You have now impregnated the last video game girl you’ve masturbated to. Do you stay to take responsibility?
You have now impregnated the last video game girl you’ve masturbated to. Do you stay to take responsibility?
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I convince her to get an abortion.
Lmao no
Haven't fapped to any. Pregnancy is my fetish and video game girls don't show up pregnant in their own games, just sleezy porn parodies.
Falcon punch.
does my ffxiv character count?
of course I do
I literally can't remember the last vidya girl I masturbated to.
Never had to jerk off. I slay pussy so often that I have forgotten how to hold my dick.
I'd do it again too.
Yes. Although I will earn scorn from my fellow countrymen if they think I fucked a Frenchie.
the last video game image I got off to was a webm threesome of Samus and Zelda, so which one does that count for?
I guess Kancolle counts as vidya. Also yes I take full responsibility just like pic related.
Of course, only a coward would run.
Im white and she is asian so obviously i have to.
Yes and i'll do it again.
I wish
>Wish the baby away and continue fucking her furiously
ye ok
Nyotengu and she would probably get an abortion. Lots of DoAbros
Absolutely not
I want to lei bang lei fang
I don't want to go to jail again
Morel like
>have kids
Vasectomy bros where @?
How the fuck did he do it
Wouldn't you?
Thankfully these kinds of girls can't get pregnant
They can if they're fertile enough
Best time to convert to Mormonism
How do you impregnate a dream?
Pearl Fet can't get pregnant yet checkmate FBI.
poop is only fertile to plants user
only the lord knows what kind of abomination she'll end spawning, but yeah i wanna see what happens
>getting a 14 year old pregenant
What if there were multiple girls? I'll knock up both mercy and and take responsibility, easily.
I think she might run out on you and leave you with the kid.
>Musically talented and successful career
>Fit, limber
>Catholic, so she's a freak in bed
>Great with children
>Will probably want more
>All-around nice girl
Nigga I hit the jackpot
14 is prime
What size would the baby be?
Impossible, no way was she of age.
Of course.
>Do you stay to take responsibility?
A man of fine taste, excellent.
Been there already
>dream that I'm a cute girl
>immediately start furiously fingering myself
Good thing I'm definitely not fit to be a tranny
>Kate Denson
Sure, I guess ill stay.
if I fap to multiple girls, does that mean all of them are pregnant?
Nah, I don't even know her name.
That's what any straight man-magically-turned-woman would do, desu.
That implies she's not going to come around and steal everyone's kids.
The real question is does she want to stay with me?
I would say so
Only if there's profit in it.
Feel like it would be dangerous either way.
Think about it: all them tax credits man.
I fucked a brit king, it's fine
Oh yes
It was midna or priscilla, in either case the answer is yes.
Congratulations it's a uh tree
>this very picture
Of course
Well if I don't accept responsibility, she'll definitely kill me.
Well, I don't really remember who it was, but it was likely Samus.
Of course I do.
Who the fuck is so pathetic to masturbate to a cartoon? Holy fuck
>The entire Skullgirls cast
I'd be so fucked
We've been married for more than seven years now.
I always wanted to have a family with seiba
People who have a libido and aren't soulless npcs.
>minecraft lewds
>round boobs
If you going to jerk off to a block game you might as well do it right
how did I manage that?
I'm scared of getting pregnant and I wouldn't wish it on anyone who wasn't willing or ready.
But that's not Seiba...
To be fair, it was Game-Over Gruntilda, but I still made a horrible make. Staying or running sounds like torture and/or death.
Well the risk of pregnancy always exists when having sex, so it's not like it's fully unexpected.
The one fucking time I choose to give in to a furry character this thread comes up. And to answer your question hell fucking no
Forgive me father for I have sinned
>Implying I haven't put myself into a video game and jerked off to myself
You are all a bunch of casuals!
Tifa? Yes of course. She would be a great mom and a good wife.
I'm going to take absolute responsibility
you're sick
>he has a going into games machine
>caught and tied up a bandit in Skyrim after killing all her friends
>raped her
>jerked off
>turned her in to the town guard and they executed her afterwards.
I don't really need to, heh. Based mods.
it technically is
its got nothing on my fingerbox
You're damn right I do
do i even have the choice
yes and I'm not ashamed
Wait. You can go into video games?
source :>
this might have been a mistake
I wont even be in the same zipcode
>name literally in the fucking corner in big white text
fuck off underage
Feel free to visit /vp/ anytime, user
I don't think Chrom is going to happy.
I would play with my tits first. Like a lot.
Sure. I think it'd be a pretty good life.
You cant? Fucking casuals, everyone on this board back in the day could.
>Expecting jobless moron to take responsibility
lmao best thread I've seen in a while.
it was one of the whores in the dance with the devil mission in hitman so i dont care
Does pooper pregnant count?
It was anal porn
She’d make a great mother I bet. Bet she wouldn’t even take paternity leave and somehow find a way to run the town and raise the child at the same time.
Yeah, definitely.
>that tattoo
you sure that she's carrying your baby?
I don't even remember.
Guess I have to respond in the negative. Poor bastard.
Without a second thought.
I hide from the world so they not only don't know how much of a failure I am, but the unholy abomination that I've brought into this world.
Depends, does she count as vydia girl?
A man of exquisite taste.
Am I the only one was NEVER attracted to Game Over Grunty because it's literally the same creepy gross hag deep down?
Mileena would probably eat the baby.
Yes. Both of them.
I'm black
Where's the dick size chart when you need it, lol.
Grunty is disgusting, finally someone with taste
haven't seen this crop before
She can't get pregnant if she's fucking dead.
what does marie breast milk taste like?
