Why is seeing niggers fuck our women so hot?
Why is seeing niggers fuck our women so hot?
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Because you're a faggot who projects his own gay fantasy into women. You love cock and desire it deep down your throat and far up your ass.
i can believe that
Jesus, this is very disgusting
No OP, I'm hispanic and blacks fucking latinas is a BIG turnoff to me
Because you're Hispanic so your genes are different. However, all white men have a cuck gene which makes them enjoy watching their women get BLACKED.
Take for example this white user. He realizes that he secretly enjoys white women being BLACKED. However, this fills him with rage and shame. So he lashes out unhealthily by spamming WMBF and feces pictures, instead of accepting his sexuality and enjoying interracial porn.
niggers are 20% white on average from white slave owners raping their women and Hispanics have white DNA from Spanish conquistadors fucking Native women.
And whites will be 90% black once the bulls are done breeding your women. Slavery will be avenged.
and blacks will be 97.4% white once we inject black women with our BWC for another thousand years. stay mad hapoid
behold the face of a triggered SEETHING hapo*d KEK
jealous little whiteboi
black people made up a smaller percentage of the overall US population in 2010 than they did in 1850
to be fair latinos and chinks make up a larger portion than they once did so that throws those stats off.
latinos are white imo
spanish is a white language, the majority of their blood is european
depends on the country they're mutts of natives and whites but then in some countries they have black in them too like Dominican and Brazil
Because you are gay and are only using race as an excuse sort of fetishism that allows you to see cock with mouthwatering desire faggot.
obviously there are black latinos, but the majority are white
says the triggered cuck too stupid to even sage the thread
>No OP, I'm hispanic and blacks fucking latinas is a BIG turnoff to me
You are just disgusted with yourself faggot
a large plurality of latinos identify as white
half the latino immigrates to the US identify as white
the stats ive seen showed that if you look at all Latino countries they are pretty much a three way split between white, black and Native. you can probably find a few pure people of each race in all Latino countries but in most countries you'll have a higher concentration of of a particular race. Hispanic is basically a mutt race
i think its more a split between white and natives
spanish settlers fucked more tan skinned native mexicans than anglos did, so they turned out a little browner than us
plus spanish peole are a little darker than english people to begin with
why the fuck are we even talking about this lol
>latinos are white imo
You retard Latinos are for the most part Catholic. Spanish is for the most part Latin. As in the language you retard. Latin is almost dead except for it's use in the Vatican.
Blood cannot be "European" you retard. Blood is Genetics. European is Geo-political demarcations you fucktard. Hispanics/Latinos are a mix - Mex/Mezcla- of Caucasian and Native American.
Whites are not a pure bred you ignorant retard. White is not "pure". Caucasians are watered down Hindu Indians. Latinos are Native Americans in part. Latinos are more American due to a lesser displacement in terms of physical distance.
I don't know what you were trying to prove but all you guys are a bunch of fucktards
All you guys are fucking retards for real. You would get a F for fucking shitty on any real scholastic essay you fucktards
i equate white with european
latin and catholic are both european and therefore white
romans were white
Shut up faggot no one even brought that up. I said that YOU were disgusted with yourself you dumb cunt go be delusional on your own and don't try to convince people into your own dumb ass brand of thinking
lol im not him, im a non hispanic white
i was just saying if he is hispanic he may identify as white
>i equate white with european
Geneology doesn't care about continental names you dumb shit. What you equate in your dumb ass mind doesn't make your dumb as shit opinions any more right faggot.
>latin and catholic are both european and therefore white
>catholic are both european and therefore white
>catholic are...white
You fucktard. Go eat glue or something you dumbshit
uh yeah, catholics are white
you do know where catholocism started right? in italy, in europe
maybe in Mexico. in Brazil and Dominican they have more black in them
i dont think its so easy to say something like that, the populations of the countries are too large and diverse
in the end, its about what race people IDENTIFY as, and not which race they "really are"
a light skined hispanic person can choose to identify as either white or non white
>if he is hispanic he may identify as white
Oooooh...I get it.... blacks are no longer susceptible to Sickle Cell disease and Asians/"Mongoloids" have no trouble with alcohol intolerance...
