How much would you be willing to pay to take her virginity?

How much would you be willing to pay to take her virginity?

Attached: soph and her papa.jpg (352x634, 69K)

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why does ben jew shapiro have long hair?

minus 1000 bucks

ben has bigger titties, soph is flatter than a surfboard

Attached: ben shapiro titties.png (600x646, 357K)

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I'd pay -10 dollars

Mr. Hansen, I don't feel so good...

Attached: Fbi.jpg (500x388, 49K)

she is a preteen girl
why would anyone want to take a preteen girl's virginity
I mean come one

bitch is never a virgin anymore but i would love to smash that kiddy snatch

All my money

Are we sure Soph isn't a boy?

she is a girl, everyone that says otherwise has been brainwashed by trap porn into thinking that any chick with slight masculine traits have a junk between their legs

Attached: nyannyan.jpg (540x950, 63K)

Nice try Mr.FBI-man, I ain't falling for this shit again

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>she is a preteen girl
>why would anyone want to take a preteen girl's virginity
>I mean come one
I'd probably come twice. Twice at least.

you do realize what website you are on? if she's old enough to pee,then she's old enough to get a cock

nobody wants to fuck that dopey kid
he looks like he's at the age where kids like him have to choose between becoming a death metal virgin or a drywall-punching kyle. Either way, he's fugly.


Attached: oak.png (320x240, 74K)

keep trying you're almost there

Nah man, I'm wondering because she looks and sounds like a boy with long hair.

>nobody wants to fuck that dopey kid
>he looks like he's at the age where kids like him have to choose between becoming a death metal virgin or a drywall-punching kyle. Either way, he's fugly.
Fuck I'd hit that.

>Fuck I'd hit that
With a sledgehammer

it's called rape, user
we've been doing it since the beginning of time

>aryan eyes

Fuck it

woah, A-cup if true


idk, maybe 150 bucks

I wanna see wat dat mouf do

Id pay like at least 1 bitcoin

isnt she 15 already?

5 cents

born: September 23, 2004

>mfv I was born 23rd Sept.

I see this as a sign

Attached: 1220_kid16tower.jpg (400x300, 26K)

about tree fiddy

I'd pay $20 to take her cool shirt

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Where can you watch her videos nowadays?

If your neighbors heard you saying that you would have your dick cut off, or at the least have the cops called on you.

tomboys are a thing

considering shes being fucked hardcore by her brother i doubt shes a virgin

>she actually wears a sam hyde shirt

I thought it was a shop

i'm only into real women

Attached: abigail-shapiro-boobs-ben-shapiro-sister.jpg (800x457, 118K)

Cash American currency...

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i'm waiting for the day this will be an option in games, fuck your moral if i wanna marry my sister let me do it

Attached: 2.jpg (1280x1280, 1.08M)

ar least post a good image

Some day they'll let us fuck our autistic sisters. If Bioware survives it'll stoop that low some day...

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