Why does everyone hate the British: is it because they’re ugly and disgusting, or something more?

Why does everyone hate the British: is it because they’re ugly and disgusting, or something more?

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Even their poor are pompous and condescending

I don't know what you mean with everybody but Europeans love the UK and Brits. They are great people and it is a great country. It was better before mass immigration and EU dictatorship. But it will get better after Brexit again.

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Mostly because the colonized a large part of the world and oppressed those that they colonized so people still hate them because of the oppression. I really don't care though they seem alright and have pretty good movies.

>becuse we are on the top
they speak english becuse of us and colonized wasn't that bad we billed things around

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people hate the British because they know we're the best

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Pretty much every. single. country has done that, or unsuccessfully tried to do that at some point in their history.


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Lol, what?
The English Empire was both an institutional and cultural force and would be reinforced by their mode of governance and societal structure for hundreds of years.

It's a totally different story from most other western imperial powers, of which there were only a few who actually colonized and didn't just occupy areas to exploit trade. French, belgians and spanish participated in broad colonialism in direct effect of and response to the english empire, so you can't say it's a norm even for those nations.
Even then, those that did sincerely colonize other countries did so outside of the context of their national identity, hence why they didn't maintain colonial rule for anywhere nearly as long as *the* empire.

Outside of western europe, colonialism was very rare. If you're referring to campaigns fuelled by specific moments in history (cultures, individual ambitions, wars) then you're failing to grasp what colonialism is.

Your claim is complete garbage and you have to be an idiot to make it with confidence.
Stop spreading BS alt-history.

>Europeans love the UK and Brits
That's a lie.
Europeans see Brits as drunken, loud, sun burnt rowdies who cause trouble everywhere they go until they get their shit kicked in just to return to their incestous island crying.
Member the Euros 2016?
>be British
>go to France to drink yourself senseless, destroy local property and pretend to be tough guys
>French police kicks the shit out of you
>enter Russian football fans
>kick the shit out of you because you are Brits
>go home crying about Russian hooligans and French police brutality
>...after you played hools
Also football has been played there
>be English
>lose to a dentist
Classic case of
>invent sport
>suck at it

People love the British! You’re just being silly.

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>but Europeans love the UK and Brits
Not true, retard

it's cus they ignore their evil history, aren't apologetic about it , and have this pompous attitude about them despite their total territories being a shell of what it once was.

I hate their accents personally. They're fucking disgusting, it's like they're just drunk and slurring words all the time. The worst part is that there is such a huge rise in youtubers with those accents. It's like a fucking plague.

>the don't get to choose

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british still show bitterness and vitriol towards Irish, they are cunts even to this day.

fuck them, will be a celebration when NI, scotland secedes, even better if wales and cornwall secede too. oh boy.

In my opinion that's irrelevant. If it's in their hearts to do it also then they can't claim some sense of moral superiority. And doing the same thing but on a much smaller scale, just warring for control of territory, resources or trade is still the same set of principles but on a smaller/less successful scale. The Roman empire did it, the spanish did it, the Persians tried, the Russians tried, the Germans tried, the Nordic people/scandinavians tried back when they were vikings, africans have been doing it all over Africa for millenia. It seems human nature to try and take control of land and people in order to further your own interests, it's just the British is one of the more recent empires to have done so, and so people look at it as the only example, much in the same way they do with Americans vs Natives or the black african slave trade, as if these exact things haven't been done by all people for all of time.

What are you even this angry about? Never heard of any Brits getting their shit kicked in by a Frenchie, nevermind the police. All I hear about the French is that they are arrogant, rude to tourists and hate the British. Haven't been, can't confirm. As for the stereotype of loud drunks, yeah I get that and it really is just a vocal minority, but you only remember/notice the ones making an absolute spectacle of themselves.

The Irish are Fenian bastards and fucking deserve it. There used to be a saying in english pubs "No kids, No Dogs, No Irish" They turn up and ruin every place they step foot in.

England holds together the entire fucking UK and wales, scotland and NI are parasites sucking the blood out of their hosts.

had it not been for the boogeyman hitler, UK would have been well on its way complimented by churchill to becoming the next hitler, as in the intensity of hatred directed towards them.

they are lucky they were on the right side for once in their genocidal history, but no one forgets.

>aren't apologetic about it
Who do you want to apologise and for what? I'm English and I'm not gonna act like a beat dog just because some of my ancestors may or may not have been involved in some fucked up things. I did nothing to you, I am not responsible for the actions of my ancestors.

>The Irish are Fenian bastards and fucking deserve it

this is why no one likes you.. but yourselves, bud. calm it down there.

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It goes both ways. My fathers side is English, my mothers side is Irish, though both grandfathers died during my parents childhoods and my mother moved to England before she had me, so I grew up here but often visited family in Ireland and, actually, Irish people have been incredibly rude to me when I visited, even as a kid. My grandmother told me I couldn't play with toy guns outside because people would get angry at me because of my accent. If I went into a shop, people knew who I was and would serve people behind me. My one aunts husband threatened to tell everyone that my other aunts English, ex Gurka husband was visiting when their family was coming over. As he put it "I'll tell everyone there's an English soldier in town", and he threatened this just because he was drunk and having an argument with my aunt. This is just my experience but I have nothing but respect for Irish people, even though it's often been lacking from them when I visit.

The irish fucking leach on everything. No wonder NI is the poorest of the 4 fucking members.

The only bad thing in England is the amount of polish, pakis and niggers.

i've seen enough of even your average Englishman praise the likes of Oliver Cromwell , despite reading about the atrocities permitted by him, would make your blood boil.

in my opinion this pompous and unapologetic attitude needs to be crushed, but as other user said.. even the poor are cunts, so we're gonna need a genocide

Except our ancestors come from all over, from Nordic countries, from Italy and facets of the Roman empire, from celtic places and there's a lot of germanic, too. Do you think Englands heritage sprouted up in England and stayed contained while the rest of the worlds people came out of Africa and travelled around the globe? That's not what happened.

you chose to annex it and are currently paying for it, so who's the leaches? you created that schism / despot yourselves. the republic don't have to explain themselves, maybe get out of that anglocentrist bubble of yours for once .

Cromwell was a scumbag, but it's not something we are taught in school, it's not in our media, nobody really knows the truth of it because our fucked up government drags the electorate along for the ride while not informing them of what is really up. I've never heard anyone praise Cromwell, but I'm aware that a lot of people protest against the statue of him, and some people talk about the atrocities he committed. It really isn't a case of Brits thinking all the shit he did was okay, they're just 1:unaware of what he did, 2:don't care about him at all, and it seems the same for a lot of our history. Perhaps the government that did such fucked up things saw fit to not educate the next generations of children on all the things they'd done wrong, and instead try to bury and forget it.

Now listen up here you daft cunt you call us all pompous gits and I'll shove a can of beans up yer ass

>In my opinion
^you can say that again

Expanding territorial boundaries is not colonialism.
You can't grasp this hence why you are lumping thousands of years of ideologies spanning the globe under one umbrella.
You obviously have no solid foundation regarding history.

Time is a factor; colonialism is a modern idea hinging on technological events and communication paradigms.

Each of the examples you gave is an entire framework of exploitation and is completely different from the last.

The nords didn't write home; by definition they didn't colonize. The romans exerted rulership and sought to maximize allegiance and returns, they didn't colonize.

british needs to be humbled and brought down a few for their own good.