Doctors would want to slap the shit out of you for saying such dumbass things
lol i dont even know what your point is
all black people dont share the same genetics
>uh yeah, catholics are white
>you do know where catholocism started right? in italy, in europe
Probably because you’re attracted to a dick. I’d be asking myself why I care so much about the dick and not the girl if I was you.
hmmm alright then
>our women
A. You've never fucked a woman in your life.
B. "My" women wouldn't be caught dead with a kaffir.
>lol i dont even know what your point is
Of course you don't retard. Stupidity keeps you in it's grips doesn't it faggot.
Only blacks can get Sickle cell disease.
Asians have a genetic variant that restricts their alcohol tolerance.
Race and nationality are not the same thing you dumb shit. Doctors only take race into consideration. Not nationality you dumb shit. Nationality is only relevant when it comes to geographical topography while locating the source of communicable diseases or toxins.
Nationality is irrelevant when it comes to genetics you dumb shit. Race isn't you fucktard
Because you’re a fucking nigger lover!
Can you cucks stop bumping this gay cuck shit?
you're fucking stupid. replying to him and bumping the thread is what he wants you insecure idiot
race is cultural not biological
thats precisely why a hispanic person can be either white or non white
any anthropologist will tell you that race is a historcal-cultural category and not a biological one
there is no necessary relationship between race and haplogroups for exmple
>cell disease.
Caption face: "This was NOT worth the money."
stop pretending to have serious discussion in a thread with a white woman sucking a niggers dick at the top. you are just cucks and it's fucking gay
ok sorry
Reminder Asian and hapa faggots make these threads
Sauce on op?
>he posts again and still doesn't know how to sage the thread
dude you're a fucking retard
type sage in the options when you post so the thread doesn't bump when you post
sauce is all cucks should kill themselves
i dont care that the thread is being bumped
b is such a slow board these days it doesn't matter one way or the other
why? you like to see white women sucking off niggers? then you are a fucking faggot and a cuck
That’s actually a really hot picture. More?
>All this autism just because I said I was hispanic and didn't like cuck shit
Yea Forums is really weird sometimes
because its like beastiality but not that gross
>not that gross
Where is the full movie?
>our women
You can’t have what was never yours to begin with faggot
the full movie is at killyourselfniggerlovingcuck.com
cuck nigger lover
holy fucking shit
They're not "our women", they're just women. And, to boot, they're professional pornographic actresses. If they want to degrade themselves for a few bucks, so be it.
holy fucking shit you're a huge cuck faggot
>this is what libcuck sissies actually believe
sry to bother you again, but i didn't find it on this site. another source?
i hate cucks like you i think you should be put in concentration camps
So what’s the argument you’re making here? That statement is fact, these aren’t your women. I’d love to know what entitles you to owning a woman when you spend all of your time being a troglodyte making memes and looking at porn instead of forming interpersonal relationships with other people, perhaps even with women. I’m not sure how you can own something that was never yours. And again, the statement is fact. These women are even farther from being yours. They’re pornstars who get paid to fuck whomever male they are directed to do so. Once again, they or any female fucking any other male constitutes an affront to you personally because you’re a loser and couldn’t buy a hooker to fuck and respect you. I suspect that’s what makes you hate women as a whole. It’s sad, really.
So what’s the argument you’re making here? That statement is fact, these aren’t your women. I’d love to know what entitles you to owning a woman when you spend all of your time being a troglodyte making memes and looking at porn instead of forming interpersonal relationships with other people, perhaps even with women. I’m not sure how you can own something that was never yours. And again, the statement is fact. These women are even farther from being yours. They’re pornstars who get paid to fuck whomever male they are directed to do so. Once again, they or any female fucking any other male constitutes an affront to you personally because you’re a loser and couldn’t buy a hooker to fuck and respect you. I suspect that’s what makes you hate women as a whole. It’s sad, really.
Because we all know that it is wrong for women to do. Therefore it is a turn on. Women also know it's wrong. That's the only reason why. The women are not attracted to them.
Would rather see my gf fuck a dog than a nigger
Sage in all fields kids
Because you're a nig loving fag
it's not. you're just trying to troll Yea Forums
>Race is cultural
No it isn't you moron, culture is downstream from race
Spot on. Degenerates got rejected by woman too many time. Now they enjoy the cruelty of race mixing against woman.
Black cocks are downstream from your mom's mouth.
Daily reminder the Nazis lost and Hitler died like a bitch.