Daily reminder that the left is responsible for everyone illegal who dies getting here...

Daily reminder that the left is responsible for everyone illegal who dies getting here, and every US citizen who is murdered by an illegal.

>pic: drowned father and daughter who died crossing the Rio Grande river

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This you fuckers

I totally agree but this belongs on /pol

Why didn't they make a raft? It wouldn't have taken more then 30 mins to make.

As sad as it is, good riddance.
They shouldn't be coming here in the first place.
That's two less people I need to pay for their healthcare, food stamps, beer, etc.

Tons of hot males/females and memes in this discord?


Why didn't they just cross where its only knee deep?
Nothing of value was lost

Hope your family dies like this.

Fuck you

Organ donors?

Triggered trumptards good next tornado or flooding hopefully it will be your mother and little sister mimicking their deaths

How could they? They are smart enough to build a boat.

Sad part is illegals don't qualify for "healthcare and food stamps" they need a SSN to get any of that kind of benefits. I know I'm illegal myself! Living in America baby!

Cry harder faggot

God you’re such a fucking faggot and a coward

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They dont have healthcare except using the emergency room and skipping on the bill.

Damn triggered trumptards. Don’t worry your rust belt and south shitlands going to become inhabitable

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Fake, staged photo. No way the child would ride up into the father's shirt like that.

Not really they take their passport from their country and put the tab on it. So when they apply for a resident card they have to pay all that money.

You didn’t know them. Why are they some important to you. I know for a fact they don’t give two shits about you. Why waste the energy?

Actually I’m a red-blooded American conservative who lives in a deep blue state faggot. Troll harder next time

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Fucking idiot would allow trump babysit his own daughter or date his girlfriend

Empathy Americans had it but dicksholsters like you are becoming animals

Imagine no friends and jack off on guns go fuck yourself

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why does it always come down to left/right shit with ameributts?
isn't it technically the responsibility of the people whose fucking job it is to manage all that shit in the first?

Just because there's a wall doesn't mean the USA are to blame for this sad death. The culprit is Mexico for treating their people so badly.

The only thing I can blame the states for is maybe not letting mexican kids sleep in beds and brush their teeth when they're kept in the States

Also I'm sure a couple mexicans could actuallybe good citizens, not every spanish is evil

Fuck these spic niggers, two less welfare leaches.

You are not incorrect sir. But its mostly the far left though. At least the moderates are saying give Trump his border money.

In my neighborhood most of the people are far-left socialists with anti-Trump yard signs and stickers, volunteering for immigration rights non-profits, posting endless leftist memes on Facebook, etc. But they send their kids to private schools because they are doctors, lawyers, professors, privileged, affluent, and mostly white. The houses here start at $375,000 when the median in this state is $185,000.

If anybody is to blame for immigrant death it is these fuckers, encouraging uneducated people with little kids to take risks while they sit in the comfort of their 3000SF houses.

This is a random thread on the random board though.

This is not the America I know! We must do better! Orange Man Bad!!!!!!!!

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Every fucking one, ever since they broke their word on the last amnesty, never again...

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My ass. Like if that actual works. Fucking illegals never listen.

Well I do feel sorry for them because they were lied to by activist liberal cunts. So that’s why I blame the left for their deaths

If they stayed in Honduras they would still be alive

lol delusional faget

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Thats not what California is saying.

Yeah right.
Also, it depends on the state. Illegal aliens in NY can get a DL and stuff. I think even vote.
Fuck these illegals.

a wise man knows all politicians are cut from the same cloth. a fool believes only his side is right....sure are a lot of fools around these days.

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>contradict bad, me angry, you liberal

When you describe politics by simply left and right, it means that you are a cuck. Big Donnies grabbing your womans pussy and you're doing nothing about it because you are an untermensch.

Go back to your own country, faggot

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Sorry, Taco nigger - you gotta go back to Mexico. Ready the catapult.

