HIV+ ask me anything

HIV+ ask me anything.

Yes, I'm a retard. I know. It's ok. We all die.

> We all die.
> We all die.
> We all die.
> It's ok. We all die.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry for You. Hope science go further and on time. How się You get it? Sex? Drugs?

Fuck. How did You*

You ever get high and jack off?

What the fuck is all that shit?

Who gave you HIV? surely your dick is too small for anyone to want to have sex with you

Needle sharing. I'm actually an accountant.

Don't do heroin, kids.

Not me, genius.

Kaposi Sarcoma

Gutted Faggot

5 day dry fasting to cure it
Good luck

With heroin, fuck yeah.

Only faggots fast. Go back to r/intermittentfasting and ask me a better question, fag.

How long have you been using heroin?
What’s the most expensive thing that you have stolen?

Has your logposting frequency increased or decreased since the diagnosis?

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5 years.

I don't steal because I'm a well-paid accountant and not some lazy nigger.

Go away evil logger

Shitposting: 10 fold increase.
Shitting: diarrhea. Lots of it.

Ok, how much of your wages gets spent on heroin?
What’s your house like?
How old are you?

But I forgot to addd: it's tough to finally cum.

And are you planning on stopping drugs?

I'm single, so about $1,000 a week to get all the fixes I need.

Apt. no house.


Yup, because I have to take antiretrovirals (HAART therapy) now.

How are you intelligent enough for a white collar job and still share needles?

But not weed.

Don't party while high and with people you don't know. Thought that was pretty self-evident, given I have a good job and PPO health insurance, dumb fuck.

How'd you find out you got it?

If You now had a oppurtunity to not have + and live- What would be Your life goal?

That poor little dick looks so scared.

One of the people I partied with that fateful night got "toxoplasmosis," and another got this specific pneumonia called "pneumocystis pneumonia." I was like "wtf, I've never heard of those diseases." Did research, found out those are diseases linked to AIDS. Then I shat myself, went to the doc's, and got the bad news.

lol, OP you do know that HIV is curable now right?,

go to india get a bone marrow transfusion from someone who doesn't have it. You get your life back.

Even if it takes 2 or 3 attempts, its only debt. Better than the alternative.

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Shitposting on Yea Forums, duh.

I want to go to another unite the right rally, though.

2-3 attempts for a treatment that's 80-100% lethal, and only with people who have HIV ANNND cancer (not just HIV). That's why there's only been the Berlin and London patients; that's it. Try asking me a better question, retard. I'm an accountant, and a well-educated one.

>getting bone marrow from a poo

Imagine the smell

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Yeah, I don't think so buddy. High or not you have made some pretty stupid life choices in the past and present. Your only redemption would be giving it up.

How does a human being redeem themselves by giving up? Isn't giving up (i.e., the lack of action), the antithesis of redemption (an affirmative act)?

> mfw idiotic millenial newfags try to talk down to a seasoned old fag

You seem to think being an accountant is something special. Are you not aware that nearly 100% of the population considers accountants to be the single most boring people on the planet.

Not only that, but you're an accountant who is dying because they did the one drug most people consider the single most retarded drug, the one only absolute idiots would ever try.

So, I don't think the world is going to miss you all that much. Boring, stupid, and painfully arrogant in your startlingly mediocre and ultimately empty existence.

This. All day this.

You probably earn an average ass wage and will die of an overdose.

You have 0 high ground.. faggot

So because my profession is boring, but immensely important to large corporate clients, I am therefore empty in my existence? Lol, newfag is an edgefag.

Na bra. I'm gonna die with low t cells.

Settle down, dickhead. The nigga's thread is interesting.

You are a faggot. How else did you get GRID. Faggot.

Well at least you had sex.

How long have you had sex with other men


Yup, have a kid, too.

>I don't steal because I'm a well-paid accountant and not some lazy nigger.

Says the cunt who has AIDS and cancer, poor accountant had such a hard life.

Since I gave AIDS to ur mom

I don't have cancer (yet, at least).

>dumb fuck.

Yet you got high with people you don't know and now have AIDS and someone else is the dumb fuck?

No, you're empty in your existence because you keep pointing out that you are an accountant, as if anyone in their right mind would care or respect that.

If that is your default response (which it appears to be) to define yourself as a human, then yes don't be surprised if people think your existence is empty.

