What's the worst board on Yea Forums?

What's the worst board on Yea Forums?

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You're standing in it

Yea Forums

literally this board

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This guy gets it.


Tons of hot males/females and memes in this discord?


Obvs reasons.
Who cares about that shit?
For obvs reasons.

Yea Forums is bad but at least it can get some fun stuff from sheer traffic that a lot of other boards can't do and because of the lack of focus you can talk about whatever.

Yea Forums could really use another board or two being made to get all the furry/trap porn out of the board.

>"stop liking what i don't like"

>posts picture of random Instagram chick
>”can someone please nudeshop?”
>no replies

That’s all that pathetic board is.

/pol/ and its not even close.

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/raid/ used to be good, but now it's nothing but 13 year olds who just discovered LOIC.

traffic has a tendency to make boards worse

id normally say Yea Forums but i really hate electionfags so im going to throw in and say /pol/ instead

It's more a couple things are complete trash and 1 is just kinda boring. Two of them are basically containment boards, come on.

Yea Forums
Can't post anything remotely about simpsons or even a simpsons reaction pic without sneedfacs jumping in and completely derailing the thread.

that one with a / in the name

It has to be /ck/
This fucking board leaves me speechless. No one can cook. No one. It's all about arguing wich pizza joint is the best and look i made fajitas.

Kinda surprising.

Yea Forums was a mistake


You're on it.

/ck/ is top tier except the same fag who complains about hot sauce everyday


No fucking contest. just kill them all.



Whenever I go there, and state a slightly less popular opinion, I get insulted or ignored. And someone always posts "nice bait", so even less people are eager to engage in the conversation. Kinda reminds me of Reddit.

Yea Forums and /r9k/

Only because they used to be good

/ck/ has the /beer/ general, which I like. Other than that I don't really know.

I only suck rich people's cocks.

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I can't believe it hasn't been posted yet

I don't even know what the point of it is.

did we ever got Holly nudes or is this just a rando?