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Fucking AOC. I can't wait till her retarded brown ass gets voted out of office in the next election. Same with her terrorist best friend Ilhan Omar.
Even her own party member don't want her in there.

This is illegal. You are not allowed to live in this country. There are legal ways of obtaining citizenship and you should have followed the required procedures.
That does not make you a cuck. Stop calling people names and please don't use german words.

Poor man's sociopath right here

They didn't die because of a wall, they tried crossing where there is no wall. They saw an opening and swam for it.
If there was a wall this father and his daughter would probably still be alive today.

My own country? I was replying to some faggot who admitted he was a border jumper.
All I said is that shithole liberal sanctuary states are offering illegals free shit that they didn't earn like food stamps and health care.

who is that? he looks supreme

Imagine being actually racist and thinking you deserve a voice in society.

Fourth box for you

Stupid incel, every fucking person that reads know that American influence of central and South America has made this happen

Same as Nazis blame Jews

No you stupid nigger read that statement again

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Why lie?

El Rio grande is very unpredictableand dangerous and works as a natural border between mexico and U.S.A

No one care

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It's all on this asshole....

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You dumb and entitled.
Most immigrants are not Mexican.
Also, Mexico is a poor country that is INCAPABLE of providing a decent standard of living for the populace. It’s not their fault. They were born im a place with very little resources.

It's 100% the right subhumans' fault. Kill yourself trolling faggot.

Eat a bullet.

>liberal no hate inmigrants
>liberal let inmigrants enter
>inmigrants enter swimming
>inmigrants dead
>liberal bad
>liberal kill family

Why don't they just fix their own damm country?Mexico is like that loser brother we all have.The other 2 brothers are canada and U.S.A

Yeah, all this free shot out here. Give your head a rest, hun.

lol you pisses a few fags off it seems

>me ruin country
>people enter
>not me fault me angry

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>legit mad at comments others made
>calls them triggered for defending themselves
>that backwards logic pulled straight out of your ass

leftie detected

How did the U.S ruin mexico?Look at canada and look at mexico.Why aren't their canadians moving here?simple they have a good country.

She's not going anywhere, the fucking worthless enemies in the GOP are. Oh, and AOC is 1000x more intelligent than ALL Trumpanzees put together. That's a fact.

70% of Mexicans are farmers and live in poverty. There is literally not enough arable land for everyone in the country to eat enough.
It’s not like they just refuse to “get it together.” It is an impossible situation to remedy. Hence, immigration.

Except you're 70,000% likely to be murdered by an citizen and 3000% by a legal resident but do go on with your mental retardation. An actual true Republican speaking. Not a trumpet retard.

>mexicans brown
>inmigrants brown
>all inmigrants brown
>all inmigrants mexican
>me make poor labour on mexico
>mexicans no rich for my wealth
>mexicans have fault
>me angry

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The Spanish ruined Mexico. Also, if the US hadn’t taken california and texas, mexico might be able to scratch out a living.

If the democrats would just give him the money to secure the border things like this wouldn't happen.

0/8 shit quality b8 m8


she's already gone

Wait, you're all telling me that liberals are insane?

That's shocking news!

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So you're saying sanctuary states like California, New York and Seattle aren't calling for open borders and begging for immigrants to be aloud in freely? Whos going to pay for them? Can they come stay at your house?

I'm up to here with illegal immigrants. Fuck all of 'em. If you want to be stupid and die, not my problem.

FYI mexicans are mostly racists

The only one who's gone is Trump, the mental retardation of the White House.

>libtard not know maths
>78%=30% if its in mexico
>liberal study gender
>me study maths and statistics

>AOC is 1000x more intelligent than ALL Trumpanzees put together
>talks about farting cows destroying the planet
>is amazed and blown away that food grows out of the soil in her garden
Yeah you're right. #AOC2020


Fuck, you're retarded.