Is pushing numbers around for corporations and becoming an addict to the world's most retarded drug really the most defining aspects of who you are?

I guess now you also have AIDS to use as victim points and to get attention with.

In short, so far you've defined yourself this way:

Boring job.
Stupid addiction.
Idiotic way of becoming infected.

At least niggers in gangs have a little passion and excitement in their lives. You're just the embodiment of bland.

Tell us one interesting thing about you, one thing that doesn't make your life entirely dull.

And no, mentioning money and corporate clients don't count.

Did you have any symptoms before beginning the treatment?


>I'm an accountant, and a well-educated one.

No you fucking are not if you inject with people you don't know.

You are such a fucking attention seeking cunt.

You forgot to add a comma before final "no."

I literally have a PhD in biochemistry and working on a master's of biology so yes not only am I smarter than a glorified secretary but I also know enough of AIDS to call you out on what you are- a faggot and likely a former catamite

Yeah, flu-like symptoms soon after the party. I read it's common to get sick, then better, then so sick outta nowhere.

Do you like Jazz music?

>So because my profession is boring, but immensely important to large corporate clients, I am therefore empty in my existence?

Yes, and a dumb fuck who had to inject to give his life meaning. Well it has meaning now, you got what you wanted.

Have you ever given blood?

I don't see you calling me out on my facts tough. So call me a fag all you want, but you know my story checks out (which is the point of this thread, unlike your opinion, which is irrelevant since I'm here to answer questions).

Kenny G is a Jew.

Show me your actual cock with timestamp you nigger

Yes, back in freshman year of college. Gave plasma, too.

Do you ever have sex with people/share needles and not tell them you have HIV?

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I'm not a faggot, mein nigger.

>I literally have a PhD in biochemistry
Is there some other way to have a degree in biochemistry?

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Fuck no. I don't want to lose my license or my job.

Did you reach stage "so sick outta nowhere" and if so what happened?

Kaposi sarcoma is cancer, or did you not research that either?

Na, that's AIDS. An ex. of so sick outta nowhere are the people at the party I found out got toxoplamosis and pcp pneumonia

Why nit? Someone did it to you. Might as well spread it around... Nobody will know

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That's not him, cunt-sausage.

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Were you positive then or did that happen later in life?


I have a self declared virtual PhD in biochemistry

If I found out, by definition, someone else can, too. I'm not that retarded.

I was more up beat earlier in life, definitely.



>I'm not that retarded.

Care to rephrase that? Mr. high life accountant with self inflicted AIDS and cancer.

Explain again how you are not retarded?

Haha, no. I've only been doing it for 5 years (a year after college). I'm currently 27

You're too pussy, that's why you inject to hide the pain of your pathetic existence. Constantly validating yourself by saying "oh hey but I'm smart, I'm an accountant with a phd.."

You're a pathetic faliure, do something and actually make a difference in your life.
Spread it.

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im not even in this thread but its absolute fire. Sorry OP. Better luck next time.

but no seriously, stop doing drugs and live a healthy lifestyle and you wont develop aids..hopefully. Seriously though, it really is unfortunate.

Not a question, so I don't know how to answer. I'm also not a juicy cock guzzling sperm chugger

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Why do I picture you as Asian?

I have a pretty huge dick, but I don't have a doctorate.

I'm not the one who's going to die a painful, aids related death you degenerate scum.

Hahahahahahahahahaha you died from having a shitty dick hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>I'm also not a juicy cock guzzling sperm chugger

No, you're a smart accountant with AIDS who injected himself around strangers with their kit.

You'd have been better off sucking cock.

Bottoming can!

Because I'm Russian ancestry (Orthodox Christian and proud). So you're technically correct.

Pretty huge dick that nobody can ever ride again.... Hahahahaha FAILURE.

You're a fucking train wreck.

That's it. I'm calling the cops. What's your IP address, young man?

>Orthodox Christian and proud

Bet they're all proud of you. Do you flaunt your accountancy and self injected AIDS around them as well?

My IP address is Haha.You.Have.Aids

It's an open domain.

>I have a pretty huge dick,

So you shopped it small in the photo for what reason?

Eat SHIT OP you pathetic fucking train wreck waste of space junkie.

It's no surprise your parents never loved you.

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>It's an open domain.

Only open to OP and his like minded, druggy acquaintances.

Unfortunately, it's a huge problem in my fatherland, too:


That's my address too.

