What’s the percentage of unironic racists in Yea Forums?
What’s the percentage of unironic racists in Yea Forums?
do you know what irony means?
Imagine the smell
Not that many. The yellowfags are just loud.
All of them. This shithole has become a white supremacist breeding ground full of incels
Me for sure. Fuck niggers and jews
Pic related was a Jewish nigger, and he was pretty chill.
So you are here to punish us and teach us your superior ways? Are your hands clean though? Are you telling me you never called someone a nigger or faggot, in jest? Because that is the cornerstone of the far left PC/SJW movement. Also, you used 'incel' as hate speech. Cuck and incel, replaced nigger and faggot, if you didn't notice. They are directed almost exclusively at white people and are almost never used in jest. Who are the real bad guys here?
jew here. fuck you right back, goy
hey glownigger.
I consider myself a race realist but by many peoples standards i am a full blown racist. Kinda funny considering i either have been or currently am good friends with people of just about every race.
Pic related, the issue.
It's about 0.01%. Most "racists" are actually trying to fit in with the white race even though they are the shit lickers of society themselves. The fat, ugly, dumb and clinically retarded. Clean, cut Nazi's from the likes of Inglorious Bastard's don't browse Yea Forums.
I am an unironic racist.
I hate how Latinos migrate to the United States and what do they do? They open up taco stands. They don't learn English. Their neighborhoods go to shit and end up looking just like the third-world shitholes that they came from.
Black neighborhoods are the place that you go to for crack, discount whores due to an aids of risk, and to get an impression of what U.S. poverty looks like. In every major city. The ghetto shows you that police force in those places is wasted because they breed the crime that comes out of it and they want the police to stay out of their personal business.
White thrash are just the beginning of what white means in this country. "College kids" is an American phrase that shows you how retarded even these people are...Adults...in collge...are called "kids"...and porn will show you that "white ladies" are out of touch elders that aren't aware of what kind of whoredom is responsible for unsually high STD rates. And white people are notorious for being "fake". This is something Yea Forumstards won't understand because Yea Forumstards don't have friends but white people are lucky if they find a single friend, instead they surround themselves with fake ass "friends" so as to hide the inner misery that rests in their souls.
And you might think that "beaners" or "niggers" are the stinky ones, but aside from the equally multi-racial hobbos and blue collar workers, it is white dudes that stink up high schools. Seriously, grungy "pot head" looking white dudes are the stinky ones. They also stink up gyms.
Chinese have their shit on lock. They are respectful, educated, and clean cut.
Indians work in the gas stations.
No irony here. Just fact.
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Wrong thread, so post deleted
the racists?
me and my friends have shaved head black suns and shit on our cars, get into little scuffels car chases and fights where oneside wakes up in hospital type a shit all the time with moari and niggers even clash with the gangs now and then, and we are zoomers too.
You get called a racist for observing basic facts nowadays, so it must be close to 100%.
Blacks are good at sprinting, but bad at algebra.
Asians are good at algebra, but bad at sprinting.
So why worry about Yea Forums when actual facts are racist?
>brown people want to immigrate to white countries
>White people don't want to immigrate to brown countries
>get called racist for stating that obviously white countries are better.
it's not that these facts are racists, it's that racists use them to say that some races are lesser, for example, that blacks are more violent and inherently less smart
It's not the stats that are racist, but the claims that you may make off of them that are
I also hate tranny's, redditors and canadians
This is Yea Forums, it's the internets premier safe space to hate fucking niggers chinks gooks kikes nips fags whops spicks mics daygos Canadians moolies abos Greeks polocks... You and your fat faggot mom. I pretty much hate everyone equally.
>that blacks are more violent and inherently less smart
but the stats state that