Right wing scum trying to claim THEY have a higher education? That shit is fucking LAUGHABLE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

>me no racist because mexican racist

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Just a reminder that illegals commit way less violent crimes than american citizens.

>me very smart

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true, and they #1 terrorists in this country are white supremacist subhumans like the neo-Nazi faggots.

honest question: with all the news reporting on “concentration camp” conditions and children being taken from parents at the border - why are groups still deciding to arrive at said border?
>it’s terrible, they separate your family and the conditions are horrendous
>let’s arrive there with our family
serious question?

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>shut the fuck u libtard
>we conservatives destroy you with haha xd random memes

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Tons of hot males/females and memes in this discord?


>illegals make up less than 4% of the population
>illegals make up 30% of the prison population
Violent crimes or not, they commit the most crimes overall.

It must be the jews, huh?

Not sure if braindead or....no, scratch that. You're completely fucking braindead. That EEG is FLATLINING.


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Maybe that outcome is still better than their country of origin

1. Let illegals in.
2. Deport all Trumpanzee subhumans

PROBLEMS SOLVED! I'll accept my NPP now, thank you.

Had to add "violent" before crimes huh? What qualifies as a violent crime in this statistic anyway? Lets just cut there shit and state CRIME statistics. That's to easy though. Whites commit far less CRIME that any other race. Illegals commit far more crime, starting with entering the country ILLEGALLY.


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Kill them now

Trump put a stop to the family separations which Obama is responsible for starting in the first place. People are only mad about it now because they need any excuse they can find to get mad at Trump.
And AOC is a fucking moron for calling them concentration camps. The US isn't rounding up citizens and putting them into death camps, they are capturing illegals as they are crossing the border and putting them in detention centers until they can figure out what to do with these people.
Also, those "concentration camps" are only in the condition they are in because democrats refuse to give money to improve them. They want all the illegals set free and to open the borders to everyone.


>dangerous and unpredictable
like these illegals
like the left
like the right

i hope you all suffer

God I hate her. I was so happy to see these pictures, especially the one of her looking at border patrol and a bunch of empty tents and pretending to cry. Shes so fucking fake.


total lie. Mexico has plenty of farmland. Mexican farm land is owned by rich mexicans who dont grow food for mexico. They dont even grow crops if the profit is not big enough. Unlike USA where people can own land and grow for locals

You’re drunk.

Mexico has more natural resources than the USA or Canada. Think about that the next time you see a crying libtard

And you're a fucking moron. Maybe read a news article that isn't from CNN or MSNBC some time. You might actually learn something about the world you live in.
Everything I stated in my post was true.

Because it is not possible for them to have a decent standard of living where they were born. Many are also threatened and flee violence. The detention is actually part of what they want because its seem as safer.

>me not know
>me call him libtard
>me win

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Oh, and the fence shes standing in front of crying at isn't even closed. These pictures were all completely staged.

Im still waiting for the libtards to call out the super rich leaders of these shit hole countries. Have never heard one word against the leaders that leech off the poors

Yes, those rich Mexicans are foreign capital. But you are wrong about mexico’s ample farmland. They are a poor as fuck country resource-wise.

Cool drawing of your mom

God you sound like a retard in all your posts. I don't even pay attention to you.
I bet you actually talk like that in real life too you fucking retard.

Kill yourself.

The family separation policy was started by Trump, Sessions and Miller. And they absolutely ARE concentration camps. #Trumpcamps are concentration camps and they have caused the MURDER of children already.

Convicts in prisons are treated better and have more rules on hygiene. Republicans are the fucking ENEMY and need to be dealt with as such.

They could just try entering legally? Nah thats just a stupid idea. Better to risk your life I guess.

Ok, sanctuary states aren't calling for open borders and begging for immigrants to be allowed in freely. they are going to pay for themselves by working. As they intended to do when they arrived. If they are allowed to do so legally, it won’t be selling drugs.
Can they come stay at my house? Sure man. Nice cnn facts.

