Yea Forums. I start chemotherapy next week. Just 1 round

Yea Forums. I start chemotherapy next week. Just 1 round.

Should I get my hair buzzed to a 1 or a 2?

Anyone got any experience with this?

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I would recommend 2 to help avoid over drying of the scalp due to sun exposure and such but if it’s one round you may. Or even lose any hair, at all depends on which type of drugs are being administered

Thanks bro

Yeah, shave it. It'll save you the embarrassment/degression of it falling out in clumps.

Why are you doing chemotherapy?

Look into fasting and chemotherapy. Some info online says fasting or chemo on an empty stomach is more effective. Good luck bro.

What kinda cancer you got nigger?

What for? God speed user. Hope the cancer isn’t one of the more complicated ones.

I has chemo last year for a rare type of leukemia. Didn't lose any hair but got pretty sick the last 2 days, do you know what they are giving you?

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Had testicular cancer. My tumour was 98% embryonic carcinoma. Doctor says my scans after my surgery were clear as was my bloodwork. The chemo is just precautionary to ensure I am cleared out and reduce the chance of recurrence down to around 5%

It’s intravenous drugs. They said 3 types of drug. It’s 1 week Monday to Friday half day. Then one day a week on week 1 and week 2

Did they tell you how many days and what the drug they are giving you is? If it is Cladribine, I can share my experience.

What were the symptoms that got you to check if you had cancer initially?

I had a lump on my ball. Was small, harder than the rest of the testicle and a little sore.

Don’t know yet I’m afraid. Wasn’t listening to everything clearly. Was a lot to take in

I only had to do 5 days, 2 hours a day, of Cladribine infusion. The first three days, no big deal, very mild nausea. The 4th day, felt like a bad case of the flu, body aches, exhausted. The fifth day was terrible: Like running a marathon with the worst flu in my life. Fever of 102, was told to go to the emergency room but was so sick I couldn't drive. Soaked my sheets with sweat, lost 15 lbs in 5 days.

Thanks for the info. I have my birthday on day 3 and was planning to meet a few friends. Will just drink a few sodas. Will I tank out early or be ok to last until around 9pm?

When my hair started to fall out like a day after chemo I buzzed it all and shaved whatever was left.

Hope everything goes ok for you man.

I felt a bit of a lump the other day. It’s not attached to the actual testicle. It’s just sitting in the bottom of my scrotum

Depends on what they give you, I guess. Day 3 was no big deal for me. Did lose my appetite, couldn't stomach anything except watermelon. Have Tylenol around for the fever (there was none in my house when I needed it). Good luck user. I am in full remission, you will be too.

Your hair fell out on day 1? Wtf

completely buzzed, i made the mistake of not getting it cut and clumps fell out whenever i would shower

Cheers bro. Appreciate your advice. Glad to hear you’re alright.

I'm afraid to google it, because it makes me anxious. But is a lump like a big kind of half-sphere kind of thing? For example, like a pea that would be under your skill?

My left testicle is bigger and harder than my right one, but it has been like that since I was a kid. It's about 1.5-2x as big, and they both retract if get in cold water.

A lump from what I know would be pea sized or a bit larger. If your testicle is just bigger than the other that’s not a problem. Also I’m no doctor but my lump was tender. I guess yours isn’t. And if you’ve had it all your life and it was cancer you’d be dead as fuck by now. Like I said I am not a doctor but sounds like if you google it you’ll find out you’re fine. Or just go to a doc and have them feel your ball.

Buzzed to a 1?

I'm sorry to hear