My dick is pretty average right?

My dick is pretty average right?

My ex dumped me and afterwards started telling me how I have a super tiny dick and that I should be ashamed of it. I’m pretty sure she was just trying to upset me but I’m coming here to be certain. My dick is average, right?

She’s the only other person that’s seen it and even though we hardly ever had sex, she never complained about it. So I think she’s just being an asshole but I figured I would ask what you guys think.

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Its small, my guess looking at it is what, 4.5/5 inches hard? Its not uselessly small, with practice and a good GF you wont be completely fucked.

It's pretty small dude. Average is 5.5-6 inches

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It’s 3.5, but that’s within 1.5 inches of the average, just like how you’d consider a 6.5 inch dick average too.


Its small, gotta learn how to use it and do other things while in the act to get the girls off. You have much to learn.

She's not wrong. If this isn't bait, kill yourself, if it is bait, kill yourself.

that shits fucking tiny bro lmao

Better off just suiciding

I’m surprised she had sex with you at all. That thing is shrimpy af. I feel bad for her tbh

Who gives a shit what girls think?
Fuck them with your whatever size dick and be fine with it.

Yeah it's pretty small user, not a micropenis but definitely below average. Sorry.

Oooft... Yeah... 5 inches isnt average. Average is like 6.3 inches and a standard differential is about 1inch. If you're in the 5.3 (small average) to 7.3 (large average) band you're still average. But 3.5 is legit actually small. Anything under 10cm is not even going to fill an unstretched pussy

No, that is a relatively small dick. Do not fret, there are plenty of women for you out there, still.

Yeah 6.3 is not the average dick size. It’s 5. And I was able to fill my girlfriend’s pussy just fine when we had sex.

I feel like a lot of you have no idea what you’re talking about lol idk why I decided to come here

Honestly it looks much better than the huge veiny dicks. I would suck it off and then smear the cum on your belly.

It's cute, post more

>5 is average

She is being an asshole bro dont listen to her

>Asks if dick is small.
>unanimous agreement dick is small
>denies truth


You're a tiny bb

You dick and the body look really good your gf is an absolute vapid retard.

It’s small but you gotta learn to work with it. Mine is 5 hard but I still make ladies squirt. If lack in that area, you have to make up in other areas such as foreplay, teasing, etc. My lady begs for it sometimes. Anticipation of a good fuck will always make them ladies scream.

I woudl jerk u off with tweezers

Would Cock bully

I mean its small but I'm jerking off to it so at least its pretty

You are asking this to a bunch of faggots addicted to pornography and who probably never have touch a woman. Do you really think you will get a real answer here? Go to see a doctor if you are worried. It will not be the first time for them to get that kind of question.

Sex is more than putting a stick into a hole. The size of your pee pee is really not what will make you a good partner.

Attached: Dw9cU_TVsAYLuuM.jpg (800x1000, 93K)

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>6.3 average
Where are you getting this information?

not trying to be an asshole, but that's pretty small for a non asian guy

sorry, buddy

despite that, your ex is just being mean, i guess, you can still fuck decently

Let me put my cock up next to yours so you can see that it’s 3x bigger than that little clit you have between your legs.

You should call your ex and apologize for having such a small penis.

BTW how many centimeters are 5 inches?

i'm like 17-18 cm long but have a pretty fat cock

but I'm not an American using that stupid measurement sistem

That's not how normal distribution works retard.

6.3 isn’t the average, neither is 5, if he’s talking about the US. It’s closer to 5.5 but in any case OP’s dick is definitely considered tiny and not even close to average.

Your hard dick is about the size of a normal soft dick.

It’s small.

Seriously bro how could you not realize how fucking tiny you are. 3.5 inches? Really? And you say it’s “average” just like 6.5 is average, just because they’re both 1.5 inches away from 5? You’re delusional.

my soft dick is bigger

inb4 OP gets off over people saying he has a tiny dick

Attached: 40keks.png (394x296, 234K)

Bruh my dick soft is longer and thicker.

Attached: IMG_1357.jpg (673x1066, 147K)

Tons of hot females and porn in this discord server(also giftcard giveaways).\invite\dSQy3D3


. Its not big, but it isn't tiny either. But the ex ia just trying to prey on you insecurities. I have a small cock also, and im 6'2. Been married nearly 10 years and fuck about 8 different girls in my sexual career. I have fucked all of tgose gurls multiple times. Some girls are size queens and thats okay. They get to decide what they like just we can decide what size boobs we prefer. I have never had a chick not fuck me because of my size and ive never fucked a girl less than 3 times. In the moment size really isn't that important. Don't sweat it and be confidant regardless, it makes a big difference. If a girl doesn't want it because its to small, move on because you dont want that in your life anyway.

What would your mom think of you posting your little cock on the internet for us to see?

OP looks like a bottom, you'd be a good pairing.

it is a nice dick
my bf has similar but longer
no problem with yours she is just a cunt

Your dicks tiny

Attached: unflappable.gif (500x238, 530K)

Answer this, OP

You have a great body, you're white and apparently able to get a girlfriend. Your small dick shouldn't stop you from being confident.

This is gay bait, but even so you should disregard everything women say.

Who cares pussy is shit tier just find another guy and suck each other’s penes you’ll live a much happier life

Great bait mate

Attached: 20181230_152200.jpg (800x412, 76K)

>my dick is pretty average right?
>my dick is average right? x2
>right guys?

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RIP OP and your tiny prick.

Small meat bro lmao

Sorry about your tiny dick, bro.

Bait. Seen this pic before.
Post a pic with a timestamp and a ruler for measurement purposes if you want a real answer.
But to anyone else if a girl really likes you then you micro dick won't matter. If someone only likes you for your dick size they're not a person you want in your life.

she wasn’t just being an asshole, she was finally telling you the truth now that she had the opportunity to

if she was an asshole she would have said something the first time you pulled that little thing out

Exept this is right after cock pumping u can see swelling from lymph fluid haha nice try joker

It's small. End of story


It’s small, but not exactly tiny

You from Uganda mate?

You'll never be able to satisfy a woman with that. Just become a power bottom and start taking dicks in the ass for prostate orgasms bro.

My husband has a small dick. About 5 inches. I have no problems with it whatsoever. I don't desire a larger one, and I've never cheated on him. Yes, your dick is small, but it's not a death sentence and you will find a woman that loves you for who you are and doesn't mind. Don't even worry about it.

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fake timestamp. put it on your other boob and repost it to prove it’s real.

dont listen to b. most of these fucks on here are virgins in theyre moms basement.