That is literally what the left stands for. Workers rights and equitable distribution of the means of production

You really think someone is crossing the boarder illegally and bringing their passport? Lmao nigga wut? Are you that fucking dumb?
And do you know how many people some here on a temporary Visa, get a ssn, and stay? Those ssns dont expire.

Thats their corrupt governments fault. Maybe if they weren't able to cross the border illegally their government would see they have a problem and use some of their cartel money to help the people.

>Mexico is one of the cradles of agriculture
Straight from wiki
Half the produce in your store is from mexico

>xd that how your mom be libtard

You have no intention of understanding their situation, so what’s the point? You just want to run your mouth about how “together” you are. Stroke your fragile ego on /b.

45 out of 50 of the richest zipcodes in the US vote libtard. The top 30 richest Mexicans are fucking billionaires. Never heard a libtard call out one of them

idk are they? why not just let them all in?

>they absolutely ARE concentration camps. #Trumpcamps are concentration camps and they have caused the MURDER of children already
Maybe democrats should give Trump the money hes asking for to improve conditions at the border then. They 100% refuse to give anything.
>Convicts in prisons are treated better and have more rules on hygiene
Read my response to the first part. Prisons actually get government funding. They can't improve living conditions there if they are denied the money.
>Republicans are the fucking ENEMY and need to be dealt with as such
Enemy of who? Are you saying just let all the detainees go free in the US and open the borders to everyone?
They caught 135000 people crossing the border last month. Those are just the ones who were caught. How many more made it through? There isn't infinite space, jobs and money for the whole world to like in America.

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>maybe democrats should give into Trump's fascism

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Sorry, hombre but that food doesn’t get to Mexicans. It goes to the american grocey store. Why? Because the mega farms are all owned by foreign capital and the US commands a better price. Mexicans are starving. Only 7% of the land is arable.

Wrong. No one made them come.Retard.

And you have no intention on understanding that every country in the world has a border, and most don't let just anyone walk across. Did you know if you tried crossing into Mexico illegally they would deport you? That is a fact.


quiet trumpshit
you elected an idiot lol

Yup but you can't tell the left anything, you could literally rub their face in the proof and they will still ignore it as it didn't come from CNN or MSNBC.

Our country is different. We believe in freedom. You believe in walls and excluding others.

Who told you not to vote for Trump, dipshit?

You don’t seem like a good listener, but Carlos Slim is a ghoul who should have his money taken from him and redistributed. I’m happy to denounce any Mexican billionaire, just like EVERY billionaire.


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how convenient

Yeah, and we have a border process which works. This is not a problem.

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The fascist right is the group that cozys up to banksters and billionaires. The left is always ready to eat the rich.

Shit I'm a native citizen and I do this anyway
Fuck paying for healthcare. My credit is trash but I've never payed a medical bill. Fuck it

Yep op that's right, Crooked Hillary did it, and that crazy Obama. It's all their fault.

Un-ironically every trumptard ever.

>Trump's fascism
Nigger you don't even know the meaning of that word. If anyones a fascist its the liberals.
>wants to stop free speech
>wants to disarm the public
>wants to ruin dox the lives of anyone who disagrees with them (ie anyone on the right)
Just look at you heros Antifa. They are willing to silence anyone who doesn't agree with them by using violence and intimidation. And they all hide their identities while doing it because they're little pussy bitches.
Get fucked you fascist faggot liberal cunt. I hate people like you.

Thats what i said. Hows that USAs fault that the billionaire Mexicans starve there own people.
>agricultural production to 20.6 million hectares or 10.5% of the nation’s territory.
thats plenty of land

So open borders for all? Yeah just look how well thats working out for Sweden and the UK.

>People I don't like are responsible for everything I don't like
This is literally everything that a conservative thinks of the left

Dont be butt hurt
Hillarys having another fundraiser. Go give her some money,loser

If the border process worked then things like in the OP wouldn't happen. If the borders were secured then illegals wouldn't try crossing. Its the democrates fault for not giving any funding to border security. And I'm not talking about a wall, they rufuse to give a single penny towards improving anything at the border.

