanna post Muslim stuff."
"This is a YLYL thread."
"But I wanna post Muslim stuff."
"But this is OUR thread.and it's dedicated to making people laugh."
"But I wanna post Muslim stuff !!! Waaah !!!"
"Tell you what : post some Koran quotes on scientific topics. That way we both win."
can you do a vocaroo saying what it's make of, i can't read or write.
where did you get this from?
they look hella white
They’re engineers at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
gets me every time
And its still wagging its tail while being hanged. How sad
A world run by dogs would be a better one than the shithole we have now. We have niggers and sandniggers :(
Cus he is jew?
bad tits
thanks hawkster
>The bible said so
>world ruled by dogs
That's the joke you dumb cunt
This shit never gets old
Christ was born in the Middle East to a Middle Eastern mother. How do you figure he was white? And though he is the Son of God, even if he did come from Joseph, he'd be Middle Eastern. As much as the Catholic church would want you to believe that any of the Saints or Mary or Christ were white, they weren't.
but was the messiah telekinetic?
How can 14 hundred faggots NOT get 2 dogs off. I'd literally take their heads and fucking twist them around, breaking their necks. I wouldn't want to, but I'd definitely do it. I don't give a shit how tough ANY dog thinks it is. I will kill you.
Who the fuck draw these?
>asn't bothered by insults
the quran there has a little different opinion
>Jewess has a bag
>Christian is the one sharing
>Muslim is receiving welfare
like pottery
No but apparently genere of species does.
when do you plan to make a new movie?
lol the best one
Repressed desires. Broken dreams. A hopeless outlook on life and a hint of death-wish.
Thanks mr skeletal
I share it as much as I possibly can, so that this unfortunate canine’s suffering can have meaning.
You do know that women in Islam snitch on each other aaaall the time; right? And they leverage that torture and doom upon each other aaaall the time.
Just do this thought exercise. Imagine that all humans are Muslims, you are an innocent Alien bystander, big head and large eyes included. You see humans as they are while using a bio-tech invisibility. And you see Islam being used AS it is used in those places nowadays. Not as some old ass book says. As it is used. So all you look outward and see as an Alien is human behavior...
Now, you don't see "Muslim women" all you see is women. The problem is that westerners compare muslim women to their neighbors. Imagine the world IS islam. Now, what you see is feudalistic landlords, priests abusing children, poor peasants fucking goats, women beating the shit out children. Women prying secrets out of each other to hold it as leverage and to have to snitch on. Men killing each other for women. All kinds of shit.
That's the middle east. That's Islam. Not you dumb ass "hurr durr god dun said we could"...
For all you dull of mind, what I am saying is that Muslim women are notorious child beaters, abusers, and snitch on each other all the time precisely to get each other tortured. Lumping them as a "victim group" just shows that being half-way across the world doesn't sharpen your judgement
All you gotta fuckin do is punt the head once
I hate trump
Fuck trump
That's not even trump you fucking loon
>Wyte Pryde
a simple hat and casual clothes are enough to fool your bird brain?
Trump loves you regardless though.
I hope that this fucker who did it to the poor dog will die in brutal pain. I wish it to him. Fucking idiot I would beat the shit out of him. Why those people buy dogs
trump hates me because of my not white skin color
fuck uuuuuuuuuuuopp
GPA 1.8 because artist in class I guess..
You sir are a fag and a nigger
No it doesn't you dumb faggot. Science has never been able to disprove the Qu'an. Even the scientific sayings of the prophet Muhamad (peace be upon him) were ahead of its time.
they belonged to the black woman who filmed it she got arrested shortly after
Why do all of you idiots respond to these things? Seriously though. I always say it, and I'll say it again. I hope none of you dopes are atheists because boy oh fucking boy the retarded hypocrisy. And on that level? In this fucking tier? You deserve an award. "Too logical and rational to believe in the existence of God, Yet superstitious enough to actually believe a post on Yea Forums might literally kill their mother tonight." You seriously ought to get a reward for this god-tier retardation and hypocrisy. But the same goes to all of you who respond. Absolutely retarded.
We don't have 3 gods you fucking idiot.
Go kys
nigger dog belonged to nigger?
trully a shocker
People have litteraly been posting that for a decade fuck off summerfag we're full
I had a classmate that would do this shit
I assumed that someone was getting DPed by a bull and a buffalo.
>I could fap to that
Indeed. We don’t even have one.