Left my car headlights on for like 5 hours and battery is dead...will it be ok in the morning or am I fucked?

Left my car headlights on for like 5 hours and battery is dead...will it be ok in the morning or am I fucked?
It's a 2010 honda
help me gys
>pic unrelated

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you will need a jump or to charge the battery

will it not low key gather some charge overnight?
I won't be using it till like 8 hours from now..

Run the car dumbass.

The alternator will charge the battery if it has enough power to start.

>gather some charge overnight
What? From where? You think it just spontaneously charges? Like a jar of peanut butter?

Jump it.

>low key
fucking kys yourself nigger

Yeah dude. Batteries just naturally charge themselves.

Or you can get a jump start and drive the car around for 20-30 minutes in a low gear to charge it.

although most people will probably say it won't, you'll get some residual charge back after the load is removed for a while but more than likely it won't be enough to get it started. You can make a makeshift trickle charger from a 12V wall wort but that also may not give you enough power (normal lead car batteries are "fully charged" at around 13.8V). The best solution is to get a jump.

What do you mean run the car?

Standard or automatic transmission?

It matters.

no problem thats what batteries do is charge themselves

You’re fucked because you lack manhood.

holy fucking shit, are you retarded?

put the key in the ignition, start the car, let it run for half an hour. the alternator will charge the battery.


How can it run if it doesn't start?

One is easier than the other but they are the same process.

You're the retard. He stated the fucker is too far gone to turn the engine. Likely all he here's is the solenoid clicking when he tries.

He'll need a good long hill for an automatic.

If, the alternator is working properly..

Not good. Ok. Are you on top of a hill at least 50 meters long and fairly steep?

are you retarded?
do batteries naturally recharge themselves?

get fucked

Low gear. How old are you. Newer alternators dont have to spin as fast as an old school generator to charge efficiently. You could leave it run for 15 20 min idling with the radio and lights off it would be just fine

Does it matter if I wait and do it in the morning? Or is it better if I try to get a jump right now?

The autism is strong in this thread...

Do it now. You don't want to be pressed for time if it fails. Also, can you get a jump or access to a trickle charger?

It's an automatic though...Not young, but I've always been a motorcyclist, getting used to the fact these things don't kill the lights when I turn it off...

id try to get a jump from someone real quick, leave it on for 10 minutes, then when you get ready to leave for work in the morning (if you fucking work) you wont be stressing

or if you have insurance, they will come jump your car if nobodies around for that

>batteries are "fully charged" at around 13.8V
Really? 13.8 eh? Then that would mean that most car batteries are not fully charged. You won't see 13.8 on a battery. You will see 12.6 give or take a few .1's. But, yeah guy, maybe on a charger it will say 13.8 and it won't, might say 13.6 but a minute after you take it off the charger hook it up it's at 13.0 if you're lucky. 12.6 is a good battery, buy a multimeter. Stop giving advice cause it's wrong and bad.

Get a jump pack from Amazon or auto parts store. Home Depot has them too. Keep it charged and in your car. Jumper cables are dangerous because people are idiots.

First user was correct.
You’re an idiot know it all.

Head down to the corner store. Pick up some lemons, other stuff. You'll be fine in the morning.

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Lol, not if the battery is half or 3/4 dead. Then no, it won't be long enough and no one has said check the alternator cause if that's not working your car won't start and if it does, it's not going to for long.

No, I'm a trained idiot been doing it my whole life and know a shit ton more then you fuck stick. Go fuck yourself, k. I'm not mad at you, just disappointed.

12.8, whatever. My car is old enough to have a voltage gauge in the dash and it always sits at just under 14, but that's just what the alternator is putting out, not the exact battery voltage.

Duh, not shit. Thanks for saying the obvious that had no point to it. You go, kid.

would pushing it down a hill start it?

Well if he got a jump he wouldnt ha e to drive around for 30 min in low gear. It doesnt matter if its automatic or standard. My point was he wouldnt need to drive anywhere if he got a jump and just let it idle. If it was stick just bump start it. But its not. If he had someone to push his car up to about 45 or so he might be able to bump start an automatic. But none the less op needs a jumpstart cause if hes asking car advice on here I wouldnt trust him to hook the cables up right let alone talk him through how to bump start it.

That's why I asked you about where you got it parked. If you are on top of a hill.

>let me make a pointless post telling you how pointless your post is
are all mechanics drunks? This is why I don't let them touch my car.

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I don't know, is your mom as much as a whore as they say she is? Questions, eh?

OP, get a jump from someone who knows what they're doing. And in the future, try not to be such a loser.

yeah, stick is easy. i used to actually start a subaru 1982 station wagon by just putting my foot out the door while in the driver's seat, only need about 10 feet to push the car backwards and drop it in reverse and it'd start. automatic, apparently, is very different. also, that was a long time ago so torque might have been much more crude.

First idiot was not correct
user is close enough. But the first idiot was thinking about what voltage a battery will start to charge. A battery has to receive approx 13.8 volts before it starts to charge.

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I'm surrounded by idiots. Fuck you all..

I'm losing faith in humanity user. 20 min of idling is plenty for a half charged battery to be able to start again. Dude I work on cars been working on cars for 20 years. Did you see how i said radio and headlights off

I have charged a car battery from a 12V wall wort before, which is the only reason I mentioned that it MIGHT work. it took me over a day to get it to turn over just enough to sputter to life. It's not efficient but it will work with enough time.
Every rule you've ever learned about anything is subject to time constraints and breaks down at some point.

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Straight cut reverse gears help

Considering my "newest" vehicle is older than anons, probably older than you.

Ok, on a GOOD Alternator, no gaurtee that car will start in the morning. Check the fucking alternator. Cause a battery needs it, fuckin shit. Bunch of tards with autism trying to tell OP how to do it and it's wrong. I don't give a fuck, ignorance wins again. I sit back and laugh. Good luck you all you technicians with your great advice..

and the threadly autismo award goes to...

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No I'm surrounded by idiots.

Cool, and you are so cool with your pic and post. Sad bitch

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I said it first..

Check the alt because leaving your headlights on for 5 fucking hours means your alt is bad. Jesus fucking read you dumbfuck

My oldest vehicle is a 1980 my daily is a 93 and I grew up around cars from the 60s and 70s

You read, you non comprehending fool. Go fuck yourself, you could be doing that right now.

OP said he left the headlights on for 5 hrs why would the alt be bad. He admitted that he fucked up.

Yes you tard. Learn up on batteries will ya. Especially Gel batteries that have a recovery feature that if left overnight usually have enough power for two starting cycles.

seems like you just have to buy a new battery, user