I don’t believe you’re using the word “literally” correctly, but he is correct - the left “literally” owns this issue.

Whats wrong with blaming yourself, I thought liberals loved communist/socialist things like sharing wealth and responsibility?

I'm waiting on one single libtard to ask why the super rich of shit hole countries. Dont take any responsibility for there on country. Its not the USAs fucking problem. I wish Mexiturds had the balls to take Carlos's money. We wouldnt have this mess if they did

I don’t think you know a lot about any of this.

Because the super rich of those countries are foreigners and capitalists. They are not citizens.

Why Mexiturds and ameritards? Because they are from somewhere? You’re a child.

silence trumpshit

>We wouldnt have this mess if
you hadn't elected an idiot trumpshit

What mess? What is the problem you think you see? People dying at borders? Then if you care so much about human life, you want the borders removed.

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>you want the borders removed
yeah but then non-whites will start pouring into our country

Dems offered and have kept offering the Retarded president deals but he fails to make compromises.


>rachel maddow

uh oh faggits is gonna be mad

Ok then please explain to me what I said thats wrong? Then tell me how to fix the border problem.

Shut the fuck up.

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>If the borders were secured then illegals wouldn't try crossing
> If the borders were secured then illegals wouldn't try crossing
that part is pretty retarded lol


The top 30 something MEXICAN CITIZENS are fucking billionaires. Plenty of other foreigners make money there to. Why doesnt the Mexican people do something about it. Libtards only answer is to come to America


silence trumpshit
you elected an idiot

Bullshit. As an actual texan, I can tell you that with a decent arm, you can throw a rock from one side of the border to the other. In many locations, horses and men can cross with ease, maybe it can flood after it rains, but anyone who tries to ford a river right after it rains deserves what they get.

Yeah because Rachel Maddow reporting on Russian collusion for 2 and a half years totally turned out to be true.
Those were tears of joy she shed when she read the Mueller report finding live on the air.
Totally not fake news.

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What mess?
Millions of people flooding the US. So that they can ruin this country as well?
We need a huge wall

A billionaire is not a citizen. They are criminals.
The left owns this position. You don’t need to screech “libtard” in every post. Its banal.

"Muh Spanish StoLe tHe GoLd"

Shut the fuck up beaner, you are all useless sacks of shit and we should have done like the British and killed you all filthy Indians instead filling your women's belly with cum.

If they were stopped at the border they wouldn't be detained inside the US and put into detention centers or be found dead out in the desert.
How am I wrong?

>We need a huge wall
to keep you out

There is no problem. People who say there is a problem usually want a white ethno-state.

Because rich fat white Americans create the demand by hiring them.

>rio grande river
My nigger that is some redundant ass shite right there

Lol, guilty

Wait... So you still believe Russian collusion to not have happened? K. Alex Jones go back to jerking off to flat earth theory.

Yeah it really depends.They are spots where the water is too strongs and land isn't exactly flat they are a lot of deep areas too and not to mention border patrols which is why they have to take risks sometimes.The lenght also changes depending on where you are.

Ok so its settled. You want open borders for all.
Hows that going for Europe?

You know the spanish got rich off latin american slave labor, right? What a proud heritage.

So then maybe there should be more border security to put a stop to that. Problem solved.

>flat earth theory.
it makes sense tho
the Jews have us so inundated by media, sex and money that we don't question the fact that we're not really sure we're on a rotating Earth. All we're asking for are hearings. And we need $$$ to help with the vast undertaking to get this before Congress.

Nah. I'm rich and white. I get to travel first class over the boarders. Because Im American it did not matter that i was born poor. I was able to gain wealth and buy land. Now Im the one building walls, fag.

Well, the white ethno-nationalists seem pretty pissed off so...bad for you, i guess.

