I believe in God. AMA

I believe in God. AMA.

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Why and how do you hold this belief? What compels you and what form has it taken, organized religion, individualistic spirituality or philosophy?

I guess it manifested because my parents raised me Christian. As I got older, I hold the belief that there has to be an intelligent creator behind the universe. I don't think anyone has it right yet though.

Do you adhere to the dogma and/or doctrine of the religion your parents raised in, do you hold any ritual like easter or christmas?

Draw a line tangent to the curve 2x^3 - 2x^2 - 4 at x = 2.

I don't go to church for them, but we celebrate the season and try to keep Jesus in mind when the holidays roll around (we being my wife and I)
thats not a question

You said anything. No takesie backsies!

I said ask. You didn't ask, you made a demand.

Which is synonymous with request. Don't try to rule lawyer this. Get out your pen and paper and get to work.

Basically, you should've said please.

cuck thread

Just copy paste unto google dude.
That works for everything.

I'm not asking google, i'm asking OP.

Does Plato's Wager apply to Amaterasu Omikami?
Why or why not?

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AMA means I will answer any question you have, not reply to your statements in the way you want me to.

The funny thing is, it's the most rock stupid calculus question ever. Only have to use 1 rule, and it's the easiest rule.

I call shenanigans. You said anything, and you're quibbling about verbs. If you just don't know the answer, that's fine. But don't make an ask me anything without qualification if you refuse to do math questions.

>(no math)

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I'm not quibbling about anything. You didn't ask me anything, you told me to do something, which is not asking a question. I could say "jump in the air" and that's not asking a question.

also I've taken calculus in college already

If God loves us why is he the leading cause of death? Why does he hate abortions but also hate gays who never go through abortions? You'd figure God and gays would get a long pretty well cause of that.

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What a fag!

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Then this should be trivial for you. It took me 2 minutes to solve and you've been trying to weasel out of it for longer.

what we want and what we fear may not be the best and worst things for us. My kids want to eat ice cream for every meal and if I don't let them they think I don't love them.

I'm not weaseling out of anything, I'm lazy and only feel like answering questions related to my religion

That's not "anything" is it?

dont pretend you dont know what ama threads are. Fuck off autist

Yes i know what they are. They stand for "Ask Me Anything". Just because nobody else exploited these threads by asking silly calculus questions for giggles doesn't mean it stops being ANYTHING.

Another autist vs religion thread.

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Oh, a religious person only wants to talk about their own religion.
How refreshingly unconventional.

You could always ask hitler

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Unless hitler is OP, no i can't. Until hitler makes an AMA. You bet your ass i'll ask him if he's dumb enough to make an AMA without qualifications though.

Yeah I also believe someone created us and the universe

also I misspoke in that quote. I didn't mean to say my, I'll happily discuss anything related to religious beliefs

Not talking about ice cream though, your God supposedly loves us all but allows crime, corruption, rape, mass killings and disease to tear us apart and does absolutely nothing to change it, doesnt sound like a supreme being to me. Religion is made to control people and has been made to do that for years.

I could go into the whole thing about free will but I'm sure you already have your own refutes to that

..what if he is? Did you even ask op?

No, but i am not curious if he's hitler, i'm curious what line is tangent to the curve 2x^3 - 2x^2 - 4 at x = 2.

Free will or determinism? For psychology, and how does the string theory affect your answer as well with other quantum mechanics?

No, you're not, you said it was beneath your own skill.
>It took me 2 minutes to solve

Thats what you said. You're not curious, you're being disingenuous.

Not OP but demanding and requesting are not synonymous with asking something you are thinking of asking FOR something there is a big difference between asking something and asking for something.

Hah fucking pleb

I am not asking me what line is tangent to that curve. I am asking OP. Why are you so confused about who is getting asked what here?

This sentence could have used another once over.

You said you were
>curious what line is tangent to the curve 2x^3 - 2x^2 - 4 at x = 2.

And you're not. You said what you said, but now you're saying different.
That's no good.

Not OP but there really is no such thing as free will, our lives are scripted

Again he didn’t say request anything of me he said ask me anything you are fucking up your own argument. And before you claim it’s semantic you are wrong a request is asking for something not asking something LRN to English retard

Hi op i am a pagan can i have my festival back ?

It doesn't invalidate my initial question.

It's semantics. It's a math question. Chill out, dude.

No it’s just fine the way it is. Asking him to solve an equation is essentially asking him to do an action as in OP must work to solve this problem. Asking something would be “hey op can you solve this equation” and he could simply respond “no” again LRN to English faggot asking something and asking for something ain’t he same damn thing it ain’t even the same ballpark shit it ain’t even the same sport

You are wrong so deal with it

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Indeed it does.

Op has stated no obligation to answer whatever you ask. He is naturally only compelled to answer by whim and asking insincere questions is clearly offputting. Your question's answer depends on yoir disposition.

which one? We took a lot

OP here. This. You can ask me whatever you want. I may not answer to your satisfaction.

See this beaner Lol and I enjoy shitposting on b I’m not angry about it but arguing to prove someone wrong is fun for me.

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Oh I guess Christmas since that's the video. Um, probably nah because I really enjoy the whimsy and magic that goes along with it. It's not as fun now that I'm an adult, but I love watching my kids react to stuff.

Asking anyone anything is a request for action, it requires an answer, which is an action.

