Whats the point of life b

whats the point of life b

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to procreate and die

everything else inbetween is filler

good luck

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shitting feels better than sex

It's an experience, there's no real point . Do what you like....or not . Help who you can...or not . Have fun...or not

to learn and pass on what you have gained for your peers and future generations, also procreation/death

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Try to enjoy it even though thats impossible. Then die.

The point?
>disregard females
>acquire currency

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To continue the human race

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It is an experience how lucky is to be born human, a fresh race with everyone having an idea of their own. It can be anything you want it to be, eventually age will sneak up on all of us and we'll be forced to put our heads back down and work with the spotlights that once shined on us turned off.

fuck bitches git money

Whatever "fun" is for you, just do it as much as possible

to enjoy things that bring you pleasure, like hobbies, drugs, or self realization and improvement

unironically kill yourself rightoid breeder faggot

80 years of suffering followed by death. Give or take a few years depending on luck.

Making shitty threads on 4channel


I like reading, getting better and better jobs, doing science shit on dead animals in the lab, falling in love, having sex, getting blackout drunk, arguing with people, and listening to audiobooks.

Just do what you want, but stay in your lane and don’t fuck it up for the rest of us.

Not going to jail

there isint one. Just kys already OP. Just make sure to stream it tho.

>what's the point of b life

(also this )

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Learning, hedonism while balancing it with helping others

we're on b, how the fuck are we supposed to know

Its really whatever you want it to be man, nothing matters