Except haha no, you trumpshits always give the people who hire undocumented workers a pass. You're fucking hypocrites.

>over the boarders
god how hard is it to use spellcheck trumpshit?

MC big pants telling his truth again


I never said Russia didn't interfere. I said Trump didn't collude with them. Read the report.

>I was LARPing

Mexico is already uninhabitable lol. Womp womp

You mean they couldn't find enough evidence, although there was plenty of circumstantial evidence.

You didn't answer me though. You want open borders? No security checks? Just let anyone and everyone cross and become a citizen whenever the feel like it?

Russia is based. Mexico has done more damage to America than Russia has ever had in history. Fuck Mexico

>Daily reminder that I'm 12 and this is summer

>Mexico has done more damage to America

No, I'm saying get rid of the illegals and and nobody will be able to hire illegals.
Secure the border so no more can come in and those people will be forced to hire Americans and not hire illegals.

nobody does trumpshit

They litteraly saved us from falling into a economical crysis during ww2

You libtards cry and cry about "big business"
the top 5 largest market value businesses are
Facebook= fucking Antifa
So yeah you are right it probably is big businesses fault

You claim that many people want this, but it simply is not true.
It’s a straw man meant to rile up other ethno-nationalists so you can continue “look at the demographics dammit this is about goddamn survival goddamnit!”

The logical thing would be to get rid of what's creating the demand. But they're white, and they vote Republican, so you'll never call for that.

>corporations are liberal
silence trumpshit

you elected an idiot

You think these businesses are leftist? You don’t know how dumb you are, eh?

all they know is what Fox News tells them

Mexico is way more based, dooood!

Ok so nobody wants open borders. So what do you guys suggest they do about all the illegals crossing the border?
If you say to treat them better after they get caught then blame the democrats, they're the ones blocking funding to improve anything that has to do with immigration.

I don’t see the Russians sending their criminal shit and trying to change our demographics like Mexico is

>Facebook= fucking Antifa
Actually no, like Trump they refuse to condemn hate speech


If you wore a Trump hat into any of those places. You would be fired before you could grab your mop bucket. So yeah they are fucking leftest

Guest worker program, since undocumented workers are often the backbone of rural economies.

More than enough evidence to be mere coincidence and just enough cover up to be a mob boss crime. I know technically your orange king got away with it, but all signs and the 30+ indictments all say otherwise. Get your head out of your ass.

No, they just send trolls, you believe them, and then stooges like Trump get "elected."

Yes, their secret plan has been exposed

It's a Russian troll. Enrage it. Remind it how it lives in a dictatorship where the mob controls everything.

>your orange king

Only if you hate on whites. That seems fine to every platform. Dont ? genders or later gator ya gone.

It looks like they were exhausted and cold, and he tucked her up inside of his shirt to try to keep them both warm.


Good. You should be. I hope you get fired from McDonald's too.

>they refuse to condemn hate speech
Really? I got a 30 day ban on fagbook for watching a Gavin Mccinnis video that someone else posted and had like 1 million views.
I didn't lik, share or comment on it, I just watched it and then got banned the next day for viewing "hate speach." It was a 5 minute video of him talking about his wife.

(insert the Hillary campaign going from surety to ruin in two minutes .webm)

It was probably a glitch. They're worldwide with outdated software.

you stupid nazis will instrumentalize everything in order to justify your disturbed worldview.

>durr hurr hillery
silence trumpshit

Go grab your shine box, bitch.
Ha ha ha!!! i love picking on you poors

they can't fap to regular porn anymore

Maybe, but the other side of this is also true. Capitalists buy politicians and play the PR game for the public. They have no real morality. Trump hat or antifa mask, any extreme opinion will be ostracized in this environment. They are not leftist or liberal. They are capitalist.