Of course op is not required to answer. But i call shenanigans, because he said anything. But your point does not contradict the statement that it does not invalidate my question.


True but i think the Easter festival was the worst theft all those jokes about rabbits from thick comedians

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Not talking about ice cream though, your God supposedly loves us all but allows crime, corruption, rape, mass killings and disease to tear us apart and does absolutely nothing to change it, doesnt sound like a supreme being to me. Religion is made to control people and has been made to do that for years.

Well I refute the whole thing if could be honest with you. For one it's strange that all these big churches dont get taxed but always have to butt their heads in politics. It's strange that people think God really gives a fuck about them, newsflash he does not. I mean why would he after all, he let's millions die everyday, didnt care about slavery but for some odd reason gives a huge fuck about you wanking off. Religion was made to control groups of people, a d the 10 commandments are proof of this. And about free will, we dont have that. Because everything we do is according to his plan apparently. Because me scratching my ass and picking my nose holds some place in his divine plan. Religion helps those with authority like your parents, and the government. This God has no regard for your interests so why worship him? Why not worship the sun. You can see the sun, you can feel it, its beneficial for you and all other organisms out there, and you dont have to pray for it, it's not constantly watching you or judging you either.

Go ahead, ask me anything. Ask for the Nile, say that.

I'm not curious about the nile, i'm curious what line is tangent to the curve 2x^3 - 2x^2 - 4 at x = 2.

Now you're pulling away a bit from the debate about the existence of God and towards whether organized religion is beneficial to a belief. I don't personally care for most churches. I've only had one that I really liked so far in my life. Maybe God doesn't care about us, but that doesn't mean he doesn't exist, and that also doesn't mean people wont be grateful for creating a beautiful universe. Maybe he does and we don't understand our purpose here because it's impossible for a mortal to know what the motivations of a deity are.

like someone else said, you're not curious because you said you already know the answer

And as i said, that doesn't invalidate my original question.

It is invalid.

It disqualifies itself through clearly percieved insincerity.

I don't really care for Easter personally. It's just for kids to get excited about candy and when you become an adult you know you were excited about Easter but you feel guilty about caring more about candy than Jesus so you try to be more church-centric


but you in fact did not have an original question as you made a statement

One, insincerity doesn't invalidate a question.

Like, "Are you seriously fuckin' retarded that you don't understand that?" Not sincere. But still a good question.

Two, there is no suggestion in my original question that i don't know the answer. It's irrelevant to my question. Therefore, my sincerity in other statements are not relevant to that question, and do not invalidate them.

And also you know theres something wrong when you're not even allowed to question it. You should question everything. Question authority. That's one thing parents dont do anymore is teach there kids to question shit. This God is such a holy asshole you're not even allowed to question him or you'll be sent to an eternity of agony but he fucking LOVES you. People should question their gods and their authority figures, because people are full of shit and religion is man made. There aren't any God given rights, some people have more rights than others and at the end of the day religion helps the government because it creates obedience. And that's really all America wants is obedient workers, not critical thinkers. Your God given rights are really just privilages that can be taken away anytime.

t-t-there's a logical explaination I'm sure...

It's a math question.

one, that's not a good question. Two, context matters. You provided further context rendering your original statement irrelevant

Well our diety sucks at his fucking job. Someone should fire him.

no it's a request to demonstrate a math skill

I guess we agree he exists then

> 2019
> God
We have got an oldschool faggot here.

My later statements were in a DIFFERENT context, not the same context. The original context was a request to op. The other contexts were me distinguishing my concern from others concern.

The later statements are not relevant to my question to op.

maybe not so oldschool I guess

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That doesn't make it not a math question.

and again, this is not a "request anything of me" thread

Yes, it's an ask me anything thread. I asked a math question. And OP is trying to weasel his way out of it.

4 people have already said you're wrong. Time to move on buddy. Maybe worry more about learning the english language than bothering OP with rhetorical statements

I think it's certainly possible a higher being exist, however I'm certain it's not like the God we see portrayed in Judaism or christianity. I think it's pointless trying to figure it out cause you'll never know and even if you did no one would believe you, infact they might even kill ya.

Well, i don't want to be rude, but they're actually wrong. But that's not important. What is important is that op Draw a line tangent to the curve 2x^3 - 2x^2 - 4 at x = 2.

I have to agree with you. If it turns out mainstream religion has it wrong and God turns out to be completely different, you would have a big problem on your hands if you knew and tried to let people know

OP here. I drew it. Next question.

Thank you.

What was doggo minoring in?

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I agree IT exists. There might even be a being above said being. Pointless trying to debate about this because God could be the fucking spaghetti monster for all we know.

Anthropawlogy. He may get his dogtorate in Barkaeology.

I'm only using "he" for the sake of discussion. If I had to guess I would say gender only serves the purpose of procreation and wouldn't need to apply to God. But then maybe it does, who knows.

Are you kidding me they'd all go nuts! I recommend getting into psychedelics and widening your horizons a bit. Theres a lot of interesting things to think about out there like the laws of the universe and how frequency affects our minds. Energies and what not, it's worth learning about because it opens up your mind to several different ways the world might work, and whether someone out there knows something we dont.

bro if I'm ever alone at night and have the opportunity to just stare at the sky I start thinking about the limits of the universe and how mind blowingly fast it all is. Really crazy stuff to think about.

careful now religion and shrooms is a potent mixture
