Proving once again who can’t swim

Proving once again who can’t swim

Attached: FB90C2FC-061B-484C-B543-5739E14214C8.jpg (1600x900, 108K)

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he was a good guy smh

He probably died on impact, ya fuckhead.

>falling over a hundred and fifty or even way more in water is more or less the same as dropping that many feet to the asphalt. Plus if you survive, the shock will knock you out and you would drown.

not if you land on your legs, you might shatter them but you won't be knocked unconscious or die immediately, you'd def drown if you're a shit swimmer. if you're dumb enough to try to go head first, then yeah, dead on impact

navy seals do that all the time from 100 feet without issue

Until your spin compresses and you could even be able to keep you on the surface

Apes usually stay away from water.

Newfags should stay off b

I rather die. If my intention was to kill myself, why would I want to survive to live as a cripple? That just makes it way worse. Kinda like those people who attempt to kill themselves with a gun and only survive because they blew their face off. They end up looking like weird caricatures and can barely talk.

Nothing of value was lost.

I'm thinking he jump off and landed face first instead. Killed on impact if not, knocked out and drown.

well here is his floating corpse.... not swimming

The pool was closed so he tried the river

So should niggers.

Attached: Gerald_TJM.png (269x500, 74K)

RIP the biggest bitch nigga of them all. You will be missed. All you had to do was walk the path of redemption but he was to much of a coward to do so. Now he's dead

kys faggit

Glad he died, cuck fucking faggot with money in the dirt

i agree, go back to reddddit


If your nigger drowned can't you just buy another one? That cotton won't pick itself up

all-day tribute streams with super-chat. spamming them moneytized tribute vids... nigga gon' be makin' some bank tomorrow!

I guess you told him.

>not Yea Forums

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