>Unfortunately, it's a huge problem in my fatherland, too:

So you're now blaming shitty life choices on AIDS? No one forced you to inject, no one forced you to do drugs it is a life choice.

Yet you're abhorrent towards the people from whom you want attention?

Lol, all I'm saying is I'm not alone.

It's not me.

You are alone train wreck.
You're a pathetic faliure and you know it.

>We all die.

Yeah but most of us won't die a horrible painful aids related death. Most of us will die surrounded by family and loved ones, remembered for our legacy.

You'll be remembered for your fag killer disease. :^]

>Lol, all I'm saying is I'm not alone.

You must alone be or you wouldn't be posting the drama on here for attention.

Regardless if others are in the same situation, you proclaim to be intelligent and successful yet think taking recreational drugs with dirty needles from complete strangers wasn't going to end badly.

charlie sheen has aids and hes a cool guy

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>It's not me.

So you post a photo of someone else, kinda fucks up your credibility if you lied about that too. Attention fag and nothing more.

go away evil logger.

Yup. Fuck me for making the worst mistake of my life. You're right.


this is exactly why we need to cure homos so they don’t get aids

What a massive faggot. You said it 3 times. Your fucking profession. Your shitty ass paper shuffling money grabbing profession. Enjoy your AIDS.

Your now heavily shortened life, if you could even call it a life. I'm surprised you even have the strength to type on your keyboard.

Go jerk off to Rent you degenerate queer.

Still can get from sharing needles

How often do you think of suicide, I wouldn't want to live with that shit and it is only getting worse.

Let the fags continue to get AIDS. It is the disease that will cleanse their impurities.

>Orthodox Christian and proud
Have fun writhing in hell you junkie faggot

You are smart but yet stupid op why didnt u just spend a few bucks at wal mart and or wal greens and cop some fresh sticks i used to be a severe junkie to but i never shared my rigs or spoons ok maybe like twice fucking nigger now you are making me want to go tested fml

>Yup. Fuck me for making the worst mistake of my life. You're right.

Then crying like a bitch about it, Mr. important accountant on $1000 a week and is so fucking shallow has to inject like a scum junkie to validate himself.

Yeah, fuck you. People don't have half the opportunities you had but you don't see them pissing their life away.

Didn't you know being filthy rich seems to be the cure for aids.

I don't because I have a career to look forward to, and plan on using my drug $ to send to my parents instead. It's not a death sentence anymore, but the stigma in dating is tough. It's like being the ultimate incel: keyword on the involuntary part.

when did you find out?
are you in a relationship?
when was the last time you had sex?
do you like where you work?
do your freinds, family and work freinds know?
did it suprise them? how did you break it to them?
how long have they told you, you have to live?
do you want to start a family?
i saw from the other posts you've given blood with HIV how long have you been doing that for?
when did you first contract it.
what area of the world are you in?
whats it like living with HIV?
how far along are you?

yeah cause they can buy bone marrow of some poor chinese orphan and have it replaced in a basement clinic in mexico

Yup. I only shared needles once. I was high off my mind and realized it mid-hit, but said "fuck it, I really want the high."


Actually, imagine what OP could be doing instead of bitching. Like, putting all that dirty money towards the work of his life. Or at least some fucking time, he doesn't have that much left. Die a dignified death, working on what he loves, not what his greed made him do...

>I don't because I have a career to look forward to, and plan on using my drug $ to send to my parents instead.

You're either trolling or fifty shaded of stupid. You have no career, you just don't realise it yet. Redundancy is your friend here.

Also, send your drug money to your parents? After everything that has happened, you still cater for drugs out of your wages?

Hi mom, dad, since I've got AIDS from heroin injected at a party around strangers with their needles I thought you might like the money instead.

Makes perfect sense.

Or. Or he can go to San Francisco, its still pride month, and fuck all the gays!

are you the HIV police? geez man you basically asked the same question twice lol
>how long have they told you, you have to live?
>how far along are you?

Yea but the picture you showed it chronic. So how in the hell would someone even be near you when you look like that?
Sure, having a girlfriend with HIV isn't something I would be comfortable with, but seeing that down on her private area would be an absolute deal breaker.

jokes on you I’m an incel and go any get aids


About a week ago.
More than a year ago, sadly.
Yes. Up for partner equity track.
Yes. Individual discussions.
Not a death sentence anymore. They told me it's like diabetes. Just take anti-retrovirals and I won't even be detectable is what the doc said (PhD in Biochem, is that true? Lol, it is).