Nigga 90% of mexico are spaniards mix breeds and you can tell in the last names.If only the Spaniards kill all the Aztecs or whatever the fuck they had like the u.s did.If only they didn't fall victim to pic related.Thats how most women looked when the spaniards found mexico,can't really blame them,and they also shave,so it was a whole diffrent experience from them.

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>I love picking at my scabs

Google who is owned by Alphabet just had video and emails leaked about censoring conservatives and tampering with the 2020 election to make sure trump doesn't get re elected.

If you showed up at my jobsite with a Trump hat I'd fucking brain you trumpshit.

>censoring conservatives
Good. You're stupid as fuck. People might take your shit seriously.

Dumping ex memory folder

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meant for

ICE come get this fucker out please

what do they fap to? If it's russian lolis than at least they got one thing right.

The message I got from them was named that spasific video so I contacted them and they emailed me back 2 weeks later basically saying tough shit, you're still banned after they reviewed my ban. So no, it wasn't a glitch.


Jesus.. how are they doing?

You think thats going to stop illegal border crossing? Even with a guest worker program people are still going to risk their lives crossing and get detained. And liberals will still cry about it.


good thing God sent extra rain this year

When im on a jobsite its my jobsite. If you even looked at me funny i would blast your fucking head off .357 style, flea bitch

Yep, rapists

Man that shit aint right.
But i still laughed

Wow, cool!

You are retarded if you think this is the fault of the U.S.

Literally busses filled with people are coming up from central and south america full of citizens from communist countries. Where do these countries get their money from? Mostly Russia and China. They then get to ship off anyone who disagrees with their current government and send them to the American border to day. Either-way it is a win for Russia/China/Communism. No-one is left in these countries to over throw or vote out the corrupt government. U.S.A. has to figure out how to pay for all of these people either by sending them back or letting them in, or building enough facilities to properly process the extreme numbers of asylum seekers/immigrants.

Welcome to the cold war 2.0 bitches!

Dems are to blame partially because they blocked Trumpers from claiming this as a national emergency so he could use federal funding to help. Unfortunately his plan for what to spend it on was pretty retarded and mostly a scam for his construction buddies to make some cash.

Republicans are to blame because they refuse to pass sensible immigration laws. Most people coming to the U.S. just want to work and send money back home. If the U.S. released more work visas for agriculture workers it would solve a lot of the illegal crossing and allow the border to keep track of people easier. HOWEVER! It would actually require the U.S.A. to acknowledge that these people exist and are a HUGE part of our work force...and that they are basically treated as indentured servants. BIG AGRICULTURE is gonna be really pissed if they have to start using employees instead of slaves.

>says big business isn't biased and conservatives
>says you should get fired for being conservative

biased against conservatives*

Attached: Can't Always Get What You Want.webm (300x300, 1.99M)

>you disagree with my political views so I'm going to call you a Nazi
You liberals need to come up with something new. Thats shits getting old.

You fucking Americans... Just have your Democrat/Republican civil war already and fuck off.

How is a Trump hat extreme? Are you saying more than 60 million voters are extremists?

They're just resting. It was a long swim.

The problem with the immigration laws is that are are just way too many people coming to the border every month. Last month alone they caught something like 130k people crossing. So who knows how many made it across without getting caught. They're on track to catch 1.5 million illegals. That takes a lot of time and a shit load of money to fix. The democrats blocking any sort of border funding is whats causing this whole problem.
So OP isn't wrong, weather its people dying in rivers or deserts or people dying in the detention centers. They're especially responsible for the detention centers because they refuse to give Trump any money to improve them because it would give Trump a win and they just can't do that.

>thinks it's the democrats blocking border funding
>nope they just don't want to build a 5 billion dollar pointless wall

You're an idiot.

Oh fuck off only 2% of Mexicans live below the global poverty line where something like 40% of Indians do but they still come here legally.

They're not even asking for wall funding, just money for security and to improve the detention centers and the far left democrats are saying no.
Even the moderate democrats are trying to get Trump the funding but retards like AOC and Ilhan Omar are blocking it. So blame them.