I want her Azoth bros
Give me the fucking source this looks so familiar
I like the idea of a woman who hasn't been changed by her beauty. One more reason for 2D > 3D.
>still ironing board flat after first pregnancy
Chrome's genes are weak as fuck.
I'd raise our kid but only if Elizabeth got a lobotomy
falcon punch. Definitely.
Would she survive the birthing bros
Pleb taste.
I'd have one hell of a family
Hell yes
fuck man im jealous
>Loli Tiki from Fire Emblem
Oh, hell yeah. Best girl all mine.
Do you think Samus would give birth to a metroid
I can't remember who the last vidya girl I masturbated to was, but yes, because I would never abandon my children or their mother. Also because I really want to be a dad
A bastardized Chozo/Human/Metroid child, possibly with added Phazon.
I would definitely raise our litter of kittens. Just as soon as they figure out how to get women pregnant through anal sex
>why yes I finish my kegel exercises with self stimulation to clean my prostate, how did you know?
Assuming she can even have a kid, sure.
Judging by the picture it would also have fetal alcohol syndrome
Of course
Yes I love my Jew wife
Have fun jacking off into a pond full of eggs
Good taste man.
I would care for the child because gender bent Rugal would probably fucking murder me otherwise.
No wonder the spade tattoo was shopped on so poorly. You did that yourself.
I don't know if this counts but YES.
How exactly do robots get pregnant?
Are you really that mad bro?
Play binary domain
It's simple.
You can't get boys pregnant, user.
Yes. Cucking Prompto is a bonus
Hell no!
>having children when the world is overpopulated enough already
Fucking retards
post your hand on a ps4 game stack or you're just another bbc worshipper.
You can at least try though
Of course
Of course! I would raise a big happy family with my wife Kasumi and grow old together with her.
I own a switch, how else would I have enjoyed Bayonetta 2?
You already know how.
I would ask many questions including "why" and "how?"
Probably safer to get an abortion to prevent some sort of genetic abomination
Doesn't matter; knocked up Yuffie
I would most definitely have a baby with the best version of Zelda
Considering its literally everything I want...
Yes. I would stay with my waifu and out child. (and make several more.)
If there was ever one thing more pathetic than the cuck fetish it's people of one race photoshopping cattle tags on pictures of women of another race so you could pretend they're reserving themselves for your different colored dick
You're so angry lol, it's kinda cute. And I would raise Telma and mine's baby
I wish I could get pregnant bros
i can't impregnate a guy though
Try harder.
Based. How can Jap artists even compete
same waifu and same choice as you user
>looking down at her stomach like it's a burden, unable to be the warrior she wants to be
This is some sort of misogynistic fetish, isn't it?
Yeah I’m pretty based
Fuck off Dobson. Don't blow things out of proportions.
oh god oh fuck OH GOD OH FUCK OH GOD
salsita señor porfavor
I don't necessarily fap to video game charactes, I just look up doujins or pics with my fetishes and sometimes they involve vidya characters
I don't even remember the last vidya game female I jerked to
Of course
don't kegel exercises fuck male organs up?
>he doesn't know
Yes, 2 kids.
>last thing I fapped to was 2B getting BLACKED
I'll do my best to raise our child
Yes yes and Very yes
why not fuck her cloaca filled with eggs?
What if i was already masturbating to impregnated girls?
well yeah I would
You get twins.
Then you impregnate them again.
>shaundi from saints row 2
fuck no, I doubt she would either. She'd probably get an abortion so she could keep fucking everyone in stilwater.
meanwhile bobongo is having 9 children that will grow to invade a country...
yea nah
Wish I had masturbated to Reisen instead though.
If she eats it then no worries for both of us I guess.
You're in trouble now
Why is pregnant loli so fucking good?
I don’t think I’d have a choice
I guess I would
No, she already has two kids.
>Lana's Mom and/or Mallow
Hell yes
Dear God, what have I done....
Do I have a choice?
How did Magilou get pregnant tho? I only jacked off to her armpits....?
good taste
are those boob fins part of her body?
My fellow patrician.
>moved to Yea Forums
Ah fuck.
of course
You know for a thread like this i was expecting and wanting more prego art
who the fuck jacks it to video game girls
I’ll be alright
Nice one lol
I dunno, will she reproduce like octopi or humans?
I'll be OK with my alchemist waifu.
Well fuck. Is it your kid or mine?
It was on Yea Forums first, hence the lack of art.
you fertilize her eggs inside of her the she lays them
>mrw it was Zelda
Gonna fucking dislocate Yennefer’s jaw
Yes please
that can't get pregnant user
It'll be great regardless
Iris will have my baby
Sakura kasugano? Shit, hell yeah. I fucking love her
I feel like I'm screwed either way. So I might as well stay and keep fucking her, until either the psycho bitch kills me or, Snake comes looking for her.
Man that's a top tier comic, if only this guy could find out how to locate it.
He is missing out.
Dubs of truth bro. Both
I think you're the misogynistic one for viewing a female body function as a sign of weakness or inferiority. It's a beautiful and natural thing.
Y e s
>Jill Valentine
Ew why would you want a baby with that old hag
I would, but I'm definitely going to jail now.
Good girl, Princess
God her tits are great for feeding my children
That's because Lulu is better suited and deserving to bear a child
I'm white so yes ofc.
I also offer her a home and a marriage lol.
>forehead wrinkles
That’s gonna be a no for me
same if she was real and my mind was a blend of mine and zacks-#1 waifu
i get it because i only like white girls with huge asses, nothing to be mad about