I never gave blood with HIV. I gave blood when I was a freshman in college (18). Started using at 21/22. I'm currently 27.

After a party of sharing needles.

gotcha. pardon me.


Catchy name for a show

>I was high off my mind and realized it mid-hit, but said "fuck it, I really want the high."

Getting high was more important that anything else, just proves the point.

Only shared needles once? Anyone with an ounce of intelligence shares none, actually they don't inject shit into their body.

Nice dubz

- Love OP


Fuck off with your junkie love.

Go away evil Logger

Op if i had the hiv or aids though would i not have some really fuked up cold or flu symptoms i havent been sick in a long time be honest im way more worried about hep c

doctors literally inject people with things every day. and we all know that OP is an accountant which is basically a doctor so im sure hes smart enough to know how to inject himself.

>We all die.

People don't die of HIV in the developed world. They live with it, like diabetes.

Take your meds. You'll be fine.

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>we all know that OP is an accountant which is basically a doctor

How fucking regarded are you?

Top kek user is based

im regarded enough to give my salutations to you. salut

>How fucking retarded are you?
As the joke goes right over your head

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I'm not a doctor. I got flu-like symptoms at first, but then got better. It stays dormant till you start falling deathly ill because your immune system is fucked due to lack of treatment for years. Go to the doc's. I got checked for hep, too. Thankfully negative, so I won't need a liver transplant any time soon.

u haev aids

Fuck god damn it im like 99% sure i dont have the aids/hiv but the hep c shit 90% because i did use bleach still fuck that im getting tested wait now that i think about it wouldnt the doctor have told me something if i had blood drawn at the hospital? Just recently had a kidney stone and they did blood work do they check for that shit when they draw blood work in the ER or nah?

i think they have to be specifically looking for it user
get checked

When they draw your blood they dont check it for everything, they look for specifics. You need to ask them to check ya again son

Ask if they ran the blood to check for other diseases.

Ran this pic through google images and there you were. You're famous

It's gonna be ok, don't worry. Get checked. I did.

Sigh, it's not me. Read the thread

op I've done many stupid sexual things in my life but so far have been lucky and haven't gotten anything serious
(i did get gonorrhea once and that was pretty shitty in itself)
even though I've been lucky to not get hiv or hep, i still lose sleep some nights thinking about how close I've come due to my stupid sexual encounters
i want you to tell us the story of that worst night where you were at your lowest, stuck thinking about having hiv, worrying about the inevitable doom descending down on you

and since i know anons will ask, the worst time was when me and three other guys were all drunk taking turns fucking a 19 yo girl up her ass and pussy with no condoms
we were swapping cum and her shit was all over our dicks
it was dumb and I'm amazed i didn't catch anything from that time

god I wish that was me

Kek imagine getting a bsc in biochemistry (lol wasn't smart enough to do straight chem) let alone a PhD in biochem to then go ahead and share needles lol wat a retard

PhD here
I am not OP and I am not as dumb as OP
I literally work on theoretical HIV drugs.

Are u martin shkreli rn ?

Staring down the barrel of shotgun so you don't feel any pain, and because Ernest Hemingway is my fav author. Gun was unloaded, but I wanted to see what it felt like if I put the actions in motion, so to speak. Decided not to do it. Fat people get diabetes type 2 now. I just happen to have HIV because I'm an idiot in several personal aspects of my personal life, even though I'm educated and take my profession seriously.

OP what the fuck is that

No but I like this troll. Thanks to him the prices of even some almost untested compounds fucking skyrocketed. More grants more pay for me.

Ok, and what of what I've said so far is false from either a medical, pharmaceutical, or epidemiological point of view?

>even some almost

You're either a lawyer, or you're lying. I'm an attorney, and that's the typical vague shit we say all the time to make something sound deceptively definitive.

Yeah I mean it's pretty stupid what you did but idk about worth blowing your head off for
You just have to become one of those types of people now that are super healthy, eat right, exercise, take your meds
you off the h, at least?
also, have you looked into any of the weird ass hollistic(spelling) treatments for curing hiv?
I've heard rumors of people taking massive dosages of vit c and becoming undetectable

Which one are you?
I personally have two lawyers. Should my research kill someone I need my ass in the clear

op faag