Yl you lose yl

Yl you lose yl

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Because aluminum-lined balloons created a conductive path greater than ambient air from line-to-line on high-voltage lines and blew multiple transformers because of the huge current surge.

Start sucking throat boi

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This thread sucks

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You seem like you would actually be knowledge about this, how much more besides the wires would need to be replaced? How much of the city was probably effected, just that street or a couple block or more?

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You cant tell by just a video since every city has different systems im an electrician (not the same guy btw) but id say judging from the wooden masts that its not that big of a city more like a vilage and in that case it wouldve affected probably the whole village maybe the village behind aswell depending on the circuit

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Edit: the wires prolly wont need to be replaced


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