This is what retarded conservatives actually believe

Like did you even read the first part of my post?
LIke where the fuck are all of these people all of a sudden coming from? And why are they getting dropped off in fucking Texas and Arizona? They can literally just walk across the border of California and no one will fucking stop them...

Its fact though. Read something other than CNN or MSNBC for once. You might learn something.

I know, thats why they should give Trump his border money.

sauce: Infowars, breitbart.

K t.lowIQincelaltrighttrumptard

Obviously learned to swim by watching YouTube videos.

>Going into the meeting, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) attacked the idea that Congress would provide billions of dollars in more funding to detain unaccompanied children apprehended at the border. She cited numerous recent reports detailing the poor conditions at U.S. facilities
>“That’s not due to a lack of resources; that’s due to a desire — an active desire by this administration to hurt kids,” she said. “We need to stop funding the detention of children under any and all circumstances.”

Do you remember when American citizenship was reasonably easy to obtain for those who wanted or needed it? Pepridge farm remembers.

That diaper looks full

Thats one dumb cunt

Attached: 1551072938701.jpg (425x495, 40K)

No floaties or make shift raft? Make shifts are inexpensive... and floaties cost a dollar.

My family aren't immigrating illegally while being too dumb to float on a piece of wood.
Did you know ants experiencing a flood will group together to form a raft in order to save the colony?
Really makes you think.

Imagine adding the illegal immigratiom to a country as a crime, when the whole debate is about wether it should count as a crime or not. You faggot

Fool....we of the smarter generation, will not be brainwashed so easly. What is this bullshit you speak of? The Left, the right. Stupid moron probably dont even know what it all means. Death and killing are bad. Kids dying is tragic. Yet you speak of the left and the right... grow a brain you fkn moron.

In this article from today it says they passed the bill with 4 democrats voting no. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. They are all newly elected and very far left and all from immigrant families. Of course they don't want to fund border security.

Based americans are too dumb to be conscious of the rest of the world, just delirious

chupenme el pito hijos de sus putas madres

Attached: dems aid border bill.jpg (800x1200, 427K)

Fuck off beaner, no border crossing for you.

>right wing government makes it more dangerous to cross border
>this is the left's fault
The state of American education. Psychopathic mongoloids.

How did the government make it more dangerous to cross? Its no more dangerous than it was when Obama was president, it just that people are only paying attention now because they are looking for any excuse to blame Trump for something.
Now that hes been cleared by Mueller they can't blame him for Russia, so now they moved on to immigration.

>Mexico is a poor country that is INCAPABLE of providing a decent standard of living for the populace. It’s not their fault. They were born im a place with very little resources.

That's complete horse shit, Mexico floats on a sea of oil, has rich mines, lots of productive agricultural land and forests for timber, and major fisheries on both coasts. They should be one of the richest countries in the world, but thanks to their worthless government, they live in squalor and penury.

No real man would let this happen to there children. Use your brain man this isnt the only option

Ever hear of this thing called oil?

Makes it more difficult to illegally cross border, not at a port of entry, after usually paying cartel owned coyotes


>Just have your Democrat/Republican civil war already and fuck off.

Happy to. Got a little list of the biggest leftist troublemakers in my town. Can't wait until we can take out the trash once and for all.

Some liberal cuck made a similar thread on /pol/
Though they were blaming conservatives for not letting these swimmers in for free

Literally just kill yourself dude

Tienen hijos, esos hijos les hacen pagar menos impuestos, piden estampas para los hijos y health care para los hijos, eso sale de nuestros impuestos mi buen user, pero eso lo sabes bien, cierto? eres un ilegal de mierda que seguro saca beneficios de sus bastardos hijos ancla

Also the other user is right in some way, most of those immigrants are not mexicans

Actually in Obama, coyotes charged much more money to cross centralamericans, mexican drug war was at it's highest point and many of them were kidnaped by the cartels and shit like that